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Wednesday, March 5, 2025

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Guy Hatchard
Guy Hatchardhttps://hatchardreport.com/
Guy Hatchard PhD is a statistician and former senior manager at Genetic ID, a global food safety testing and certification laboratory. Guy's book 'Your DNA Diet' is available on Amazon.com.

Baby W: Unfounded prejudice is gripping the nation. Misleading government publicity is to blame

I am not sure how much more I can add to the debate about the case of baby W, except to say that the situation has turned nasty.

NOTE: The Care of Children Act 2004 prohibits publication of particulars that may lead to the identification of Baby W.

Here are two sincere parents who have already been traumatised by the heart condition of their four month old which necessitates an operation. They would like unvaccinated blood to be used and they arranged for matching donors. 

But the surgeon and the NZ health system have refused this easy option. Instead they decided to go for the jugular. They are seeking custody of the child to enforce the use of blood from the public blood bank. They are refusing to admit that studies finding persistence of spike protein indicate any risk. An extreme position. It is of note, as we have previously written, that even pro-vaccine advocates overseas are admitting the existence of novel blood clots, (whilst arguing implausibly that their causes are unknown). 

For two years now, vaccine advocates have been asking for separation between the vaccinated and unvaccinated. Expressing a deep (yet unfounded) fear of the unvaccinated. Even seeking to avoid breathing the same air. This has been encouraged by government publicity. Now they want the unvaccinated to exclusively and compulsorily receive vaccinated blood transfusions. 

Both national dailies have decided to demonise the parents, abandoning all semblance of humane compassion. There can’t be any greater condemnation of the effect of vaccination. Apparently it makes people angry and uncaring. 

At a time when the parents deserve understanding and support, all semblance of recognition of the provision of medical choice in the NZ Bill of Rights has been abandoned. Medical choice is off the table and it is open season for vicious attacks on the unvaccinated.

The uneducated hysteria involved is frankly frightening. Instead of listening to government inspired rants, read the studies published in international journals. There is a gulf widening between government messaging and the content of Covid science journal publishing. mRNA vaccination poses definable and significant risks for health. These are not small. To people keeping up with the science, they are very concerning.

Baby W has a heart condition. It is admitted by our government that heart inflammation—myopericarditis—is a risk of vaccination. It is admitted that some studies indicate persistence of spike protein in the blood. So why on earth would the government insist there is no risk? This is further evidence of a bunker mentality and a hint of madness.

For more information and well referenced discussion, go to HatchardReport.com.

Guy Hatchard PhD was formerly a senior manager at Genetic ID a food testing and certification company (now known as FoodChain ID). Website: HatchardReport.com.

Guy is the author of ‘Your DNA Diet: Leveraging the Power of Consciousness To Heal Ourselves and Our World. An Ayurvedic Blueprint For Health and Wellness’.

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of DTNZ.

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  1. Let the surgeons and blood transfusion authorities demonstrate that there is no spike protein present in the blood to be used.
    This should be technically quite simple.
    It would be unethical to use contaminated blood.

  2. This must be a propaganda stunt on behalf of the Govt. and Medical industry when the parents all ready have blood donors lined up to provide blood that’s the problem solved right there. The fact that the govt and Med Industry are the ones putting up a road block proves that this is not about saving the baby’s life but about politics and pushing Jabcinda’s globalist agenda.

  3. There is something definitely going on since people started receiving the vaccine. I know of 4 people that I used to work with. 2 have been diagnosed with aggressive cancer…needing urgent surgery and 2 on chemo. These individuals were previously very healthy and I have known them for years without any health issues. Is this a coincidence? I am becoming more and more convinced that something is not right.
    I do pray that the right thing be done for this poor child and pray for strength for him and his parents.

  4. The precautionary principle should always be paramount in such cases.

    It’s truly stunning that the corporate media and some medical professionals have decided to discard medical ethics in favour of irrational unscientific groupthink.

    I really feel for baby Will’s parents trapped in this grotesque Kafkaesque nightmare.

  5. They can have very good service with this particular requirement met by having it done in a private hospital in South Africa. I am happy to bring them in contact with cardiologist Professor Susan Vosloo who has been warning of the cardiac risks of the clot shot. It will make NZ’s Menegele style Clinicians look backward…

  6. When ‘kind’ is used as a noun in german language it means ‘child’. The pronunciation has a short ‘i’, as in ‘wind’. On paper, or on screen however, there is no distinction so perhaps those teutonic pedos read a wonderful opportunity is here.

  7. My business was going to give it’s annual christmas donation to Starship hospital.
    Not anymore!
    More likely the Salvation Army

  8. Whatever happened to medical ethics and informed consent?

    Obviously the parents should make the final decision. After it all it is they who have to live with the consequences and the ultimate medical outcome for THIER child.

    They are quite reasonably simply requesting a ‘direct blood transfusion’. This shouldn’t even be in debate let alone the high court.


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