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Sunday, September 29, 2024


Watch: Djokovic claims first win of the season ahead of Australian Open

The Serbian star began 2023 in the best possible way. Novak Djokovic appears to be in top form ahead of his return to the Australian...

State Power and COVID Crimes: Part 2

The real-world effectiveness of Covid vaccines has not matched the hype of the 95 percent efficacy claimed in manufacturer trials on the basis of...

The Ardern Government is throwing money at the media and the fake science brigade in the belief the public will swallow anything no matter...

It is surprising what tripe you read in the newspapers, more surprising—the government is funding it. Te Punaha Matatini hosts the government’s Disinformation Project, which...

Watch: Djokovic given rapturous reception on return to Australian tennis

The Serb was cheered when he took to the court at the Adelaide International. Novak Djokovic was given a warm welcome upon his return to...

The Growing Gap Between Reality and Pop Science

The gap between the mainstream narrative about the success of the COVID-19 vaccination campaign and empirically verifiable outcomes continues to grow. The early trial results...

Documents reveal Australian health regulators knew of ‘death batch’ COVID jabs but kept on using them

Health regulators in Australia ignored basic evidence of contamination for specific batches of Pfizer mRNA jabs and kept on using them, causing death. The documents...

Guy Hatchard: Countering the coming tsunami of biotechnology

Hatchard Report New Year Message—Our Task for 2023 - Countering the coming tsunami of biotechnology. Jeremy Fleming the head of GCHQ (Government Communications Headquarters), one...

Watch: VAERS shows 4070% increase in miscarriages and stillbirths post COVID jab

The week before Christmas the Gateway Pundit reported a shocking 4070% increase in miscarriages and stillbirths since the mRNA jab roll-out. Dr. Naomi Woolf joined...

Covid Vaccines Have Saved Millions of Lives…in Models

As more and more questions are being asked by more and more scientists, health professionals and journalists, the narrative of “safe and effective” Covid-19...

Watch: UK doctors tell government to ‘Stop the Jabs now’

The doctors also call for an immediate investigation into COVID mRNA injections. DFPUK was launched in September 2022 and has become a fast-growing group of...

‘Zero Covid’ city scraps most pandemic restrictions

The relaxation in Hong Kong’s rules comes after mainland China eased its hardline coronavirus policies. Hong Kong will drop most of its stringent Covid-19 restrictions...

China to ease strict Covid-19 policies

The national coronavirus response level will be downgraded from the top ‘A’ level to ‘B’, the health commission has said. China has announced several significant...

mRNA found in breast milk, studies show shedding is real – McCullough

US cardiologist and epidemiologist Dr. Peter McCullough is one of world's most published medical researchers. In recent interviews McCullough summarises studies where the mRNA and...

How far down the road to tyranny have we come and why are we still travelling along it?

An emotionally moving short film released this week “Silent No More” documents attempts by Covid vaccine-injured people in New Zealand to obtain recognition of...

Watch: The 12 Truths for Christmas – 12. Just Stop it!

In this video series 'The 12 Truths for Christmas' NZDSOS member Dr. Matt Shelton talks to Dr. Emanuel Garcia about the Coronavirus pandemic. This twelfth...

Unjabbed woman wins insurance case in Canada

The health worker from Ontario was fired in November 2021 for refusing to provide proof of COVID 'vaccination'. As a result of the termination of...

What are you going to say about mRNA vaccines over Christmas dinner?

So it is the holidays and we are all going to see or communicate with people we maybe haven’t seen for a long time....

High profile Aussie doctor lashes out at regulators after her and spouse suffer devastating COVID jab injuries

Dr. Kerryn Phelps and her wife Jackie Stricker-Phelps both suffered 'devastating' vaccine injuries following the mRNA jab. Phelps is a trained doctor, the first female...

Goodbye 2022—The end of the impossible dream, in fact a technology nightmare

Make 2023 your turning point. Phew!! What a year. Aren’t we all glad to say sayonara. But what drove the events of 2022? What can...

Pandemic Preparedness: The New Parasite

'The frequency and impact of pandemic-prone pathogens are increasing. Modest investments in PPR capacities can prevent and contain disease outbreaks, thereby drastically reducing the...

‘So many have been harmed’: Case 41 Aussie Frontline Workers Speak Out

Case 41: ‘So many have been harmed.’ In this series DTNZ brings you testimony from frontline health workers, doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, psychiatrists, speaking out as...

Medsafe approves Pfizer mRNA jab for at risk children under 5 years old

It is anticipated that the 'vaccine' will be available in February 2023. Following provisional approval by Medsafe, the Director-General of Health has recommended, and Ministers...

Top UK surgeon: ‘We need to stop the roll-out of these vaccines’

Dr. Ahmed Malik's video is further evidence of the harm and danger being caused by the mRNA jab. 'Quite a lot of us have been...

Guy Hatchard: Is society polarised or simply disconnected?

An article published in Nature Cardiovascular Research reports incidence of POTS—Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome following vaccination. POTS is a condition that causes your heart to beat faster...

Watch: The 12 Truths for Christmas – 1. The Swine Flu Pandemic

In this video series 'The 12 Truths of Christmas', NZDSOS member Dr. Matt Shelton talks to Dr. Emanuel Garcia about the Coronavirus pandemic. This first...

Guy Hatchard: The political science of the unbelievable

Yesterday I was enjoying a cup of tea with Gary Moller overlooking Wellington Hospital. Over the course of an hour there were six flights of...

COVID Response Royal Commission of Inquiry is an Insult to vaccine-harmed New Zealanders

Prime MInister Jacinda Ardern has called for a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the government's COVID response. The Commission is to begin its work on...

Guy Hatchard: The urgent need to keep up with published Covid findings

Health experts appearing on or writing in mainstream media to discuss Covid are reassuring the public that they are keeping up with science publishing...

For once, hats off to Jacinda Ardern. Can you believe I am saying this?

The papers last week were filled with rhetoric which will fuel and exacerbate attacks upon those with doubts about vaccine efficacy and safety. The NZ...

Guy Hatchard: What is science and who is an expert?

Last night we heard the decision of the High Court Judge in the baby W case, who ruled that the state should enforce a...

Distinguished scientist pens letter to Ardern govt: mRNA jabs have caused ‘Irreparable vaccine-induced harm’

The letter from Dr. Charlton Brown was shared by Dr. Robert Malone on his SubStack today. Dr. Brown is a distinguished scientific researcher. Malone was...

Guy Hatchard: Pandemic policy became a political vanity project with caution thrown to the winds

Matt Hancock, former UK Secretary of State for Health and now reality TV performer, has published his tell all diary of the pandemic which...

Top cardiologist claims Foo Fighters drummer Taylor Hawkins died from cardiac arrest after being coerced into taking mRNA jab

Hawkins, aged 50, died in a Colombian hotel room on 25 March. Emergency services were called to the room due to Hawkins suffering from chest...

Watch: Winston speech – mandates were wrong, vaccine doesn’t work, give Baby W unjabbed blood, attacks Stuff journalist Andrea Vance

Peters was speaking at a public meeting in Hastings today. NOTE: The Care of Children Act 2004 prohibits publication of particulars that may lead to...

What if there was a public debate based on Covid science publishing?

This is to introduce my writing to a growing number of people seeking up-to-date information about Covid-19 and mRNA vaccination. I carefully reference my work...

Watch: ‘It’s a disaster’ – Top Japanese medical professor slams health officials over mRNA jab

Dr. Masanori Fukushima was speaking to the Ministry of Health in a public meeting. He is Professor Emeritus at Kyoto University. He is also head...

NZDSOS: What’s the issue with blood from vaccinated donors?

A number of people have had concerns about potentially receiving blood from vaccinated donors. The NZ Blood Service at present does not separate blood or...

Baby W: Unfounded prejudice is gripping the nation. Misleading government publicity is to blame

I am not sure how much more I can add to the debate about the case of baby W, except to say that the...

Monkeypox to be rebranded

The disease will be called ‘mpox’ to avoid “racist and stigmatizing language,” the UN health watchdog has announced. The World Health Organization (WHO) has officially...

#TrudeauLiedUnderOath trending as Canadian PM denies name-calling

Justin Trudeau was answering a question under oath before the Public Order Emergency Commission (POEC). POEC's purpose is 'to enquire into the circumstances that led...

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