New research has highlighted the role of fragments of genetic information in the development of aggressive cancers.
Genetic information known as extrachromosomal DNA (ecDNA) has...
Researchers discovered 15 particles of the contaminants per gram of vein tissue in the first study of its kind.
Microplastics have been found for the...
Water is one of the basic elements on Earth.
However, water in space may have different characteristics than terrestrial water. A recent experiment is opening...
The catastrophic Covid response has many people wondering whether we should really turn over public policy — which deals with fundamental matters of human...
Animal-rights group PETA claimed that sheep suffered severe pain and paralysis in “scientifically worthless” decompression tests.
The US Navy has stopped commissioning decompression sickness experiments...
While the Earth's inner core apparently started rotating faster during the 1970s, its rotation eventually slowed down and came into sync with that of...
The NZ government is introducing the Therapeutic Products Bill which is an omnibus piece of legislation controlling among many other things, the availability of...
The study, which was conducted by Ohio State student David Cregg and professor of psychology Jennifer Cheavens of the same institution, found that performing...
Yesterday I was enjoying lunch at a restaurant, I couldn’t help overhearing the extended family at the adjacent table having a concerning and tragic...
A paper was published this week outlining a study completed in Taiwan.
A survey of ECG (Electrocardiogram) parameters after the Pfizer Covid shot found that 17.1% of...
We have recently been provided with an interesting opportunity to observe the mainstream media squirm with discomfort, demonstrate blind faith, ignorance and lack of...
During the last 300,000 years there have been numerous near extinction events affecting the entire human population of the planet.
These include massive volcanic eruptions...
The discovery is highly relevant to treating cancer, as radiotherapy can cause complications with these new organs and doctors need to take them into...
The gap between the mainstream narrative about the success of the COVID-19 vaccination campaign and empirically verifiable outcomes continues to grow.
The early trial results...
The 3,472-square-mile Yellowstone Park, known for its geothermal features, is located in the western United States and sits on a supervolcano - Yellowstone Caldera.
Hatchard Report New Year Message—Our Task for 2023 - Countering the coming tsunami of biotechnology.
Jeremy Fleming the head of GCHQ (Government Communications Headquarters), one...
Many scientists lobbying for the deregulation of agricultural biotechnology ‘new genomic techniques’ (NGTs) in the European Union have either direct or indirect interests in...
American scientists have achieved a major nuclear energy milestone but questions remain about how the technology can be applied.
The United States Department of Energy...
Climate change or volcanoes may be responsible, researchers have suggested.
The ozone hole over Antarctica is closing a month later than usual for the third...
An article published in Nature Cardiovascular Research reports incidence of POTS—Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome following vaccination.
POTS is a condition that causes your heart to beat faster...
Sometimes you find things out that are fascinating but utterly frightening and repugnant.
Advances in the field of epigenetics have focused on the role of...
Health experts appearing on or writing in mainstream media to discuss Covid are reassuring the public that they are keeping up with science publishing...
GLOBE is an informal alliance of scientists, doctors, individuals and groups wishing to protect populations from the impact of biotechnology experiments.
The pandemic has highlighted...
Scientists at the European nuclear research organization (CERN) fear they might have to shut down particle accelerators to save energy.
The European energy crisis is...