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Large number of new primary teachers lack basic maths and science qualifications – study

Primary education news
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Recent research by the Institute of Economic Research reveals a concerning trend among newly appointed primary school teachers.

The study, which analysed the school qualifications of primary teachers who began their careers between 2017 and 2022, found that 25% of them did not achieve the required 14 credits in NCEA Level 1 maths.

58% of the teachers failed to meet the same standard in Level 1 science, highlighting a significant knowledge gap in subjects that are considered basic for 15-year-olds in the country.

Sarah Hogan, the deputy chief executive of the Institute told state media it was important for teachers to have a solid understanding of these subjects to effectively educate students. She said there was a lack of ‘deep knowledge’ in maths and science, which can lead to low confidence among teachers, potentially causing them to avoid teaching challenging aspects of these subjects.

The problem is not new, as similar issues with teacher qualifications in these areas were identified in research conducted two decades ago. Hogan suggests that the government is taking steps to address these issues by tightening the curriculum and recommends that teachers receive standardised resources and support to improve their lesson planning and teaching methods.

The study also suggested that while some teachers excel, with nearly a quarter obtaining merit or excellence endorsements in Level 1 English and significant numbers achieving similar results in maths and science, the overall trend is worrying. Many primary teachers enter their initial teacher education with substantial gaps in their knowledge of the subjects, compounded by negative experiences and anxiety related to teaching them.

Image credit: Unsplash+

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  1. Perhaps we should outsource our education system to Russian, who excel in maths and science. From your article it seems like some of our teachers would only be assistants or cleaners in advanced countries.

  2. I posted some thoughts about education standards on the local Bookface site and got many many replies telling me how hard working and dedicated teachers were but they went silent when I asked them why children needed a calculator for petty arithmetic, the crux of the problem is that the teachers don’t know it either and therefore can’t teach it.

  3. I posted some thoughts about education standards on the local Bookface site and got many many replies telling me how hard working and dedicated teachers were but they went silent when I asked them why children needed a calculator for petty arithmetic, the crux of the problem is that the teachers don’t know it either and therefore can’t teach it.

  4. No mention is made about the dismal knowledge of history.
    REAL history and social wisdom, not the propaganda that has characterized history curriculi since after WW2 in the Western world.
    Therefore Kiwis will have to learn the hard way, what generations of Europeans have experienced before, at least before the mid 1900’s.
    Our education system is a system where people are not educated, because educated people would not be so dumb to vote for a red/blue charade show. They would realize that they are cattle in the paddock New Zealand, shorn by oversea bankster owners, herded by Kiwiland farm managers. And that’s exactly what we increasingly have become: a profitable farmlet for globalist agendas.
    Local and national government are the wardens.
    We are the cattle.

  5. Primary education is bad in all western societies. First of all discipine is gone . It started to degrade badly in the 70 when ” new liberal education systems” were introduced. And basic ” drill” based on repetition- needed to learn- were abolished

    • Discipline and repetition.
      Any scholar knows that.
      Any decent parent knows that.
      Any animal trainer knows that.
      And any society based on humanistic principles knows that.
      But as this learning system has been honed by humanity’s male component, introduced feminism has perverted education too.
      Have you seen the gendered staff role of any school lately, especially primary schools? Have you seen the books of which children get their views about family and society from?
      Pure mind pollution!

      • Feminism was necessary to liberate women from abusive male practices such as paying much less for the same work. Feminism was and is meant to advance fair sharing of ressoures and work load. You could call it respect for the “weaker” sex.
        But i agree that education system should not meddle in family ( or others ) relationships
        The task of education is priarily to teach reading, writing and counting essentials to be able to further any education. And that is not done properly anywhere in western societies. Not even in privates schools

        • Sure, feminism in its original concept was to eventuate equality in regard to work remuneration and social standing.
          However, and you got that right too, it has its dark side, evident in ‘education’ and the disfranchised outcome for males. The ideology was pushed too far and is so intrusive that especially the West with its recent history of feminism is suffering on many fronts.
          We could write books about that (and many more will be written as events unfold), but the damage is done and has far more consequences in seemingly totally unrelated areas than most people realize.
          ‘We live in interesting times.’

          • sure, i agree with you. There are ” forces” behind all this that want to destroy traditional societies.
            Not only males are ” attacked” but women as well and hard fought women’s right through LGTB movement, the abomination of ” surrogate” mothers etc. Forces lead by mostly J ***sh ” sponsors attacking humanity on all fronts. And we and our kids will have to fight hard not to be anihilated. They already bought the likes of ardern, macron and all ” young global leaders” to push for the destruction of nations and their populations

  6. Our schools are full of teachers that are failed students who tell us to pay them more or they will go overseas and make big bucks, charter schools will sort this out, let the free market in and the problem will sort itself our, crap teachers will make crap money and people with skills will move in to make good money for good results.


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