The eastern European country of Slovenia a person purporting to be a whistleblower nurse claims that politicians and other high ranking citizens receive saline instead of the mRNA experimental medication.
In a video on Facebook, which has been deleted by YouTube, the woman claiming to be the head nurse of the University Medical Center in Ljubljana, which takes care of receiving and managing the jab bottles for politicians, resigned and gave a press conference on the scandal.
During the conference she showed codes on the bottles where each contains 1, 2 or 3 digits, and then explained the meaning of those numbers.
Note: Daily Telegraph understands from our sources in Slovenia the original video has now been removed from Facebook.
Number 1 is the placebo, saline. Number 2 is a the mRNA. The number 3 is an mRNA stick that contains the onco gene, linked to the adenovirus that contributes to the development of cancer. She said those receiving the number 3 bottle will develop soft tissue cancer within two years of receiving the jab.
She says she personally witnessed the jab of all the politicians and tycoons and everyone who received the number 1 bottle, claiming they received the saline solution, a placebo. This explains why the same person administers the jab to politicians when they take pictures for the media.
Some sources say, however, the claim is unsubstantiated, and that the woman continues to work in the facility and has disavowed the story as false.
I found the video, but it isn’t about some special codes on the bottles (no wonder FB has not deleted it).
Also, I can’t find any Slovenian source about this.
This is likely fake news.
You can also find the story on and it shows a sample of where the number is on the vile
“Vial”, not “vile”. Even though it’s “vile” what globalists are trying to do to us…:)
Although you ARE correct in the spelling of vial, why do you take the time AND space to make an issue of it? Is it really that important? We all knew what she meant. Seriously, there’s just too much antagonism already… it’s DIVISIVE… c’mon now…
Because people are being dumbed down and not learning the proper way to spell things. We don’t want people more illiterate than they already are. In the Dark Ages only the priests knew how to read, write and spell. We don’t want to degrees to that point. It IS important. It’s called Proper English and Proper Spelling. We don’t want to degrade the language, but THEY want it degraded.
You took up twice as much space complaining about someone taking up space. Gotta love the www. lol
Dunno wat uz lot is bangin on bout, sort it out kidz
true. why make an issue out of it?
Well you just did and took the name and time to say something about the spelling leave her alone
My thoughts exactly, She might’ve been voice texting and the phone messed the spelling, but really who gives a rats ass, we meant what she knew!
I thought her comment was made in a very graceful, polite manner. To speak in her defense, the reason we want to use correct spelling is we need to sound educated and informed. Spelling is part of that, though we all have experienced spellcheck messing us up. ???? Those in control of the present tyrannical narrative already think we are stupid ignorant masses. We are not! No matter our education level. But let’s not give them anymore fuel than the sheeple already give them. Always put you best foot and strongest argument forward or we run the risk of being dismissed as idiots who can’t even spell.
Thank you, must of been an retired English teacher…lol.
You took more space disciplining her Karen.
Thanks Cindy ????
The question is – has this person spoken the truth?
Maybe the person was just trying to make a little joke. Take it easy.
Its important! Correct language is important.
Although you ARE correct that she took the time AND space to make an issue of it, why did you take the time AND space to make an issue of the fact that she took the time AND space to make an issue of it? Is it really that important that she corrects someone’s grammar? We all can benefit by others helping us use better grammar. Seriously, there’s just too much antagonism already… it’s DIVISIVE… c’mon now…
Exactly what you yourself are doing.
Gigi was polite, and know the poster knows the difference. It’s called “learning”. I guess you don’t tell people when they have poppy seeds stuck in their teeth, either?
I find your post absolutely ridiculous. It’s not okay to teach a new word, or the proper spelling of one, because it’s “DIVISIVE”? Teaching someone might be “DIVISIVE” in your world, but not mine. Proper English matters. The words you choose, and their spelling, give others a window into your intellect. Why not strive for greatness? “Dumbed down is how “they” want us. Be dumb if you like! But to call out a polite correction is nonsense.
Oh Cindy…. You must be new to the internet
As you know, the “normies” far outnumber those of us who are aware of the plandemic agenda. It is imperative, if we wish to increase our numbers, that we use proper English–this includes spelling, grammar and syntax– in our communications. We must also verify all the links we send out. In other words, we have to be our own fact-checkers. It’s a shame when our communications are discredited because of errors in language or content.
You made an even bigger deal about not making a big deal. Hahaha
Ladies, Ladies….
Lets not cancel each other out, move along, nothing to see here.
Marie, it is “digress” not “degress” and proper spelling is not capitalized. You kind of defeated your own case. Ah well, back to the drawing board.
marie ,digress
It is VILE though
Sorry stupid phone wrote degrees, when i meant to say digress. These AI phones change the words at times! I have to remember to check the post before i send it. Sorry.
Marie, maybe Teresa C’s phone changed vial to vile (just funning with ya)
Video of the nurse with English subtitles:
Marie and Sally Farb…great points!
To all those defending English… Please understand not everyone here is from the UK or USA.
It could have been an auto-correct . Does anyone accuse our phone dictionary of switching words??
Nevertheless, since the Western media seems to be atleast forthcoming with some news, people from tyrannical regimes grativate towards sources that offer some truth of the madness pervading our countries. The discrimination and outright hijacking of our freedoms in the name of a fake pandemic is the focus here… Good day.
Yeah i just saw a post online that brought up the point of why it is not necessary to correct a person. Just let the error be. I had to digress, because usually I would have the urge to offer the correct spelling or grammar that is needed.
it’s Phial, not ‘vial’ or ‘vile’!
???? brilliant. Thank you x
Who cares how it’s spelt get a grip
Because, correct spelling and language is important to uphold… Otherwise the far left and our governments who pander to them, allow our language to be decimated by people who are dumbing down our gene pool to something fairly illiterate that like performing idiotic acts on places like TikTok……..
Wow. Relax Karen.
Itt sez thay r triyng 2 cill uz, soe wi wurri abowt speling?
I looked aii over that web site and could not find the story at all.
Don’t use google. Use duck go search engine. Got atleast 50 results on this topic
Ditto,, duck and go, Google hit all the search results for anything that goes against the narrative
Great job, in doing excellent and diligent research. Google owns YouTube and their so-called “Fact-Checkers” are paid ANTIFA Thug members, BLM Racists/Terrorists and the rest of their Trolls are just FarLeft’ Radicals/Politically-INcorrect Anti-America’ Snowflakes. Everything that is true, they desperately attempt to silence us. There is no way that our government’s leaders would really take these deadly jabs! I hope that everyone will watch the Texas, Covid-19 Summit video. I tried to paste it but wasn’t able to. Dr. McCullough is a genius and an expert on these deadly Jabs. Every single person on the planet needs to watch and listen to the TRUTH, about what is really in those Jabs
Don’t think anyone on ere cares about the topic ???? they more pissed the fact she missed spelled some words than they are about the masses being killed of by government an big pharma … ???? I mean Jesus crisps …
Of course you won’t fine it Michele, Big Tech, Google and the Pharmaceutical companies want this hidden so they hide it on their search engines! You also won’t see it on TV because they do not broadcast real news, they only broadcast what they want you to believe! As someone suggested try Duck Duck Go but the best place to fine out what is really going on with Covid is Telegram, only download it direct from the Telegram website though, Apple etc have a censored version and will hide certain things, just like Google!
Look up the members of the Trusted News Initiative and all will become clearer
merci beaucoup. Je l’ai téléchargé mais je le lirais début semaine prochaine car il est tard et beaucoup de pages mais je pense que ce document va m’apprendre beaucoup de choses Bon dimanche
Je l’ai trouvé sur un site qui dérange facebook car soi-disant ne respecte pas leurs standards… rien que de lire ça j’ai envie de le lire, j’ai voulu envoyer le lien par messenger mais facebook m’en a empêché. Je partagerais quand même j’ai pris des photos
et je l’ai téléchargé pas avancé lol Merci
c’est terrible je ne peux pas écrire t é l é c h a r g é ça me met avancé
Dont use Google search and you will find the info.
Look on We Love Trump, WLT, you might find the nurse’s name there. The Goostapo takes everything down, and not just here, it’s a world conspiracy.
Exatamente, concordo com você!
Aqui, no Brasil está dessa forma, tudo q é verdade está sendo oculto, apenas o q realmente querem q saibam, é o q divulgam
I found this same video still live on Facebook dated July 28th:
Use DuckDuckGo. Lots of results there.
*uck*uckno? they sell your data.
I couldn’t find it on
yes teresa because facebook ONLY tells the truth! My wife posted something straight from CDC and they deleted it. Only MORONS believe twitter or facebook
If something is not present in a news reporting it does not mean that it is ‘fake news’, but rather that it is most likely because it is the truth and the media does not wish to report the truth! The media reports little truth because it is complicit with governmental tyranny and crime. Simple as that!
Yes you are right. We don’t hear any truth on the news media because gates cover them by $$$$ $$$$$$$
Same in NZ – the PM, JacindaArdern has bought the press and the Govt. owns the local TV channel, anything which does not fit her Govts. narrative is immediately removed from the fourth estate and never finds its way to her one p.m podium of truth virtually (daily) covid briefings and certainly never on the state owned news.
Well said!
It’s about time the mainstream media started reporting some truth bombs!
Agree. They lie about everything
I will post a news on my website:
Pink elephant killed a president of USA.
It’s on my page only for now… And of course it’s true, because mainstream didn”t share it.
Actually…the reason it’s still there is cos it ‘false’ news. Re current “C” issue – I’ve had many so-called ‘reports’ removed on FB cos said to be ‘false’ BUT likely were ‘true’ removed = likely due to current ‘push’ to get World ‘v….ed’!
You are retarded or evil
Finally I have found the biggest wanker to walk this earth, it has been a long search but finally you have shown yourself. Well done and congratulations dick head
damage control much?
You just believe in the crap syrhetic vaccine?
So that’s probably why you need 3 shots. 1, 2 and 3
Now that is very interesting. I didn’t think of that. Maybe the 3rd shot is the killer and all 3 need to be taken for the kill shot to work. Or at least the second and third shot would be needed so the kill shot would work.
I think that those who don’t get the saline will get the 2nd, then another 2nd, and then the 3rd kill shot, and if they are still alive and functioning well, then the 4th shot will do them in.
What a load of crap
found this – from Slovenia?
Great researching skills! Looks legit to me.
Hahaha, yes, so accurate, really “great researching skills”, just that Julie cannot even distinguish between two entirely different countries ????
damage control much?
fact check false
the site is .pl so from Poland, just FYI.
It’s Polish.
seems legit
Utube have deleted the video and if you google it it’s all over the internet. The press have been told to bury it.
So then it’s the truth.
When I googled Ljubljana vaccine Slovenia 2 days ago about this event, I got 3-4 websites with this story on it….BUT none just now!
Yeah I highly doubt it’s fake news.. This has been said repeatedly about congress getting saline shot instead of the poison..
Not to mention how many reports in the news where large groups of people were given “saline” by accident, and needed to come back in for the shot. How does that happen “by accident”? Not a common error.
Yeah that happened here in Australia, funnily it happened in a posh school with kids from pollies
It also explains why some of the “vaccine” boxes contain the blank contraindication insert that a couple pharmacists showed in videos they made. If it’s just saline there wouldn’t be any contraindications.
We can’t be sure they wouldn’t fake the boxes… Can’t be sure anything is quite the truth.
You can find Slovenian source very quickly, its on Facebook, I just watched it. She does speak about numbers – the one ending in 1 is placebo. She is not the only one speaking about different vials though, I have watched similar info before, where different vials have been identified causing different problems. Some vials are really deadly, while others are not so much. It was on Stew Peters show. Makes sense that they would not kill everyone at once, and from the same side effect, but gradually, with different health problems, so people wont believe its from the injections.
Maybe that was the original plan, but likely now they’re realizing once people start dropping dead in greater numbers it’ll be really hard to get another jab into them. Hence the hurried push for the third “booster”. If this is what’s happening, they mean to kill not millions but billions.
Yeah, it’s all ONE GREAT PLAN TO KILL US ALL. Omg, are people here really THAT retarded in their brain activities? This must be one of the largest pools of dumb people I have ever witnessed in one place????
A very simple question: Do you really trust that the elites of this country have your best interests at heart? Do you trust them with your life? Your children’s lives?
I don’t need there to be nanobots or a “kill shot” for me to know they want me and my children dead. The response after Waukesha told me as much.
damage control much?
If you check hard enough, you will find references to that fact that certain batches of vaccine deployed in the USA have far more deadly consequences than others. Deaths and bad reactions are not occurring randomly as one might expect, they are in clusters where the vaccine batch is the common denominator. Other batches have essentially no consequences. What is in them? Enquiring minds want to know.
You asked “What’s in them ?”
I’ll tell you.
(1) Graphene Oxide
(2) Metals
(3) Parasites that cause AIDS.
Go to Dr. Robert O . Young’s website.
Read his paper.
2 million in the US have already died.
You are right Sylvia. I have read this information previously as well. I know Infectious disease specialists who have told me the same information months ago. Please people, stop taking these shots. They will not protect you from anything!
That is exact information Rob! I know a group of Infectious disease doctors in Ohio who have formed a group to help get the “real” information out. This is the ingredients of the shots! These shots have been formulated since 2015, the signed contract between the government and Moderna came out, they have been working on this “vaccine” that is not a vaccine since 2015. What does that tell you? They planned this virus to happen and created it. The government knows nothing about healthcare, but they do know how to eliminate people!
Rob, let me be honest: You’re a complete nutjob. You should go out into the wild and let nature do the rest.
It’s a video from at least as far back as 29 July, so it likely has nothing to do with the latest news making its rounds.
I don’t see any profile named Jerneja Erzen on Facebook with that photo, so the photo must have been posted on some other network.
Also, the 01 being highlighted seems to be an employee number…
– @icedwater
This is true. I believe the shots attack different people in various ways. It attacks different organs depending on the person. So for one person it would attack the appendix. Another it would attack the heart. Another it would attack the brain. So THIS way no one would guess it’s the shot that caused all these problems. I call it the STEALTH vaccine/shot.
I agree totally, I worked in district nursing and saw the effects of their underlying issues come to light . So our suspected cancer patients suddenly developed these symptoms within 6 months . Aggressively might I add . Would then be classed as new diagnostic and not vaccine related . Our stable diabetes also developing sudden changes . I think this is one of the many reasons the mandates have come in to place to get rid of those hesitant because we are most likely the ones who have noticed this happening because our eyes are wide open !
This is exactly right! But there are so many dumb and I mean dumb people that think the government is out to help you. They are out to kill you. It is called depopulation so they can control. Period!
Marie, stop spreading bullshit. Why is it mostly people with the lowest education levels which spread that nonsense? Hmm. Might there be a causation between being dumb and spreading that sort of trash? ????
I believe the shots are designed to weaken the immune system and exacerbate existing problems, such as cancer. A woman I know lost her father after the second shot. He had had cancer 10 years ago but was living a healthy life. Two weeks after the shot he weakened and died, the cancer had returned.
Spot on ????????
They needed a percentage of placebos for the public too so that they could become the ADVOCATES for the jab “See, I took it and I’m just fine!”
Their luck will run out with the endless boosters to be enforced.
It’s a STEALTH shot. Stays hidden and attacks different parts of the body depending on the person. So one person it will attack the heart, another the kidneys, another the brain, another the stomach. This way no one would connect it to the shot. If it only attacked ONE organ it would be a red flag and people would begin to question things more.
I agree with you completely. They are not stupid . Indeed.
marie, Boo, no, “they” are indeed not stupid, but you are ????
Dumbest people on Earth.
Why would anybody do that?
because there is money to be made. People and money are often a bad combination.
I would urge you to read Empire of Pain by Patrick Keefe Radden if you want to understand. Bless you for being so nicely naive though ????
I can’t believe the level of orchestration this has required, though. Who are the Inhumans who coordinated all this? Where do they live and how do they sleep at night? What are they feeling when they watch the news?
My thought re the saline is that if all the ‘early jabbed’ dropped dead at the beginning of getting these ‘shots’ = those not yet ‘jabbed’ would wise-up to ‘some sort of problem’ with them THUS resistance would be greater than is now…thus only some’ of US to die early… Then by time boosters come along = they work to ‘get’ those still ‘here’!!!
exactly. :/
@Dirk Steffensen…
Thank you very much for the link.
Unless someone has bought all the legacy media.
Revealed: Documents Show Bill Gates Has Given $319 Million to Media Outlets
this is great. thanks for info.
Don’t forget the now infamous Trusted News Initiative created just to protect us from the nasty truth, er.. fake news I mean. Check out the members (Google, BBC, CNN, …) and then ask yourself how they could anticipate “misinformation” about an allegedly unknown virus well before a “vaccine” even existed! Then surprise yourself by looking at the participants of Biily G’s first World Vaccination Conference in… September 2019 and then watch the incredibly prescient Event 201 “pandemic simulation” just after that and just before COVID. Finally be sure to at the list of participants at all these events and their links to Big Pharma before sneaking a peak at the alumni of Klaus Schwab’s Young Global Leaders programme. If all that doesn’t get you thinking, sign up for your free jab refills because you are truly lost.
People who risk their lives to deliver real news that goes against the deep state narrative are not delivering fake news. As it says in the comments, efforts to suppress her story are fiercely underway. In all cases of people who go against the narrative, they will do whatever they can to make it and her look fake. Learn to look between the lines and critically think and you will be able to discern what is really going on in the world right now.
Excellent comment.
Exactly… ????????
Merely dig a little deeper; your conscientious research skills tread shallow waters…
Thank you for the link on bitchute. It has english subtitles and she does say there is 01 (saline placebo), 02 (mRNA spike protein), 03 (plus soft skin cancer)
Well there are another 60 comments at the moment that disagree,! Who did you say yo7 work for??
Goodness, with heavy handed censorship u expect u easily find more news reports?
Where dit you find the video ? I haven’t found it
you are fake news my friend. We have all the evidence we need now and they are going to jail for all the crime they commited. Dead penalty to all the pedophile vaccine pushers
Ya ya of course it’s fake lol…..????
Actually that confirms that it is a true story. If if were merely a dispute they would offer counter-evidence and prove her wrong. Instead they silence her story. You only do that if you have something to hide
Sounds like you’ve been double jabbed along with your booster and flu shot! … sheep!
No – you’re FAKE NEWS – the story IS REAL
No mefia will show this or post it in Slovenia. Like other countries official media have highly big pfarma side. In Slovania, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Norway and many other countries these kind of news are band. And all attempts to speak about it will be muted
When I saw Biden getting the ‘shot’ on video a few months back….this is exactly what I figured was going on.
There is a source from Slovenia, but you won’t find it using Google Search. Google censored many informations about vaccine injuries! Try searching using Duck Duck Go.
Fake news this woman isnt nurse. Br from slovenia
Partly true, she’s a 10 year pension head nurse,Vera Kanalec, who is warning people that this VAX project is an experimental EU project., filmed 2021 July, Slovenia.
Perhaps you can’t even find your pocket of your trousers.-It might be too difficult for you to understand.
Thanks officer!
You clearly are not a good researcher.
Correct! Ms Vera Kanalec is being passionate about the dangers of vaccines, and questions the need to vaccine – including the entire pre-existing vasccine program, at all!
I downloaded the entire 21 minutes, used transcription and translation tools to render gooblededook, but it’s goobledegook that’s clear enough to see she does not say ‘that politicians and other high ranking citizens receive saline instead of the mRNA experimental medication’.
Were you able to translate? What was she actually saying? What was the video about? I have been seeing this story all over the place, but I am sceptical as well.
Time will tell. Either way, good people will not take the jab or comply with any scamdemic measures, so I hope all the vials are poison.
Retired nurse Vera Kanalec about 3 types of vaccines: 1 placebo, 2 mRNA, 3 soft tissue cancers slo / en
Lol u work for da government
Clearly, you found a different video that what I just found.
Facebook have removed the video as well where she talks about the number codes. Slovenian media won’t report this. They are complicit in crimes with the government
If facebook deleted it then you really want to know about it
Yeah, you can count on good’ol Zsuckerberg!! He’ll protect your hyper-sensitive eyes and to scrub his Marxist-censoring platform of any semblance or things the way they really are… What a threat it’s become —to merely express negative vaxx accidents—even ie if you’re a doctor with a great track record, let alone the thousands of victims who dare go to social (or most public) media just to tell their story.
Everyone knows when those politicians take the jab in front of cameras it’s all fake, they’re taking saline
We’ve known for ages they did not take the real jab. This info is useful for those who have loved ones who possibly did take the poison, need to find out how to trace the batch number back to the vial number
Well I am not surprised it’s an experiment do of course there are placebos out there
Placebos for the upper class, not for us.
[…] fate of the vaccinated may depend upon whether they are a Vial 1, a Vial 2, or a Vial […]
Check out the video of Canada’s Prime Minister- Justin Trudeau and his useless beard “wife” getting their jabs. Their handlers didn’t even try to make it look real. The “nurse” administering the jab? Haha. Typical leader nonsense.
I watched the video. Can you point out what looks faked to you? Maybe I’m blind. Looks fine to me, although I’m definitely curious to know you see. I’ve seen videos of other politicians getting the jabs that DO look faked to my eye – but this one looks real to me, so far
The technician didn’t landmark or isolate the injection site with a pinch. They looked like they were trying to put a key into a lock. Technicians are trained how to properly inject patients- and that charade was not indicative of standard procedure.
A qualified nurse made a video pointing out that the injection was clearly fake that Trudeau got, using her trained know-how to inject, she pointed out 3 false evidences including holding the injection like a ‘dart’ and not even using the other hand to pinch the skin etc. His jab was as fake as the man himself. These political leaders are just actors on the stage to fool us into complying. Wake up folks if you want your family to survive.
Yep. Look up Klaus Schwab’s Young Global Leaders alumni and see if your vaccine pushing politician is there. Gosh, Trudeau, Macron, Merkel, Jens Spahn, Tony Blair are all there for a start but I’m sure they weren’t taught to promote Schwab’s Global Reset agenda, surely? ????
The Truth, Pfizer employees already show that there 3 types “vaccines” #DEPOPULATION All people who are saying that’s a lie BECAUSE they allready take 2-3 JABS and are AFRAID
Is there someone who can post a translation of the video into English? That would be wonderful.
Or, is the source available by email or phone to confirm the story?
Translation from translation
Scandal in Slovenia yesterday: Google translation:
* Yesterday in Slovenia a big scandal broke out and today the whole of Slovenia is talking about a big vaccination. The head nurse of the University Medical Center, a clinical center in Ljubljana, which takes care of receiving the bottles and manages everything, resigned, went out in front of the cameras and took out bottles with bottles of liquids.
She showed people the codes on the bottles where each contains 1, 2 or 3 digits in the code, and then explained the meaning of those numbers. * Number 1 is placebo, saline. Number 2 is a classic bottle of RNA. The number 3 is an RNA stick that contains the onco gene, linked to the adenovirus that contributes to the development of cancer. For these bottles, number 3 says that people who received it within 2 years will have soft tissue cancer.
* He says, he personally witnessed the sting of all the politicians and tycoons and everyone received the number 1 sting, then they received a saline solution, a placebo.
And this explains why the same character stabs all our politicians when they take pictures for the media.
Here you find it translated:
Until CNN confirms, this is total garbage. Simple as.
Hahaha yeah cause CNN would never lie to you.
this has the be the dumbest post on this thread…
WTFU The UN is behind this bullshit.
That’s the funniest thing I’ve ever read. Aw God bless you
Baa baa
cnn is a lying propaganda machine … always has been. Do you remember the Gulf War? Watch behind the scenes of cnn “on the scene” …. ALLL bullshit.
Did you know that CNN are proven to be the biggest liars of all? If you watch CNN then you probably think that the 2020 election was not filled with fraud or Trump said there are good people amongst the neo-Nazis or that he colluded with Russia or that Kyle Rittenhouse crossed state lines with a gun that wasn’t legal for him to use and chased protestors. All of the above have been proven as lies with rock-solid facts. But your rich elite holding the reins (deep state) control the media. If you suck it up you’re going to be farmed one day soon.
You badly need to find out more.
Google blocked the link to this article because Google, like nearly every other large business, is run by fascist socialists colluding with fellow socialists running nearly every government. The fake pandemic, fake elections, fake, murderous, vaccines, anti-capitalist shutdowns, anti-freedom lockdowns and replacement of rights (freedom) with dictatorship privilege passports is how they are waging WWIII. Everyone involved, including politicians, billionaires, government employees, pharmaceutical company employees, military, police, hospital admin, doctors, nurses, etc. are guilty of war crimes and are fair game for the billions of people they are attacking. Take over governments, punish the criminals, seize their assets for victims, and segregate all remaining leftists (criminals) on prison islands.
Google wants the jabs for their AI interfacing technology. Pedos want covid and the jab rolled out for reasons of disabling parents and children and an excuse to seperate parents from children ‘for their safety’ ie no parents allowed on campus etc. Big pharma want the jab rolled out so they can sell more drugs to sick people. There are many horses in the race all colluding. Most stupid doctors don’t even read the basic info and use their common sense, they listen to corrupt vile doctors on the internet instead and follow govt advice
Question is: Who are big pharma going to sell all their drugs to in the future if the majority of their “customers” are dead? Is that not a bit short sighted?
People are being born daily. If one strata of population is holding up the advancement of the agenda then ots easier to debilitating them then inprison them. Prisons have a bad image, being sickly and dying in a western country is not unusual. Also, why did Pfizer say it needs 55 years to comply with a FOIA request on its vax? Because the toll will be taken by then. Every adult who got the shot will most likely be dead of old age or some illness by then. No repercussions then.
Who do u think will get ALL the money that the dead leave behind? – i.e. currently the ‘elite’ are behind BIG Pharma = who are currently being ‘paid’ by those taking their drugs, which, by the way, may be to get the money of those who have it/keep many people ‘poor’ – once ALL dead = they can then get it…thus no more need to make drugs for that purpose! Not that they need this money = but have to keep people/govts ‘poor’ in comparison to them so they can’t defend themselves ‘sort of thing’.
You may have missed the bit about the transhumanist agenda. But before that, you may wish to look at how the philanthropic Pfizer jab went from 4 bucks a pop to over 20 bucks in the space of a few months (the CEO mentioned uppping to over 100 over time). Once you’re hooked, you’re screwed and ideally you have less victims/patients paying more.
There is a theory that mRNA vaccines will allow other pathologies to be triggered more or less at will (in this case cancer if we believe the #3 jab story), thus allowing the perfect business model that controls both the disease and the cure. All makes perfect sense in truth.
Google – are a 30% STAKEHOLDER in the Oxford Biontech Vaxxx Main stakeholders are the UK Government + Google.
There are many orders of magnitude more of “us” than there are of “them.” We, collectively, as the public need to all come together and destroy those misleading and ultimately killing us. These criminals include presidents, kings, queens, all their henchmen, the media, politicians, all of them. IF that is what the world’s people decided there would be NOTHING that could stop that course of action.
Yes…this is only way WE will survive!
What nurse is saying is true.
[…]… […]
Is there a way to trace the number on the bottle back to the batch number?
Or rather, to trace the batch number back to the bottle find out what was given
poe’s law
They’ve been developing this injections for decades.
The “England Hypothesis” (look it up) reckons they’re
designed to produce a wide range of damages.
Must be dozens of different ones in hundreds of
millions of shots !
In South Africa a news report went out on our national media channels last week where it was reported that one of our reputable clinics had given saline instead of the actual vaccine. When those people were recalled to get the correct vial….someone leaked it to the media. The clinic admitted the ‘mistake’.
[…] #2 and #3, Daily Telegraph shared this shocking […]
There loads of reports online about saline shots being given by ‘mistake’ in many different countries.
[…] #2 and #3, Daily Telegraph shared this shocking […]
[…] τον τελικό αριθμό 1, 2 ή 3 στον κωδικό, και στην συνέχεια, σύμφωνα με δημοσίευμα, εξήγησε τη σημασία αυτών των […]
Ha ha ha. So i must be one of the lucky plebs to have received saline!
Reading these comments makes me firmly believe most of you have mental health issues. Please seek professional help.
Saline Jabs have been given here in New Zealand too, Two separate locations that I am aware of. At one location, over 700 doses of saline were given by “Mistake”.
yes and was even mentioned on the News TV by cindies Quack.
Israel has been using a saline too for its general population.
Oh come on hahaha, that number with the arrow pointing to the “01”…. That big number is a Vaccine Certificate USI, not a bottle number lol. Just look up the first 10 characters online, and you’ll see that every single vaccine certificate appears to have “01” on it. So by your standards, everyone has had saline bahaha. Don’t believe everything you see
We have all the evidence we need now and they are going to jail for all the crime they commited. Dead penalty to all the pedophile vaccine pushers. PROOF: Kids Will Die, Pfizer Knew. Pfizer’s War On Children Invades Canada and Israel As Experimental COVID Shots Begin To Be Injected Into 5 to 11 ????
They’re going further than ever. Now, they need to force them into our children, children who are at no risk from Covid and do pretty much nothing to spread it. But they MUST be jabbed. It’s a religious imperative for the left, in their new coronavirus death cult. And they don’t care how many children it might hurt. Instead, the CEO of Pfizer is going around saying that people who question the official story on the vaccines are “criminals.”
No. The real criminals are the ones imposing this medical dictatorship on us. And the crimes could be worse than that. BioTech analyst Karen Kingston is back with what she says is evidence that Pfizer knew the vaccines would disable and kill children before their latest vaccine trials even started.
[…] Daily Telegraph reported what 2 and 3 on the shot meant: […]
When we get a representative sample of all 3 groups, and analyze the contents, we will have what is called evidence.
This lady should’ve smuggled out a bunch of viles to be tested then gone public
trouble is all of the equipment needed for those test is probably controlled by a Covid cult member
Don’t forget the Report of all the deaths being caused by 5% of the lot numbers and those lots predominantly going to the republican states in the US.
it does make sense that all of the shots could not be the same formulation as too many people would be dropping and that could be directly tied to the shot
as it is a relatively small number of people are dropping although it appears to be rapidly picking up speed.
Smart money
Will evaluate the evidence
Will study the history of similar situations
Will ask if two and two are adding up to four
Will ask who is benefiting
Will look at the morbid benefit to socialist governments of removing the segment of the population that cost the most to support and are not net taxpayers taxpayers
Will consider the governments of the past that have done just this thing
Will ask why is the shot being forced on people
Will ask ask why are mask so important if they have been proven to increase the spread of bacteria in clinical settings
Well ask why 6 feet apart is so important when it has been proven in clinical settings not to do any good
Will ask why why why why until they are able to make an informed decision.
it does seem that smart money is telling them where to put the sand.
Much better to Die on your feet than to live on your knees.
Much better to trust in the providence of God then the wiles of men.
Funny how people cheer for real men willing to die for a just cause even if alone on the scaffold but will shirk their responsibility and go along with the coward crowd knowing they should speak up.
Sir Thomas Moore now more than ever.
Oh my
Are they now starting to get a good smell of Paris 1789?
[…]… […]
Absolute bollocks ffs why do muppets believe this nonsense
[…] The Daily Telegraph shared this: […]
On Bitchute
[…] The Daily Telegraph shared this: […]
[…] The above is my version of title by News From The Perimeter. and also appears in The Daily Telegraph New Zealand. […]
[…]… […]
[…] li se injectează soluție salină în loc de serul experimental Covid bazat pe ARN mesager, scrie Într-o filmare de pe Facebook, care a fost anterior ștearsă de YouTube, femeia, care […]
[…] Global Research, November 25, 2021Daily Telegraph New Zealand […]
[…] #2 and #3, Daily Telegraph shared this shocking […]
[…] li se injectează soluție salină în loc de serul experimental Covid bazat pe ARN mesager, scrie Într-o filmare de pe Facebook, care a fost anterior ștearsă de YouTube, femeia, care pretinde […]
I am from slovenia… and this is a true story, but is from mid July.. she also analized the vacines and found everythint that shuld not be found in it incuding uranium and similar stuf….
[…] fate of the vaccinated may depend upon whether they are a Vial 1, a Vial 2, or a Vial […]
Here is the link to the video on rumble
I speak Slovenian and thats exactly what she is talking about in this video
true. why make an issue out of it? I too had the same experience. I work in the medical field and I’ve seen the vials. She’s right on the spot. It is true.
[…] altor cetățeni de rang înalt li s-ar injecta soluție salină în loc de ser anti-Covid, scrie Femeia pretinde că, în calitate de asistentă șefă a Centrului Medical Universitar din […]
[…] Dette er for eksempel omtalt i Daily Telegraph. […]
Are the masses really this brain dead? I don’t trust the Governments of the World any more than you do, but let’s at least use our brains! This card shown, with the purple arrow pointing to the number “1”, which is supposed to represent the supposed “saline” shot, is just part of a number of an identification badge for an employee! NOT a vial for medication.! It is translated as: unique identifier, surname and name and a date of birth in 1979. I am lost for words at people’s gullibility and what sites will post with ZERO vetting.
[…] Crisis in Slovenia: Whistleblower nurse says politicians receive saline instead of mRNA jab A crisis has hit the eastern European country of Slovenia, with a whistleblower nurse telling the public that politicians and other high ranking citizens receive saline instead of the mRNA experimental medication. […]
It is fake news. Daily Telegraph you should control your sources. The nurse does exist, but she is still employed at the hospital and has already denied this. This has already been proven to be fake news.
????COVID-19 Vaccines KILLED General Colin Powell who was former Secretary of State of USA
He suffered from Severe COVID-19, even after getting injections of 2 doses of the VACCINE
How many more TOP Leaders, Famous Persons and even Doctors must die due to the COVID-19 Vaccines, so that they can be declared DANGEROUS and BANNED

????If a TOP American General like Colin Powell can DIE because of the COVID-19 Vaccine injections, the Drug Makers, and the MEDIA promoting the Vaccines BLINDLY, shall soon face trouble from the American ARMED Forces. CENSORSHIP by the MEDIA shall come to an END soon
[…] A Slovenia nurse explains how politicians in Slovenia receive a saline jab instead of mRNA when getting vaxed in front of the media, news at Daily Telegraph New Zealand. — Lees op… […]
????Are VACCINES spreading the COVID-19 Pandemic
In New Delhi, one of India’s TOP Doctors, the FAMOUS Padma Shree Award Winner, Dr K K Agrawal’s DEATH due to COVID-19, after getting the 2 doses of the VACCINE, seems to indicate that!!
????Strangely, Dr K K Agrawal had given many lectures on COVID-19 before his DEATH and he was also one of the most important PROMOTERS of the COVID-19 Vaccines in India! It is very IRONIC that Dr K K Agrawal got KILLED by the very COVID-19 Vaccines, which he was promoting very staunchly!!
“Strangely”, stupid people spread stupid rumors. Well, actually it’s not strange that they do, it’s their nature: be an idiot, do idiotic things. ????
damage control much?
[…] Fosta republică iugoslavă Slovenia se află în stare de șoc după ce o asistentă a denunțat din interiorul sistemului sanitar faptul că politicienilor și altor cetățeni de rang înalt li se injectează soluție salină în loc de serul experimental Covid bazat pe ARN mesager, scrie […]
[…] This could get interesting, covid vaxx batches numbered –… […]
[…] CORRUPTION ALERT: Politicians in Slovenia are revealed to receive saline solution rather than the actual COVID vaccines –… […]
[…] Fosta republică iugoslavă Slovenia se află în stare de șoc după ce o asistentă a denunțat din interiorul sistemului sanitar faptul că politicienilor și altor cetățeni de rang înalt li se injectează soluție salină în loc de serul experimental Covid bazat pe ARN mesager, scrie […]
[…] Fosta republică iugoslavă Slovenia se află în stare de șoc după ce o asistentă a denunțat din interiorul sistemului sanitar faptul că politicienilor și altor cetățeni de rang înalt li se injectează soluție salină în loc de serul experimental Covid bazat pe ARN mesager, scrie […]
[…] Posted on November 26, 2021 by disenchantedscholar Crisis in Slovenia? Whistleblower nurse says politicians receive saline instead of mRNA jab […]
Where are the confirmatory lab test results of vial analysis ? This is heavy stuff- banned on Google, Facebook etc. Proof required to eliminate potential fake news. Did she keep any of the vials for lab tests ?
[…] *Source – Daily Telegraph* […]
[…] αναφέρει η Daily Telegraph το Σάββατο 20 Νοεμβρίου, η Προϊσταμένη Νοσηλεύτρια του […]
Today i was band from FB for 30 days, for shearing that story.
[…] Crisis in Slovenia? Whistleblower Nurse Says Politicians Receive Saline Instead of mRNA Jab WHO identifies omicron as new highly transmissible COVID-19 ‘variant of concern’ Out of Africa: The soon to be Named ‘Nu’ Variant Arrives in Europe Heavily mutated coronavirus variant puts scientists on alert ‘Worst ever’ Botswana variant now spotted in Israel as strain spreads to four countries in two weeks Belgium and Netherlands implement new COVID-19 restrictions as virus cases rise Stocks Tank on Fears of New Covid Variant, Dow Drops 890 Fauci: US Must Study Data Before Deciding on Travel Ban Over New Covid-19 Variant Dow falls over 2% as new virus variant spooks investors Vaccine Mandate Impacting Children’s Hospital’s Care for Waukesha Victims Irish senator proposes vaccine passports should be needed to buy groceries ‘General Hospital’ Actor Fired After 30 Years for Refusing COVID-19 Vaccine Why is the COVID mortality rate spiking in Germany? How Amish Communities Achieved “Herd Immunity” Without Higher Death Rates, Lockdowns, Masks, Or Vaccines Vaccine Victims Share Adverse Reactions, Loss Of Loved Ones About 10,000 Marines Face Defining Moment Ahead of Vaccine Mandate Deadline At least 69 athletes collapse in one month, many dead Former Pro Calls For “Investigation” After Another Football Player Suddenly Collapses: There has been a 5-fold increase in sudden cardiac deaths of FIFA players in 2021 US leaves door open to Africa: Fauci says there will be no ban on Southern Africa travel – for now pending more study of super vaccine-resistant mutant ‘Nu’ variant – despite UK, Israel and Germany suspending all flights Unvax Tax: Expert Proposes Monthly Fines for the Unvaccinated Canadian singer Bryan Adams tests positive for COVID after flying to Italy Missouri judge says county health orders illegal and must be lifted The vaccinated sick will hate the unvaccinated because they weren’t stupid enough to blindly obey like Fauci followers did […]
[…] αναφέρει η Daily Telegraph το Σάββατο 20 Νοεμβρίου, η Προϊσταμένη Νοσηλεύτρια του […]
[…] Via Daily Telegraph New Zealand […]
[…] Daily Telegraph. Thanks, Christine Ross. […]
[…] Read More […]
[…] source […]
I’m from Slovenia, absolutely a fake news, this woman was not a nurse here, do not waste your time with this shit.
Closer to real news-Dr. S. Gundry, Cardiologist, in Nov 2021 Circulation -published elevated cytokines that affect/damage heart muscle-, stay elevated for over 2 months post 2nd mRNA shot .Longer follow-up needed to learn when the body finally lowers these inflammatory compounds.
This is hardly something not to believe considering what Covid is all about….
“As a general rule, the earlier you recognize someone is trying to kill you, the better off you’ll be.” — Robert Gore, April 23, 2020
The most vital urgent and DEEP understanding everyone needs to RE-learn is that psychopaths typically are not physically violent crazies but always stealth predators (exploitative deceivers, which explains why the public has been fed a MISLEADING understanding of psychopaths). And then… the most vital urgent and DEEP understanding everyone needs to gain is that a network of manipulating psychopaths ARE governing big businesses (eg official medicine), nations and the world (the evidence is irrefutable) and that, therefore, the Covid Scamdemic is a VERY DESTRUCTIVE WAR AGAINST NON-RULING PEOPLE EVERYWHERE — you and I. But that’s only ONE part of the equation that makes up the destructive human condition.
It is NOT just a matter of “draining the swamp” at the top and we’re back to our former (sick) “normal.”
The true, WHOLE, but “politically inconvenient” and “culturally forbidden” reality is more encompassing because “the swamp that needs draining” on a psychological and behavioral level is over 90% of people anywhere. Carefully check out “The 2 Married Pink Elephants In The Historical Room –The Holocaustal Covid-19 Coronavirus Madness: A Sociological Perspective & Historical Assessment Of The Covid “Phenomenon”” at
Without a proper understanding, and full acknowledgment, of the true WHOLE problem and reality, no real constructive LASTING change is possible for humanity.
“Some sources say, however, the claim is unsubstantiated, and that the woman continues to work in the facility and has disavowed the story as false.”
Tell us these “sources”, telegraph since YOU are making that claim!
[…] Pielęgniarka zajmująca się osobiście przyjmowaniem oraz zarządzaniem „szczepionkami” dla polityków, stanowiącymi odrębną kategorię fiolek o symbolu „1”, złożyła publicznie rezygnację informując dziennikarzy o znaczeniu kodów na fiolkach, wywołując światowy skandal opisywany nawet w UK przez Daily Telegraph. […]
Retired nurse Vera Kanalec about 3 types of vaccines: 1 placebo, 2 mRNA, 3 soft tissue cancers slo / en
This is a real clip and there are many more like it.
See the English part of this website
Video of the nurse with English subtitles:
Thanks, I have used it.
This is a very urgent call to all who care!
Please read, join and share information.
The ‘Mainstream info bypass’ post gathers many alternative sources with the opinions of censored honest scientists, lawyers and experts. The post is bilingual in Slovene and English, similar to the y4na portal.
The media, politics and medicine are carrying out global genocide without a doubt. Collective global action is essential for the existence of humanity.
Dr Reiner Fuellmich: has all the evidence that pandemic is crimes against humanty!
One of the effective solutions is the global collective quantum concentration under the leadership of dr. Grabovoi and with the support of the patented artificial intelligence PRK-1U.
Look at comment 3:
Light transformation of the action of dark forces Advent management! (comment3)!
Join, spread information and save humanity!
Some prophecies ( see the Y4NE portal ) speak of a ‘new island’ in the Pacific Ocean, where a new civilization will emerge after all the cataclysms.
Maybe this will be New Zealand.
The friend who gave me the link to the DT – NZ portal is very intuitive …..
Ahaa, its niϲe conveгsatiօn on the topic of this artiϲle here at thіs webpage, I havе rеad all that,
so at this tіme me also commenting ɑt this pⅼace.
[…] Upokojena medicinska sestra, Vera Kanalec, je v videu razkrila, da je bilo najmanj 30 % ljudem vbrizgan placebo in ne pravo cepivo, zato tudi nimajo stranskih učinkov. Ti so ostali zdravi in kot taki so idealni za nadaljnje promoviranje izjemno škodljive in nevarne genske terapije, ki so jo skrili pod naziv ‘cepivo’, da so lahko dobili dovoljenje za uporabo. O tem poročajo tudi tuji mediji. […]
[…] Retired nurse, Vera Kanalec, revealed in the video that at least 30% of people were injected with a placebo and not a real vaccine, so they also have no side effects. These have remained healthy and as such are ideal for further promoting the extremely harmful and dangerous gene therapy, which they hid under the name ‘vaccine’ so that they could get permission to use it. This is also reported by foreign media. []
In some sources, we can assume that the percentage of placebo is as high as 80%. Vaccinated people should not rely on this Russian roulette, which is corrupt inhumane.
I assume that collective vaccinations in important companies, such as electricity distribution, are 100% placebo, similar to mainstream media employees. Very immoral and unethical, but evil is just that.
The second picture shows that the Slovenian Minister of Health Janez Poklukar was vaccinated with salt water – placebo. Let’s vote whether he knows or not.
But Yoda knows this corpse dealer knows. The only thing Yoda doesn’t know and doesn’t understand is where the humanity of all these fake elites all over the world got lost.
I monitor and compare our current conservative democratic government and the opposition liberal democracy. The conclusion is appalling. They all support vaccination.
If we look at the United States, we see that Biden’s liberal democracy is even more totalitarian. This is normal, because such a reference is the communism of the turbo – capitalist totalitarian People ‘s Republic of China.
Globalists have chosen the People’s Republic of China to replace the US. And the Chinese will be happy to play the role of a useful fool, partly similar to Hitler …..
Hope remains if we look at the prophecies, especially the Apocalypse. But if evil wins, the planet will be cleansed after a cataclysm.
Globalists do not understand that they too will fail! We are all aboard the Plandemic …. We must not dive.
Thanks to the Daily Telegraph NZ
To all those who want the truth, read :
UK Column news report dated 6.12.2021 has provided info. debunking these claims as a whole whilst the nurse is real and had outspoken re the dangers of quackcine but she was retired 10 years ago.
hahahahahahaha, fake news
We are hearing the same out of other nurses here in the USA that they were told to use certain vials as well and when we went to a stadium and we told them we were military they used a green marked bottle instead of red that was given to those who were not in the military. We sure wondered why. We asked the lady she said military were special. Should be from same colors as others.
Whether or not this particular story is fake news is not the issue. The whole EUA vaccine push and all of the propaganda surrounding his “pandemic” will raise the suspicions of anyone capable of critical thinking. The media’s efforts to maintain a blackout on any therapeutic treatments and the serious side effects of these vaccines. Add the heavy handed governmental mandates on masking and vaccine status have created an unprecedented situation. Altogether they’ve created fear in the population and no visible way out for most of those uninformed. I pity the young kids whose parents are now vaccinating them.
[…] Crie na Eslovênia: Enfermeira denunciante diz que os político recebem solução salina em vez da i… […]
You are a great writer thanx.
I am interested in more information. How can I contact you?
This information is so great thanks!
I wouldn’t totally discount this story. The government in New Zealand, and I understand the government in the UK as well, were forced to admit that there were “jab” vials that were saline solution. Although they did not admit that the saline solution was a specific placebo “jab” especially for them, the leaders, and other (so-called) VIPs it is pretty obvious to me that that is exactly what they are. It makes total sense amidst this panicdemic of lies, psy ops lunacy and mandated “vaccines” that are dangerous, ineffective and contain strange (unlisted) ingredients that don’t appear to serve any role in the product.
Thanks for sharing the information.
[…] Crisis in Slovenia? Whistleblower nurse says politicians receive saline instead of mRNA jab 投稿日: 2021年12月16日作成者: yoichitカテゴリー: Uncategorized […]
Very good information thanks so much!
[…] #2 and #3, Daily Telegraph shared this shocking […]
I just saved your website.
How can I contact you? I am interested in more info.
Thanks so much for sharing.
How can I reach you? I am interested in more info.
How can I contact you? I am interested in more info.
You are a great writer. Do you have any more webpages?
To avoid browser censorship and blocked links, I suggest that you enter all Internet addresses directly in the address bar at the top.
Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi calls on medicine to stop the vaccination catastrophe
I join the call and share the sadness and hurt with this famous German scientist with a big heart who is brutally censored in all msm.
But …..
Every human being has great potential that the enemies of humanity do not have…. Let’s unite our strengths in collective information management according to the methods of dr. Grabovoi and stop evil and liberate humanity. Let us concentrate on the numerical string IMMEDIATE STOPPING THE NEGATIVE ACTION. Synchronized collective concentration exponentially increases the effect. We can organize this through local FB and similar groups.
More information and detailed instructions on this can be found in my post – link below. But do not be afraid and do not doubt your abilities. You don’t have to believe, but concentrate to create the quantum effects of your consciousness. Dr. Grabovoi offers its technologies to all people for the salvation, development and well-being of humanity.
Stopping evil or cataclysm of the planet
Please see reports of successful treatments according to the methods of dr. Grabovoi on page 6 of my portal.
Page 6
Find out more on the English parts of my portal – links below.
Home page
Page 6
Page 7
Forum category in English
People in many countries are suffering terribly from the plandemic and vaccination terror of their dictatorial government regimes. Let’s help the world and ourselves. Learn to manage information. Practice makes perfect.
My ‘onemanband’ resources are too modest to be able to communicate instantly on forums. I apologize if I haven’t answered anyone. However, I would like to hand over useful collected information to help all those interested.
[…] a much stronger position. It's even possible you may have received a completely inert placebo, as a medical whistleblower in Slovenia confirmed that some people […]
Reduction of negative consequences of vaccination
Interested in more information. How can I reach you?
Thx so much !! Appreciate the useful info.
Here is evidence of the solutions offered, which have been ignored by corrupt politics, medicine and the media in almost all countries.
Offer of free of charge aid in protection against COVID-19
The link below provides a wealth of information and solutions for patients with covid19 and for harmonizing the adverse effects of new vaccines.
Protective and healing technology for all viruses, including the coronavirus
Thanx so much for helping me.
This info is so great thanks!
Proven soft tissue cancer after Pfizer vaccination en/ slo
Thanks DT NZ.
All the best to all.
Bank account of Mrs. B. Beović – President of the Medical Chamber of Slovenia
That lady often changed her affiliation with political parties. Therefore, it is very likely that she also changed this bank account. I received the information via gmail from an unidentified sender and put it here as such. But Ms. BB is a very ardent supporter of compulsory vaccination in Slovenia. Perhaps, however, her zeal is sponsored by our ‘friendly’ globalist eugenicists …..
Thanks to the Daily Telegraph NZ
Observe the actions and reactions of your politicians, medicine and the media. They are not in touch with the reality of vaccination like the average person. The usual explanations for the global vaccine one-mindedness are incomplete. Vaccination agitators and decision-makers are in a state of delirium with rare individual exceptions.
What are the possible causes of non-confrontation and human unresponsiveness to the vaccination disaster, which should have already stopped the vaccination agenda? In addition to several possible common causes, I assume hidden reasons. The first reason could be technological control over these people through VIP placebo vaccines, which could include chips and other means of transhumanization.
The following is a link to the disclosure of such a router in Pfizer. Some will also remember Merkel’s unexplained tremors ….. We cannot have positive expectations from transhumanized decision-makers! Perhaps their unethically silenced VIP placebo vaccination was a hidden trap. They were caught in a noose set up by the top chiefs of the deep NWO state.
Micro-router found in Pfizer vaccine
Some sources suggest the possibility of VIP duplicates and even clones. But it is better to rely on your own observations and logic. These two tell me that transhumanized figures are brutally uncompromisingly, ruthlessly, antisocially, illogically, and inhumanely forcing a genocidal vaccination crime against humanity.
I am adding information about 3 days of the night, in which I believe less than 30%. But it is better to know than not to know. I believe more in the messages of the biblical Apocalypse – up to 80%. So far, I have managed to explain a considerable part of the symbolic messages. It is essential, however, that evil is eventually defeated.
3 days of darkness
Biblical Apocalypse
Now is the time of the Apocalypse and the seal of the beast is a vaccination certificate. The dragon obviously means reptilian masters over humanity. And so on.
I dedicate my comment to the anniversary of my father’s departure from this world 12 years ago.
Due to superficiality, the anniversary of my father’s death was misrepresented. He actually died 8 years ago.
Other possible reasons for global vaccination one-mindedness
Among the very possible influences are the activities of demons, larvae and other types of entities, such as invisible members of other races from higher dimensions. I equate demons with Arkons. I noticed the demonic-looking entity at my former dentist, presumably a larva from a neighbor who died of cancer soon after. Beings of light and friendly higher races are at war with the hostile entities of darkness and will drive them off Earth.
I want to add another argument that I do not reveal my identity with a picture and a real name. In the past, it turned out that I inadvertently felt the problems of people who thought of me, or I thought of them. This manifestation of empathy can be quite stressful. And that’s one of the important reasons for my guerrilla hiding. This is the esoteric reason according to C. Castaneda.
People do not be afraid and do not hate anyone, this is the message from my dreams today. Rather enjoy my winter walk on Ljubljana’s Rožnik a few years ago.
Rožnik in winter
Rožnik in winter
They never name these “some sources”. Why is it? What are they afraid of to name the sources ? But they name the whistle blower….Hmmm, very strange.
VIP placebo vaccine doses (1) are not ‘neutral’.
This was shown by the death of EU Parliament Speaker David Sassoli. He was fully vaccinated and also boosted. This was said by a whistleblower from the EU Parliament even before he died, which has been verified through a friend of mine who works with this doctor’s sister.
The links below reveal the extent and depth of the criminal genocidal conspiracy of vaccine manufacturers. These links also explain Sassoli’s belated death as a result of vaccination. The media continues to carefully obscure and conceal this, even though the EMA has announced that vaccination destroys the immune system.
Reiner Fuellmich: “New Findings… Enough to Dismantle the Entire (VAX COVID) Industry!”
On COVID vaccines: why they cannot work, and irrefutable evidence of their causative role in deaths after vaccination
Premeditated Mass Murder?! Dr Michael Yeadon Joins Reiner Fuellmich To Discuss Genocide Clues
Dr. Mike Yeadon: Latest Evidence of Premeditated Mass Murder by Lethal Injection!
Prof. Udi Qimron: ‘Ministry of Health it’s time to admit failure.’
Corona plague in numbers
The DTNZ editorial team has been accepted into the ‘Elite Virtual Rapid Response Unit’ for its contribution to spreading the truth around the world. Here is Yoda’s choice of music to donate to the team and readers.
Creedence Clearwater Revival: Bad Moon Rising
Prof. Udi Qimron – open-letter (en)
Treatment of vaccinated people and residual symptoms of covid19 disease
I have prepared a compilation of possible solutions with technologies based on the Teachings of dr. Grabovoi. This can help affected people in the present and future especially with the support of PRK-1U artificial intelligence.
Treatment of vaccinated and long-term symptoms of recovered covid-19 patients
I saw a clip of the Maori HAKA (battle) dance in front of the NZ Parliament, which was just spectacular. On this occasion, I would also like to present the anthem of the Virtual Elite Rapid Intervention Unit. The anthem will be played in honor of Nurse Kanalec and DTNZ, who are honorary members of this unit.
Laibach – The Whistleblowers
The truckers protesting around the world are all activists of the new liberation front of the world, so the anthem is for them as well. Yoda is joking, but he is thinking very seriously.
To implement Grabovoi’s new quantum technologies, we must first free our minds from the old paradigm and learn, learn, learn.
PS: Laibach is the old German name for Ljubljana and the group was an intelligent provocateur even in the old communist ex-yu regime.
CDC data reveals vaccines are killing far more children than China virus itself
[…] of less fortunate people? Could this be due to the different COVID injection formulations[1]…? [See Evidence: No COVID Vials Are Safe, Covid-Injection Program Should be Terminated […]
Sign this petition: Respect, promote and protect freedom of informed vaccination consent throughout Europe
European Forum for Vaccine Vigilance
Urgent – alarming info
New sources and information with currently unverified status.
Only warm beer is worse than an angry midwife (e.g. Cindy), but even worse is Schwab’s global reset
United Network News
Kimberly Ann Goguen: Universal Council = Trump, Black sun, ets, and who controls the world
Special UNN Report with Kimberly Goguen
How Trump’s vaccines prevent the Great Reset and save humanity?
CANADA HAS FALLEN: The once-free nation is now under UN occupation and globalist control, with no mechanism remaining for peaceful return to democracy
A Nation Under Threat by their Government – Australia’s Quarantine Camps
Light transformation of the action of dark forces
The information is, to put it mildly, controversial, but what is happening somehow confirms it. The great Slovenian writer Ivan Cankar wrote 100 years ago: ‘The nation will write its own judgment, ….’.
What should I say at the moment about UNN? This may be the work of the Galactic Federation (Exopolitics) through quantum communication, or it may be a new deception of the Deep State.
Yoda recommends everyone sober to use Grabovoi’s technologies urgently. These technologies work proven and reliably in accordance with and for the highest standards of human existence.
For example, we use the ‘Light Transformation of Dark Forces Action’ protocol (in a genocidal conspiracy against humanity). We can use only selected parts of the protocol, or the whole.
Too controversial, so I’m withdrawing all information about UNN
Freedom and dignity for all people
Grand Jury – dr. Reiner Fuellmich
Work of Grand Jury – online – Day 1 – February 5th, 2022
Website of Grand Jury
NARRATIVE #79 | Reiner Füllmich (interview) T
Reiner Fuellmich telegram channel
Website of Investigation Committee
Video channel of the investigation committee
[…] Azt mondja, személyesen volt tanúja az összes politikus és iparmágnás oltásának, és mindenki, aki megkapta az 1-es számú vakcinát, azt állítva, hogy sóoldatot, placebót kaptak, olvasható itt. […]
Treatment of vaccinated and long-term symptoms of recovered covid-19 patients
Ivermectin is a powerful anti-cancer remedy, 9 peer-reviewed studies conclude
ALL ‘World Leaders’ have had saline injections except for the Governor of California, who was jabbed with the actual, untested bio-weapon Covid-19 vaccine.
When he got sick for two weeks, he was overheard by an alternative news reporter that he was “supposed to get the saline injection’ on camera as part of the VISUAL LIE!
Saline injections are a well-known fact now for the PTB and their middle-minions.
But, the MM’s will all be thrown under the bus when the PTB have had their use of them…!
(source; Jay Parker ‘Illuminati Sex Abuse Part lll)
I witnessed this here in NZ. A colleague of mine took dose 1 which was labeled 01 and 3 weeks later took dose 2 labeled 02 Dose 2 caused micro blood clots, tested using a D dimer blood clot test Luckiy to have survived. I have witnessed a 16 year old male family member diagnosed with pericarditis after his experimental shot..And another running colleague with her smart watch telling her something was very wrong the day after the clot shot Diagnosed myocarditis . I have attended multiple funerals with people that just seem to drop dead I have seen cancer rates explode amongst my friends with 2 family members dead. I don’t care what you think about my statement whether you think I,m telling the truth or not just go read page 30 from the court ordered Pfizer safety documents. I have. Samdog
I have recently made an official information request asking if any of the 58 batches of the Pfizer jabs rolled out in New Zealand were placebos, and if so, which batches.
[…] ‘Stunning’: The Real Reason Health Officials Won’t Let Independent Scientists Examine mRNA Vaccine Vials data leak suggests the real reason health officials don’t want individual vaccine vials examined by independent scientists is that the vials are all different — and the mRNA in the shots is not intact.… […]
[…] ‘Stunning’: The Real Reason Health Officials Won’t Let Independent Scientists Examine mRNA Vaccine Vials data leak suggests the real reason health officials don’t want individual vaccine vials examined by independent scientists is that the vials are all different — and the mRNA in the shots is not intact.… […]
UPDATE: Official Information Request was replied to regarding placebo doses of the Covid vaccine in New Zealand. There were no placebo vaccines or batches. That was the official reply from the Ministry of Health.
Here is the evidence for nano robotization
WORLD FIRST: ROBOTIC ARMS Assembling Via Nanotech Inside COVID-19 “Vaccines” – Filmed in Real Time – Dr. Nixon OCT 25, 2022
Doctor claims GRAPHENE sheds from vaccinated to unvaccinated resulting in destroyed blood cells, clots
Experts were warning of intelligent dark matter of extraterrestrial origin even before the C19 plandemic began. At the time, I found the tale of black intelligent matter of extraterrestrial origin terrifying, but I took the story with a grain of salt.
We are now in the midst of real negative consequences and most warnings have fallen on deaf ears. A certain optimism is given by the fact that the genocide has not taken such a scale for now as predicted by uncorrupted scientists and planned by satanic globalists.
I see the reason for mitigating the consequences of eugenic intentions in the actions of Dr. Grabovoi, groups and individuals working with his technologies and perhaps with the covert help of friendly aliens.
In any case, Grabovoi’s number series for ‘reduction of unwanted consequences of new vaccines’ 2487498 is still relevant and very important.
Mass heart attack after 5G activation in South Korea!
Pfizer has not yet said whether 5G also kills the placebo vaccinated.
Max Igan – TheCrowhouse
Max Igan on the ‘stampede’ in South Korea (en /exyu)
Video of the consequences of the ‘5G stampede’ in South Korea
Electrical engineer demonstrates 4G and 5G programmable nano technology in vaccines !!! (en / cro)
Alt. link
Looks like the site is getting brigaded by bots posting stupid shit.
The deep background of the plandemic is revealed
Former ‘Men in Black’ Operative Exposed the Alien Agenda, as Well as ‘Predicted’ the COVID Outbreak Several Years Ago (Joseph Spencer – confession)
Why are there fortunately fewer victims than the dire predictions for now?
A possible explanation and gratitude can be attributed to: a) the work of dr. Grabovoi and the users of its information technologies, b) the operation of the INTERGALACTIC FEDERATION together with the Earth Alliance.
Dr. Grigori Grabovoi – world
Health and youth with dr. Grabovoi
The Prophesied ‘Second Coming’ ET Motherships, Webb Telescope & Congressional Legislation
Elena Danan – Intergalactic tribunal for evil Colonizers of Earth
Personally I’m unvaccinated and I’ve never contracted covid-19 as far as I know.
I did catch a cold in 2022.
Everyone I know who is vaccinated has caught covid-19 multiple times.
Go figure.