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Friday, October 18, 2024

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Kevin McCarthy Clinches US House Speakership in 15th Ballot

Kevin McCarthy news

The House of Representatives had been holding a 14th vote to pick a Speaker, after the failed previous 13 ballots.

In earlier votes, a total of 21 Republican congressmen-elect cast votes in opposition to Congressman-elect Kevin McCarthy, who, nevertheless, said, when leaving the chamber earlier, “I’ll have the votes.”

Republican Kevin McCarthy has clinched US House speakership, after the 15th ballot was held on Friday. McCarthy (Calif.) becomes the nation’s 55th speaker, wrapping up a gruelling several days of defeats and concessions. The chamber gave a standing ovation for the lawmaker as the clerk called the election in his favor with 216 votes. This tally is the same that Democrat Nancy Pelosi received when securing the post in 2021.

Previously, the Congressman-elect fell one vote short during the late-night 14 vote in the chamber. Rejecting the motion to adjourn, the House had moved on to a 15th ballot.

Matt Gaetz (R-FL), who sank McCarthy’s chances in the 14th ballot, had again voted “present,” in the 14th. while Bob Good, a Republican who represents Virginia’s Fifth Congressional District in the House of Representatives, switched his vote from Rep.-elect Jim Jordan to “present”.

Former President Donald Trump spoke to Reps. Andy Biggs and Matt Gaetz, calling them, claimed sources cited by US media.

The GOP in the House of Representatives had erupted in applause after Montana’s Republican Rep. Ryan Zinke cast his vote and thus granted Kevin McCarthy the gavel win he had been waiting for.

Republicans hold a 222-212 majority in the House, but a total of 21 Republicans had voted in opposition to the House Republican Leader over the course of the selection process.

However, after a group of 15 previous Republican holdouts finally swung their support towards McCarthy on Friday, momentum had started to build, with the California lawmaker appearing on course to secure the coveted post.

Ahead of the 14th vote, McCarthy had exuded confidence, telling reporters:

“When we come back tonight, we’ll have the votes to get this done once and for all. It just reminds me of what my father always told me, it’s not about how you start, it’s about how you finish.”

The situation marks the first time in a century the House has failed to elect a speaker on the first ballot, and the first time since 1859 it has taken more than ten ballots.

Once the speakership vote has been finalized, the US House of Representatives can proceed with business such as administering the oath of office to newly elected members.

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  1. Exactly!
    The U.S. is now in deeper trouble than before, and I can sense that Israel was embroiled in this mess, but that will NEVER be reported in the J3wi$h-owned MSM, Press, etc.
    WEF’s Klaus Schwab, *Georg Schwartz, (*aka ‘George Soros), Chuckie Schumer, almost ALL of the current Presidential Cabinet, are all Talmudic-based Noahide Law J3w$…
    Rep. Jim Traficant’s warnings from 8 years ago prior to his death are all being ignored…
    Check out ‘The Unz Review’ and their articles on J3w$ & Israel…
    See also the recent ‘Veterans Today’ article titled ‘The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia’.
    The Israeli-trained Alphabet Agencies will now go after American Christians, Patriots and Constitutionists with a vengeance!!!!!!
    The J-6ers will now die in prison, and not ONE group of Veterans has appropriated the ‘hardware’ necessary to free their fellow Citizens and Veterans from an illegal, indefinite and unconstitutional NDAA imprisonment!
    I suppose that at this stage of vote manipulations, vote fraud, Congressional Circuses, and subterfuge by Israel using bribed / blackmailed ‘politicians, could we have expected anything less???
    Problem is; what goes around, comes around.
    Keep a level of attention towards ‘Operation Katipo’ around election time here in NZ.
    Such is a military-planned intervention to stop a third party from becoming a majority in Parliament, all of which is a violation of NZ Crown Law and International Rights under the UN Charter that NZ signed on to!!!!!!!!!


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