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Monday, March 10, 2025

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UK ‘celebrity’ doctors pushing COVID jabs on TV did not disclose payments from AstraZeneca

AstraZeneca news
Phillippa Kaye (L), Ranj Singh (C), and Nighat Arif (R).

A call for investigation by the pharmaceutical watchdog has been made after several well-known doctors discussed the Covid vaccine on television without revealing payments from AstraZeneca.

In recent weeks, prominent doctors have appeared on prime-time TV in the UK to debate the AstraZeneca vaccine, without informing viewers of their past financial ties to the company.

In April, AstraZeneca acknowledged in court that its Covid vaccine could, in what it said were ‘rare cases’, cause severe side effects. The subsequent month saw the global withdrawal of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine, sparking renewed public discourse, with celebrity doctors being invited to discuss the implications on TV.

Dr. Ranj Singh, a frequent BBC contributor, received £22,500 from AstraZeneca in 2021. Despite this, he did not disclose these payments when discussing the vaccine’s safety on BBC’s Morning Live last month. The BBC stated they were unaware of the payments prior to the show but have since addressed the issue.

Similarly, Dr. Nighat Arif, known for her pandemic appearances on BBC Breakfast, was paid £10,000 by AstraZeneca in 2022. In April, she discussed the vaccine’s rare side effects on ITV’s This Morning, reassuring viewers about the low risks. ITV maintained that Dr. Arif’s analysis was balanced and based on government-published information.

Dr. Phillipa Kaye, who received £12,500 from AstraZeneca in 2020 and £9,000 in 2022, was active on social media, promoting the vaccine. In April 2021, she highlighted the benefits versus risks of the vaccine, comparing the low risk of vaccine-related clots to the higher risks associated with Covid-19 itself.

According to a report in the UK Telegraph, pharmaceutical regulator Alex Fell has been urged to investigate potential breaches of the ABPI code of practice, which mandates that contracts with doctors include clauses for disclosure of such payments. The ABPI code requires doctors to declare their financial ties when speaking publicly about related matters. Breaches are handled by the Prescription Medicines Code of Practice Authority (PMCPA).

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  1. It’s high time scumbags like Baker and Wiles’ books were opened up for investigation of payments from big pHarma also.

  2. What to say, hey ? living off other people’s misery, it seems to be never enough.
    Saling their soul to the devil for a few thousands. The eternal returning story

  3. Evil corrupt quacks.

    Gigantic fines and very long prison sentences await these disgusting turds hopefully.

    If not eternal damnation will suffice.

    And let’s not forget Ardern, Hipkins, Bloomfield, Baker, Wiles etc.

    Their day of reckoning fast approaches.

    • Most members of the medical establishment think they are the ” keepers” of the truth.
      Neither humility nor humanity. And money hungry, hungry…

  4. These scumbags should go to the gallows as should or local Dr ‘Mengele’ Baker and his ilk.

  5. And the moral of this story, trust your own common sense and judgement, ABOVE ALL ELSE. When I heard the vaccines were experimental and that the manufacturers were indemnified against harm, in spite of being called safe and effective, my rational mind kicked in and I said “NO”. Looking too at the demographics for mortality, it became even clearer to me, that my decision, was the right one.

  6. Its the tip of the iceberg, some articles I have read say that Doctor’s in the states got paid for jabs they administered if they met their targets.

  7. Which just go’s to show what most of us have always suspected, is that Doctor’s do get paid to push the drug company’s product.

  8. New laws required so ‘experts’ are required to disclose all conflicts of interest before stating their opinions in public. Failure to do so resulting in large fines and/or prison time.

    This will help flush out the medical and climate change grifters, or at the very least help keep them honest.

  9. Everyone who promoted the vax got paid. The surprising part is how cheaply most of them sold out for. Now they have to find out how to live the rest of their lives on £20,000 or $50,000 because their jobs are gone. There are still hundreds of them sweating in the background hoping they will be passed over. They knew what they did when they did it.
    Good riddance to the whole stinking pile of them.

  10. Pull their licences to practice medicine, as they have knowingly violated their oath.
    Then open their books, accounts (both domestically & offshore) and then criminally charge as necessary for defrauding the public and violating the Nuremburg Code and Patient Rights.

  11. More to come for the grifters.
    The Most Important Case No MSM Reports On
    ‘This case, while allegedly only about covid vaccine mandates, is anything but, due to the… perversion of what vaccines actually are and are not, (and) the intentional fraud upon the public put forward by the FDA, CDC and others that go well beyond covid but also reach behind it by decades and the implications for same…
    But at the root of the issue in this case is the fraud inherent in how the covid shots were portrayed. The manufacturers themselves fell all over themselves claiming near and in some cases actual 100% efficiency against contracting and spreading the disease, as did myriad public officials including President Biden who infamously stated on national television that “if you take these shots you will not get Covid.”
    These statements were lies.
    Plaintiffs claim that the CDC changed the definition of “vaccine” in September 2021, striking the word “immunity.” Thus, they argue, the CDC conceded that the COVID-19 vaccine is not a “traditional vaccine.” They also cite CDC statements that say the vaccine does not prevent transmission….’


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