16.2 C
Sunday, June 23, 2024


It’s Love, Not Fear, That Will Get Us Through the Covid Crisis

Recently, a jaw-dropping statistic has been promoted in the mainstream media in Australia: “If you’re vaccinated, 200x less risk of infecting you.” This...

The compulsion of myths—we are in extraordinary times, but of whose making?

Our modern education system, the popular digests of science, the exciting film fantasies have created a dream vision of the future that rests easy...

Vaccine policies: Are they lawful?

This post is about whether people can be treated adversely in their employment for their refusal to be vaccinated. This post does not address...

Why Haven’t New Zealand’s Politicians and Vaccine Experts Ever Publicly Debated the NZDSOS?

Author’s note: No one asked me to write this. Though I’ve contacted various individuals in my own desire to initiate a public debate, I...

‘Surely it’s not from the vaccine’: Case 15 Aussie Frontline Workers Speak Out

Case 15: ‘Surely it's not from the vaccine’ In this series dailytelegraph.co.nz brings you testimony from frontline health workers, doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, psychiatrists, speaking out...

Covid pass now law in England despite Tory rebellion

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson faced a rebellion in his own party on Tuesday, as around 100 Conservative MPs refused to support a vote...

David Farrier, Racial Profiling and Hypocrisy

Daily Telegraph Editor Malcolm Dreaneen responds to blog post of David Farrier. On Saturday 11 December I read a blog post by David Farrier entitled...

First US soldiers get the boot for refusing Covid vax

Over two dozen US Air Force service members have been discharged for refusing to get vaccinated against Covid-19 – the first in the US...

Mass protests against Covid-19 restrictions hit eastern Germany

Thousands of people took the streets of multiple cities in the former East Germany to express their dismay at coronavirus restrictions and vaccine mandates...

Watch: Protesters march against vaccine mandate in Munich

A protest was held on Wednesday against a pending vaccine mandate and other pandemic-related restrictions in Munich, Germany’s third-largest city. The country’s new government...

Watch: ‘Reeks of evilness’ – ‘Vax the Nation’ rap draws ire of YouTube users

A video on YouTube entitled, 'Vax the Nation' by Dr. J & Randa has drawn the ire of YouTube users, one of whom stated...

Covid19: The case of the dissolving seat belt

A simple ask for a simple task with an easily provable outcome: seat-belts save lives so buckle up! Perhaps difficult to comprehend today, resistance...

Watch: ‘The vaccine is responsible for my sister’s death’ – family member speaks out

In a video circulating on social media, a kiwi woman talks publicly about the death of her sister following the 'vaccine'. We have transcribed the...

Watch: Mass protests in Austria against forced lockdown of the unjabbed

A wave of massive ant-government protests has swept across Austria, the first country in the EU to enforce lockdowns against the unjabbed only. Signs at...

Guy Hatchard: Pfizer document concedes that there is a large increase in types of adverse event reaction to its vaccine

Document released by Pfizer apparently as a result of a Freedom Of Information court order in the USA reveals a vast array of...

Case #3 Pandemic of stupidity: Waikanae Golf Club

A month ago we reported on the progressive and common sense approach of Waikanae company Goodman Contracting in adopting a 'pro-choice' policy towards the...

A letter to our Prime Minister

Dear Jacinda, I am a New Zealander, a mother and a grandmother. The closest I have been to you was when we jigged side by side...

‘Have seen many adverse reactions to the Covid vaccine’: Case 14 Aussie Frontline Workers Speak Out

Case 14: ‘Have seen many adverse reactions to the Covid vaccine’ In this series dailytelegraph.co.nz brings you testimony from frontline health workers, doctors, nurses, physiotherapists,...

Thousands of US airmen miss vaccine deadline

Over 10,000 Air National Guard and Reserve troops have not taken the mandatory Covid-19 jabs, the US Air Force has said as the vaccination...

60,000 scientists and doctors sign Great Barrington Declaration calling for ‘focussed protection’ in dealing with COVID

60,000 doctors and scientists have now signed The Great Barrington Declaration. Nearly 900,000 signatures in total have been submitted as awareness of the declaration...

Guy Hatchard: Time is running out for our children

Yesterday the government announced that they would begin vaccinating 5 to 11 year olds before the end of January 2022. WHY? We examine the...

Big Pharma unites Americans in disdain

Most Americans of all political persuasions distrust large pharmaceutical companies, think their priority is profit and not helping people, and believe they have too...

Watch: Hipkins – ‘We’re now well-advanced in our planning to roll out vaccines for 5 to 11 year olds’

Health Minister Chris Hipkins announces the government's intention to roll out the experimental mRNA jab for 5 to 11 year olds by January 2022. In...

The Long Read: Jacinda Ardern, science, and covid mandates events, facts, and fallacies

We Didn’t See the Rocky Road Ahead Yesterday morning I woke up to some unwelcome news. My best friend from university days has passed away....

The Covid vaccine mandates: A trauma-informed perspective

I find that the Covid crisis has illuminated a number of aspects of human nature—both what you might call our “darker” tendencies, including scapegoating,...

Why vaccine mandates may increase COVID deaths

The New Zealand Government has passed a series of laws under urgency, which are intended to reduce the spread of COVID, stop our health...

‘His platelets were literally completely wiped out’: Case 13 Aussie Frontline Workers Speak Out

Case 13: ‘His platelets were literallty completely wiped out’ In this series dailytelegraph.co.nz brings you testimony from frontline health workers, doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, psychiatrists, speaking...

Are vaccine mandates ethical as Dr Elizabeth Fenton suggests in yesterday’s Newsroom piece?

Dr. Fenton is a lecturer in bioethics and her opinion has been highlighted by Newsroom as part of a Covid-19 Masterclass series being promoted...

Leo Molloy shot down for anti-jab hate speech

Leo Molloy, an Auckland restaurant owner with aspirations to become mayor of the city, has been shot down on Twitter for a rabid anti-jab...

‘Scans showed a massive blood clot in his bowel’: Case 12 Aussie Frontline Workers Speak Out

Case 12: ‘Scans showed a massive blood clot in his bowel’ In this series dailytelegraph.co.nz brings you testimony from frontline health workers, doctors, nurses, physiotherapists,...

Coster welcomes mandatory experimental mRNA jabs for NZ cops

All Police constabulary staff, authorised officers and recruits will be required to be vaccinated against COVID-19. The announcement was welcomed by Police Commissioner Andrew Coster....

The schizophrenia of fear

When society is faced with an imminent threat of annihilation, ancient means of defence are invoked. Five essential elements are especially evident in history—a...

Covid strain ‘worse than Delta’ found in 3 countries

Scientists are sounding the alarm, as what could be the most highly-evolved strain of the coronavirus has been discovered in patients in different parts...

‘More cases than ever’: Covid vaccines ‘have not worked’, claims Conor McGregor

UFC icon Conor McGregor has said that Covid vaccines aren't working – days after blaming "hypocritical" governments rather than the unjabbed for a new...

Crisis in Slovenia? Whistleblower nurse says politicians receive saline instead of mRNA jab

The eastern European country of Slovenia a person purporting to be a whistleblower nurse claims that politicians and other high ranking citizens receive saline...

‘One patient per shift with a vaccine injury’: Case 11 Aussie Frontline Workers Speak Out

Case 11: ‘One patient per shift with a vaccine injury’ In this series dailytelegraph.co.nz brings you testimony from frontline health workers, doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, psychiatrists,...

Are the NZ media under-reporting adverse events from the Pfizer vaccine?

A week ago the NZ Herald reported on the adverse events New Zealanders had from the Pfizer vaccine, using medsafe data . Regarding the data,...

Watch: More video of huge Aussie anti-government protests

Protesters thronged the streets of Australian cities on Saturday, demanding an end to what they called the “tyranny” and “oppression” of lockdowns, vaccine mandates,...

Watch: Swedish study bombshell – COVID jab spike proteins enter cells and ‘shear’ human DNA in half

A recent study out of Sweden suggests Covid-19 vax spike proteins have the ability to enter the nucleus of human cells and damage DNA. In...

Do the unvaccinated have scrambled brains as NZ media suggests?

There are two mainstream national newspapers in New Zealand, the NZ Herald and Stuff. Both have vigorously supported the government’s vaccination programme wholeheartedly, without reservation...

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