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Friday, February 14, 2025

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Judge faces investigation over alleged disruption at NZ First event

Judge Ema Aitken news
Judge Aitken (L), Winston Peters (R).

The Judicial Conduct Commissioner has called for an investigation into District Court Judge Ema Aitken’s behaviour at a private New Zealand First event in November.

Aitken and her husband, Dr. David Galler, reportedly gatecrashed the event, with Aitken allegedly shouting accusations at Winston Peters during his speech and Galler confronting attendees, including Minister Casey Costello, over government policies.

The incident has prompted Attorney-General Judith Collins to refer the matter for review, with Justice Minister Paul Goldsmith now overseeing the process to avoid conflicts of interest.

Further comments on the case have been withheld pending the investigation’s outcome.

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  1. Never forget that Peter’s was responsible for facilitating the Ardern years. He’s happy to take on personal vendettas. Screw the country.

    • Yes true.

      Although perhaps Winston has now realised he was duped?

      But then again most likely not.

      As it’s turned out, It’s very easy to read the machinations of our corrupt parasitic plantation owners.

  2. NZ simply can not have a judge behaving in the manner described. She should be stood down without pay until the matter is resolved.

    • Exactly,

      An evil alcoholic communist moron who somehow became a tax-payer salaried government ‘judge’.

      How does this even happen?

      These depraved corrupt parasitic cretins can no longer be tolerated, obviously.

    • In fairness, she should be fired immediately.

      How on earth are these brainless extreme-woke-leftist scumbags even appointed as judges?

  3. This reeks of a Zionist Op, sowing disruption and false accusations towards the people that she and her Doctor Hubby gate-crashed.
    ALL of her judgements should now be reviewed to determine how she has ruled in court cases.
    If that happens, I’ll bet that she ruled in favour of those who are J3w$, and went disgustingly harsh on those who are not.
    Also…all one has to do is ask; “who benefits from her rulings, and gate-crashing?’
    Those small undersized hatters with the black square box of Saturn (Satan) 666 on their fore-heads who occupy the most expensive real estate in Aotearoa; THEY who exert quiet unseen power over the Parliament at different times and political phases?
    Say it ain’t so…!

    • With all respect, I think you’re reading too much into this.

      The judge in question is simply a typical (drunk obviously) indoctrinated woke retard.

  4. Note the mention of ‘J3wi$h Parents of Polish Descent’…towards the bottom of the article.
    I guess if you’re J3wi$h, that carte-blanc for entry into law school, medical school, and being formulated to future employment as a CEO to run the top 50 companies here in Aotearoa…
    After all, we had a J3wi$h PM who gave another J3wi$h high roller who bought a vast tract of land NZ Citizenship after only 5 days here in country.
    And that particular ‘CEO’ brought with him the tools for electronic surveillance while the former PM enacted draconian covert and sneaky home intrusions without warrants…kinda like what happens to Palestinians daily over the past 70+ years.

  5. The true nature of this Judge is on full display. She can not be trusted to be fair and reasonable. All her rulings can now be called into question. She must be stood down immediately.

  6. I say good on the judge. Has Winnie got thin skin all of a sudden? Hes happy tearing shreds of any and everyone. What goes around comes around.

    No need for an inquiry.

    When is he calling for the jabs to be halted? Isn’t that what alot of his supporters votes for?


  7. No need for an expensive public enquiry.

    This is all very obvious.

    An alcoholic lefty judge gets completely drunk and makes an embarrassing public spectacle of herself.

    Possibly it’s time for the judge in question to retire on her gigantic tax-payer funded pension.


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