16.2 C
Sunday, June 23, 2024


Watch: Thousands protest in Europe against Covid passes

Sporadic clashes broke out at massive Saturday demonstrations in major European cities, as thousands of people took to the streets of Vienna, Paris and...

Djokovic will only be allowed to play Australian Open if vaccinated – reports

The world's number one ranked men's tennis player is a vocal opponent of mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations, and has repeatedly maintained his "freedom of choice"...

The politician who’s used Covid to restrict people’s rights to an unprecedented level strikes again

Victoria Premier Dan Andrews’ attempt to introduce repressive new pandemic legislation in the Australian state is the latest misstep in a response to the...

‘They are not the same people, on any level anymore’: Case 10 Aussie Frontline Workers Speak Out

Case 10: ‘They are not the same people anymore, on any level’ In this series dailytelegraph.co.nz brings you testimony from frontline health workers, doctors, nurses,...

Watch: Riots erupt in French territory of Guadeloupe in response to COVID lockdown

France is to send 200 extra police to deal with days of rising violence and tensions in its overseas territory of Guadeloupe. The disorder comes...

Former national leader in healthcare quality and safety: science says vaccine passports won’t work

I am a recently retired anaesthetic specialist and I have worked in New Zealand public hospitals for 30 years. I have also been a significant...

Science Update: Are the unvaccinated more vulnerable to catching covid than the vaccinated as advised by government guidelines?

The latest European COVID figures contain a cautionary message for our government. Yesterday’s media reported that Gibraltar, with 100% of its population vaccinated (plus booster...

Watch: ‘We’re not getting the truth’ – Aussie tennis great Pat Cash livid his mum’s COVID jab injury was not reported

In a recent interview Australian tennis great Pat Cash expresses his anger and frustration over his mother's recent experience with the COVID jab. Questions have...

‘Most vaccinated’ place on earth cancels Christmas

Amid a surge in Covid-19 cases, Gibraltar has canceled official Christmas events and “strongly” discouraged people from hosting private gatherings for four weeks. Gibraltar’s...

FBI and CDC investigate ‘smallpox’ vials at big pharma facility – media

The FBI and CDC have launched a probe after several “questionable vials” labeled as “smallpox” were discovered in a freezer at a lab near...

‘No nuts McAnulty’: Kiwis unload on Labour Whip as he calls for review of MP security

Kiwis have vented their frustration at Labour Chief Whip Kieran McAnulty. The Wairarapa MP was recently confronted by a male pro-choice supporter while out and...

Russian MMA fighter ‘kills doctor after stabbing him with animal bone in Covid vaccine row’

A Russian MMA fighter has been arrested after allegedly stabbing and killing a local doctor in Guam when a heated debate over Covid vaccinations...

Guy Hatchard: Fact-checking Bloomfield’s press conference 16 November 2021

This morning Dr. Ashley Bloomfield hosted a press conference and explained how the government felt vaccination rates will affect outcomes. Guy Hatchard PhD fact...

‘Our patients are deteriorating more quickly’: Case 8 Aussie Frontline Workers Speak Out

Case 8: ‘Our patients are deteriorating more quickly’ In this series dailytelegraph.co.nz brings you testimony from frontline health workers, doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, psychiatrists, speaking out...

Watch: Top Canadian Immunologist Byram Bridle: The more vaxed a country is, the more problems it has with COVID

In this must-watch video, Dr. Byram Bridle, Viral Immunologist and Associate Professor at Guelph University in Canada explains why countries with high jab rates...

Calling out James Nokise’s COVID Wellington protest misinformation

Responding to James Nokise's opinion piece published today on state-funded COVID propaganda unit Stuff.co.nz. Like most legacy mainstream media hacks, Nokise has a poor...

‘Let’s Go Brandern!’ Ardern video ratioed on YouTube as kiwis vent anger at PM

A YouTube video of Jacinda Ardern published by legacy mainstream media outlet NZ Herald on 6 November has been seriously 'ratioed'. The video, entitled 'Full...

‘Each day we are seeing the Emergency Department full’: Case 7 Aussie Frontline Workers Speak Out

Case 7: ‘Each day we are seeing the Emergency Department full’ In this series dailytelegraph.co.nz brings you testimony from frontline health workers, doctors, nurses, physiotherapists,...

‘This amount of death is unheard of’: Case 6 Aussie Frontline Workers Speak Out

Case 6: 'This amount of death is unheard of' In this series dailytelegraph.co.nz brings you testimony from frontline health workers, doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, psychiatrists, speaking...

Watch: Yale Professor – It’s better to home-school your healthy kids than vax them

One of the America's most cited epidemiologist, Professor Harvey Risch of Yale University says parents should home-school rather than jab their kids. Professor Risch was...

Robin Cox: An Open Letter to All NZ MPs

Dear MPs You are responsible for determining the future of this great country through your actions during the next two weeks. Empathy is one of...

Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate ‘excommunicates’ Pope Francis over mRNA and COP26 dispute

A small Ukrainian church, the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate (BCP) Church has excommunicated Pope Francis over claims the Pope is committing heresy in encouraging vaccination...

‘Flaring pains all over the body’: Case 5 Aussie Frontline Workers Speak Out

Case 5: ‘Flaring pains all over the body’ In this series dailytelegraph.co.nz brings you testimony from frontline health workers, doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, psychiatrists, speaking out...

Jacinda Ardern’s ‘small group’ delusion

On Wednesday we reported on how Jacinda Ardern was forced to cancel a visit to a Whanganui jab centre because a crowd of angry...

‘Our acupuncture needles are swimming in tissue’: Case 4 Aussie Frontline Workers Speak Out

Case 4: ‘Our acupuncture needles are swimming in tissue’ In this series dailytelegraph.co.nz brings you testimony from frontline health workers, doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, psychiatrists, speaking...

Watch: UK undertaker – There are ’10 times more dead babies’

In an interview with the GB Resistance channel on YouTube alternative Odysee, a UK undertaker named Wesley talks about the distressing things he has...

The Many Mysteries of COVID – Dr. Phil Greer

Dr. Phil Greer, a distinguished Australian engineer puts his extensive experience and research skills to use in an investigation into COVID-19. The result is...

‘It is a pattern of pain for the jabbed’: Case 3 Aussie Frontline Workers Speak Out

Case 3: ‘It is a pattern of pain for the jabbed’ In this series dailytelegraph.co.nz brings you testimony from frontline health workers, doctors, nurses, physiotherapists,...

Chicago judge puts temporary hold on vax mandate for cops

Cook Country Circuit Court Judge Raymond Mitchell has put a temporary block on a planned vax mandate for Chicago police officers. The judge said the...

FDA approves Pfizer jab for kids, but even they don’t seem sure it’s safe

American children have no choice but to act as experimental test subjects for the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine to determine the jab’s safety, the Food...

Des Gorman’s bizzare plan to eliminate potential civil disobedience by creating actual civil disobedience

OPINION: In a statement made to legacy mainstream media today, University of Auckland emeritus professor of medicine Des Gorman believes that Auckland is on...

UK study finds rate of transmission of Delta among jabbed similar among unjabbed

A recent study suggests that vaccines are 'not sufficient' in preventing the spread of the Delta variant, with rates between jabbed and unjabbed similar. The...

‘Every third or fourth patient is coming in with an adverse reaction’: Case 2 Aussie Frontline Workers Speak Out

Case 2: ‘Every third or fourth patient is coming in with an adverse reaction’ In this series dailytelegraph.co.nz brings you testimony from frontline health workers,...

Watch: UK pundit Lucy Beresford’s deranged plan to take away freedoms from the unvaccinated

A British TV personality, Lucy Beresford, has advocated the forced removal of human rights from unvaccinated people. Beresford, co-founder of the ironically named 'Kindness Club',...

Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccines totally ineffective against A.30 Coronavirus variant

A German study released this week has found that the A.30 variant of the Coronavirus effectively evades the protection afforded by the Pfizer and...

‘Clients are quite literally dying’: Case 1 Aussie Frontline Workers Speak Out

Case 1: 'Clients are quite literally dying' In this series dailytelegraph.co.nz brings you testimony from frontline health workers, doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, psychiatrists, speaking out as...

Legacy mainstream media trying to suppress and mislead the public about the Sovereign Hikoi of Truth

Legacy mainstream media outlets NZ Herald and Stuff.co.nz scrambling to maintain government propaganda pro-jab narrative in the face of the growing grassroots movement Sovereign...

Watch: Police fail to stop Sovereign Hikoi of Truth at Auckland border

Footage has emerged on Twitter via Counterspin Media of the Sovereign Hikoi of Truth convoy being stopped by police at the Auckland border. The convoy,...

Sovereign Hikoi of Truth leave Rotorua tonight for Waitangi

Freedom movement the Sovereign Hikoi of Truth (S.H.O.T.) leave Rotorua this evening. The group plans to reach the Auckland border by midnight for a planned...

Watch: Video of vaccine blood clot victim Cienna Knowles on Tik Tok goes viral

A video of Cienna Knowles, who claims to have suffered severe blood clots as a result of Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine has gone viral. Knowles, an...

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