Police have today executed a search warrant at a property in Flat Bush following a complaint of vandalism on the rainbow pedestrian crossing on Karangahape Road this morning.
Auckland City Central Area Commander, Inspector Grant Tetzlaff, says Police made a number of enquiries into the incident this afternoon and located items of interest.
“Police attended an address in Flat Bush, which was believed to be linked to the owners of the registered vehicle.
“As a result of our enquiries, a number of items were seized.
“However, Police are yet to locate the vehicle involved.”
The Police investigation into the incident remains ongoing.
“We are calling on those responsible for this incident to come forward and speak with us.
“We are aware of the hurt and confusion from the community at what has occurred and we want to reassure the public we are committed to holding those involved to account,” Inspector Tetzlaff says.
“Police have no tolerance for reports of this nature, which appear to directly target a particular sector of our diverse community, and we are treating this as a hate crime.”
As our enquiries are ongoing, Police continue to ask anyone with information on the vehicle or persons pictured to contact Police via the 105 phone service or online using Update My Report.
Please reference file number 240328/6111.
Information can also be provided anonymously via Crime Stoppers on 0800 555 111.
“Police have no tolerance for reports of this nature, which appear to directly target a particular sector of our diverse community, and we are treating this as a hate crime.”
From the NZ police website: https://www.police.govt.nz/
“What is a hate-motivated crime?
There are currently no specific offences called ‘hate crime’ in New Zealand law but you should always tell Police if you think you (or another person or group) were targeted because of your race, religion, gender identity, sexuality, age, disability, or any other part of your identity. …
What is a hate-motivated incident?
This is when something happens to you that was motivated by hate that was not ok, but it is also not illegal.”
Couldn’t make this up, could you? On hang on, they just did!
Oh for goodness sake. We’ve had a gutsful of rainbow bloody flags. Expect to see this more often. The silent majority has had enough.
I would like to see the police apprehend some of the shoplifters my family have to deal with in their retail store – that’s an actual crime where people steal and others are sometimes physically hurt.
Our police have become woke and pathetic. 😡
Not enough thugs to pursue ??
The Police are woketards. Painting the bloody thing rainbow is also a hate crime.
The new state religion will be defended at all costs, hey?
“We are aware of the hurt and confusion from the community…”
You clearly haven’t spoken to anyone actually in the community, I’ve seen nothing but praise for this action.
Skirt-wearing man babies who assault women’s rights advocates and little old ladies DO NOT count as “Muh community”.
Out of touch and out of your minds as usual.
But yeah whatever, keep up the good work censoring us and hunting us down like criminals. That will DEFINITELY change our minds 😒👍
+1 well said…..
I see we now have at least 10 maybe more police and a paddy wagon protecting the newly painted over Gisborne rainbow crossing.
Good to see what police priorities are. Honestly I have no respect for the cops anymore. Their appalling behaviour at the protest and now this.
Anyway they can’t protect the crossing forever, it will be destroyed again and again u til it is finally removed for good. We won’t stop until tall the crossings are gone.
Shoving all this Sh1t down our throats day in and day out is a pendulum swung too far. Any good will that was gained over the last 20 years is gone. We aren’t interested in your sick perverted ways, you should have kept it to yourselves. We could tolerate you but obviously you still crave for more attention and you cross the line when you go after the kids.
We’re claiming back the rainbow like it was before a bunch of mentally ill attention seeking childless perma victims ruin it any further.
I’m sure their full resources will come into play solving this “sort of” crime. Meanwhile granny better get an extra lock for that door, cause it might be a cold day in hell before anyone comes to her aid….right?
Suffice to say policing in NZ like the UK has, in my opinion, descended to Monty Python-esque levels…shame none of us find it even slightly amusing….