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Saturday, February 15, 2025

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High-level conspiracy to block journalist Avi Yemini from entering NZ exposed by The BFD

Avi Yemini news

An investigation by The BFD has exposed a high level conspiracy to stop independent Australian journalist Avi Yemini from entering New Zealand last week.

The blockbuster claim was published this morning on The BFD by Cam Slater.

Yemini had intended to come to New Zealand last week to report on The Freedom and Rights Coalition Parliament Protest. However he was stopped in Australia while attempting to catch a flight over.

The BFD investigation revealed what appears to be a politically motivated collusion between the NZ Police, legacy media outlet The NZHerald and Immigration NZ to stop Yemini, and his colleague Rukshan Fernandes, from entering the country.

The highly corrupt conspiracy involved seeding negative stories about Yemini by an unnamed NZHerald journalist in the days leading up to the protest, Immigration NZ using those articles as the basis for denying Yemini entry, and the NZ Police, acting against all standard procedures and ethics, taking an active part in the process.

The police role was exposed to The BFD in leaked emails. Those emails contradict police statements to the public on the issue, and contravene Article 3 of the INTERPOL Constitution, which specifically prohibits police ‘intervention or activities of a political, military, religious or racial character’.

Read the full article here.

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  1. Jabcinda is politicising everything; police included. This strategy is the same as the FBI agents acting on a politicla agenda. Decades of politicalisation of judiciary, police, health, defense etc has resulted in a very polarised society in US. Jabcinda is just running the Go after yanks (GAY) playbook. US is heading towards fascism and we are too far of (similar to canada).

    All NZ public are under surveillance in many forms; police is taking photos of teenagers and creating a database; all household are given a unique IP address so that all internet communications and phones that are uniquely linked to an IP address can be tapped and 5eyes runs AI software on ALL communications on a daily basis; more and more push for digital identity, vax pass etc. Big Tech is given a free hand to collect data from kiwis and no law exists to force them not to store the data in US; government keeps all the data on servers owned by US even after local providers pointed out the risks.

    Jabcinda is just an agent for implementing WEF agenda. Avi Yemini & Rukshan Fernandes were NOT stopped by Switzerland and they published WEF reports on YouTube. NZ is not a sovereign country like Switzerland, which is somewhat neutral. So it is not surprising to see Jabcind’s regime does not hesitate to engage in slimy methods to stop Avi Yemini . Truth speaker Jabcinda claimed that she only knew about the ban through media. She never lied in her life, Yeah Right.

  2. These kind of actions by over enthusiastic policing, make my blood boil! Avy does a great job! This is absolutely disgusting!

  3. Excellent investigative journalism, something we have not seen on Stuff, the Herald RNZ, and television in a long time. Maybe they should take a leaf out of Cam’s book as to how to get to the bottom of a story, and apply it to the Government covid narrative. But the article raised concerns, and confirmed what thinking Kiwis already know, the police are plainly working for the Government, when they are supposed to be impartial. The maximum, no one is above the law, clearly an out of date notion under Jabinda’s rule.

    This, when we think about it, is a very scary way to live in a country supposed to be free and open to all manner of living and ideas. That the forces of law and order, now see themselves as judge and jury with impunity is concerning in the extreme. It has all the hallmarks of a police state. How we get out from under this is the question, and it needs to be answered soon. It’s not looking good while Labour holds the Government benches. It really is time for a change and it can’t come fast enough…

    • Excellent summary James. Scary isn’t it, when Police are involved in illegal activity. Is there any diff between NZ and a 3rd World banana republic?

      Problem is, getting rid of labour maybe a small win but the other mainstream parties are no better either. As a National voter, to say Luxon has been a huge disappointment is an understatement.

  4. KAPOW!!!!!!! Nothing like a bitch slap upside the head to catch these b.stards out in their lies. You better be red faced and ashamed nz police, nz herald you grubby little tabloid good luck getting anyone to believe your b.llshit now, thanks for the ammo you may remain silent and everything you say will be used against you to inform the public of your disgusting stealth moves. Best talk to the MOJ and make a point of attending her how to fly under the radar night class. Bet you could kick your own arses now that you wrote this down!!!! How very bloody dare you!!!!! We knew this about you already but to have it confirmed and validated is bloody gold!!

  5. A condom manufacturer claimed 99.9% effective. Unfortunately the condom didnt stop pregnancy. When questioned, the manufacturer pointed to a small print which said two condoms are required and there is also a booster condom for full efficacy. Even after two condoms and booster condom, another pregnancy happened. When questioned, the manufacturer replied, they started making condoms for specific pregancy such as the fifth pregnancy for safe and effective protection.

    Anyone questioning the condom manufacturer must be an extremist right winger, super spreader of misinformation, neonazi, person of bad character etc. according the Disinformation Research Project funded by the Clown World Regime. Amen.

  6. ???? Can’t you just see how this will play out nz. Bridge on the am show will bring in big ears hipkins, the police commissioner with egg on his face and of course the horse. Bridge will ask questions in which he will receive no answers for. Hipkins will throw the police under the bus and say that he cannot interfere in police business because legally he’s not allowed. The police commissioner ( you will spot him easy he’s the one with the egg on his face, and a delightful scarlet complexion) will say that he can’t comment because of ongoing investigations. And that leaves the horse of course. Bridge will ask her a question that we will never get a straight answer for she will talk and talk and as usual say absolutely nothing! Bridge might stick his gutless neck out and pretend to pressure her but she will narrow her eyes, ring her hands, gnash those teeth and say Ryan if I may, Ryan if I may finish then she will deflect and talk until the time runs out she will cut him down then do a runner. Bridge will accept this he will not make her accountable or scrutinise her as he should he’s just another chicken with a broken back

    • OK, you’re wrong. Hipkins will say he made an error in asking the police to intervene. The police will say they made a mistake in their interpretation of Hipkins request. Our equine Prime Minister will make them all a nice cup of tea. Ryan will wonder what all the fuss was about and get back to planning his holiday in Kiev. I hear it’s nice there this time of year. ????????

  7. Why do right wingers like to suck on *********** Israeli so hard, put your Scofield bibles in the fire and understand that there is no Christian Judea bond, you are cattle and they are your masters, cope harder.

    • Very true. Scofield has done a great disservice to Western Christianity. He has also trampled on the Word of God through his errant translation of Scripture. But he is not the first to go down this path regarding the State of Israel. That began in the late 17th century in Western Europe and Britain with the Restoration Movement. The American preacher, George Bush (a distant relative of the presidents) also had a part to play.

      The great irony is the Jews of the Modern State have little if any ethnic inheritance to Ancient Israel. The Eastern European Jews are in fact a tribe of Turkish-Fin origin known as the Khazars. They adopted Judaism in the 8th century, and have been conning Christians ever since. The bulk of Ancient Israel (2-3 million) was removed from the land by the Assyrians 700 years before the Advent of Christ, and later travelling west settled in Central Europe and the Western seaboard. The history of the Jews has several in-depth citings of their Khazarian beginnings in the Jewish Encyclopedia of 1906, which I have.

      It seems we have been conned and lied to so often, and for so long, it was pretty easy for Jabinda and her mates to con us as well. But be assured, the last word on this matter will not be theirs or hers. There is a much bigger player, who has been around for a lot longer than they watching it all… Peace in His Name. ????

      • We also live under their financial rule, after Oliver Cromwell sold out Britain to the (((***))) s for funding his campaign he allowed the (((***))) Merchants to return to Britain and allowed them to take control of the Reserve bank, that was the start of the fractional reserve banking system that we live under today, a system that demands infinite growth funded by debt but that system has also caused climate change, so what happens now? They are trying to switch to a carbon neutral economy with renewable energy using the FRBS system, who will win? the Climate or the Bank?

  8. New Zealand’s international reputation is really taking a hammering under Jacinda’s incompetent neo-feudal authoritarian regime.

    • Jacinda is behaving like a power-crazed tin-pot dictator and NZ Police are starting to resemble the East German Stasi. It’s like living in a dystopian horror movie.

    • I just watched that it makes you Vomit. This creature is the PM for NZ? What an arrogant POS. Fiddling with her notes, not making eye contact when Sean was asking the question. A real effing dictator. Just deny, deny, deny.

      • Apparently it’s a requirement of office to lie and obfuscate the truth, and bully the people into submission. It’s one hell of a job description, the queue for that job must be huge.. ????

  9. Look what happened to Lauren Southern and Stefan Molyneau; banned from speaking in NZ, and banned from traveling in western Sydney.
    That was about 3-4 years ago.
    Look at what has happened to the Aussie Cossack on Oz!!! (see on Telegram).
    & people are leaving NZ for Oz- that’s just changing the geographical location while still subjected to the global NWO / WEF tyranny on a worldwide scale….even though the pay is better in Oz, look at the cost of miscellaneous needs and imposed fees, stamps, etc.
    Get prepped, change your profiles to be ‘Gray Man’, and be ready.
    Those who still have some sort of firearm; hide the same and NEVER give it up!
    Do NOT answer your door or phone if it is LE or someone you don’t know!


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