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French bishops condemn Olympic ‘mockery of Christianity’, YouTube video removed

Opening Ceremony news

The opening of the Paris games featured drag queens and transsexuals posing as Jesus and his apostles.

The Bishops’ Conference of France has denounced the organizers of the Olympic Games over an LGBTQ-themed parody of the Last Supper during the event’s opening ceremony. The organizers have claimed that the performance reflected their “values and principles.”

The ceremony, which took place in central Paris on Friday night, concluded with a troupe of drag queens, homosexuals, and transsexuals posing at a table, as Jesus Christ and his apostles appeared in Leonardo Da Vinci’s ‘The Last Supper’.

A giant serving dish was then wheeled out in front of the table, from which emerged a mostly naked man made up to resemble Dionysus, the Greek god of wine and festivity.

Throughout the performance, a male dancer’s exposed testicles could be seen behind the table.

“This ceremony unfortunately included scenes in which Christianity was mocked and ridiculed, which we deeply regret,” the Bishops’ Conference said in a statement on Saturday.

“We thank the members of other religious denominations who have expressed their solidarity with us,” the statement continued. “This morning we think of all Christians on all continents who have been hurt by the exaggeration and provocation of some scenes.”

The ceremony was condemned by Christians and conservatives around the world. Bishop Robert Barron of Minnesota called the performance a “gross mockery of the Last Supper,” while Italian Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini declared that “opening the Olympics by insulting billions of Christians across the world was a really bad start” for France.

SpaceX and Tesla CEO Elon Musk described the spectacle as “extremely disrespectful to Christians,” while tech entrepreneur Dr. Eli David wrote that “even as a Jew,” he was “infuriated by this outrageous insult to Jesus and Christianity.”

Olympic organizers have defended the opening show. “We imagined a ceremony to show our values and our principles so we gave a very committed message,” Paris 2024 President Tony Estanguet told reporters on Saturday. “The idea was to really trigger a reflection. We wanted to have a message as strong as possible.”

“Our idea was inclusion,” added Thomas Jolly, the ceremony’s artistic director. “We wanted to talk about diversity. Diversity means being together. We wanted to include everybody.”

YouTube video removed

Meanwhile, organizers scrambled to remove the opening ceremony video from YouTube and other platforms following the significant public backlash.

The videos accumulated hundreds of thousands of views but received relatively few likes and a barrage of critical comments, and were subsequently taken down. Reposts on social media also faced removal due to copyright claims, often displaying messages such as “This video is not available” or “This video has been removed in response to a report from the copyright holder.”

Olympic Games news

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  1. SpaceX and Tesla CEO Elon Musk described the spectacle as “extremely disrespectful to Christians,” while tech entrepreneur Dr. Eli David wrote that “even as a Jew,” he was “infuriated by this outrageous insult to Jesus and Christianity.”

    Yes it was disgusting. I won’t ever watch the Olympics. Just a dreamed up distraction for what’s going on in the world. But jeepers Elon why do you still have a picture of yourself dressed in a baphomet costume on your profile? I would call you out on X but I won’t go on that platform for the simple reason that you still have that picture up and are acting like you’re some kind of saviour for free speech when clearly you have a darker agenda,

    As for Dr ElinDavid…..”even as a Jew”? What the? I thought Jews were the supposed chosen people in the bible, if that’s the case why do you not celebrate the birth of Christ? Yes that doesn’t all make sense does it? Sho yeah, you’re just as bad as Elon if you ask me.

    The whole opening was Satanic. What’s with snoop dog and lady Gaga and all the other lame American so called stars who sold their soil to thr devil doing there?

    Disgusting. Wake up people and tell everyone else. While you are at it, go look at other Olympic opening ceremonies and see how sick and perverted they are. Start with the London Olympics. Masonic vibes and all about viruses and vaccines and that was BEFORE covid.


    • Lady Gaga was groomed by Marina Abramovich who is into spirit cooking and is a known Satanist. Snoop Dog was spotted with a necklace carrying a miniature Baphomet.

    • Nope, WAY more evil. WAY more, it’s not even close.

      Something interesting about the traditions of men; this open perversion and decadence is one of the hallmarks of civilisational collapse. It happened to the Egyptians, it happened to the Greeks, it happened to the Romans. The cities of Sodom and Gammora, the flood narrative found not just in the bible, but in various other religious texts and cultural traditions around the world. The theme is always the same: Mankind angers God/the Gods, and their societies implode and collapse as a punishment.

      Even if you approach it from a completely secular/atheistic point of view, the correlation is difficult to ignore. It keeps happening over and over the same way throughout human history.

      Homosexuality IS unnatural, it simply is. Whether you look at it from a religious perspective, a biological perspective, an anthropological perspective or through the historical record. Again, this is literally civilisation-ending stuff, and that’s NOT hyperbole. Our traditions, cultures and gender roles all arose as a consequence of our biological reality, and the same basic principles are found regardless of which society you’re looking at and where on the earth they are: Men are the builders, the enforcers, the warriors. Women are the nurturers, the home makers, the ones blessed with the gift of biological reproduction, bearing children. Children themselves are the innocents, the society’s present-day link to its own future; they are tomorrow’s citizens who must be protected, educated and inspired in every way possible if the society is to continue to exist. Homosexuality and other social deviancies fly in the face of all of the above, because they are largely about gratification and selfishness, as well as contempt for anyone who continues to follow the social/religious norms. “Accept me as I am or YOU’RE evil.” Moreover, their genetic line effectively ends with them, they won’t produce their own children naturally and they therefore contribute no “future” to their society, but merely live off of its resources until they die, while also corrupting others in the interim. Literally like a virus (or a “social contagion” as some put it).This is part of the reason why so many cultures across the millennia treated them with such hatred and brutality. They recognised the correlation; tolerate this stuff, and watch your society collapse.

      And no, I don’t personally hate any gay people. I pity them, I pray for their souls. But what I DO hate is whatever power behind the scenes that keeps forcing this stuff down our throats at every conceivable opportunity. Movies, music, tv, video games, education, sports, and now even in the Olympics for gods sake. The article mentions a man’s testicles being visible in one of the videos, but it fails to mention there is also a small child nearby in the same video.

      Our civilisation is on the brink of collapse because it’s being pushed to the edge deliberately. Through our “penetrated” government cabinets, economics, taxes, war, immigration, poisonous food and water, a corrupt medical industry and engineered social decay (promiscuity, homosexuality, hedonism, pederasty).

      Christianity (even warring crusader christianty at the height of its brutality) was always about building a Christian world for its denizens (just like Judaism and Islam). But this NEW globohomo religion is about precisely the opposite. It’s about smashing our inherited traditions and morals into a million pieces and having a pride party over the pieces. They openly admit this.

      To say what they’re doing is “just as evil as what the Christians did” is woefully incorrect and highly disingenuous.

    • Well, we now have a a world that reject’s the Church, the Church doctrine and dogma’s, and church tradition, how’s that working out. The third millennium, will belong to Christ, or it will not be at all. (Pope John Paul ll).

  2. The performance reflected the ORGANIZERS values and principles and to hell with the billions who don’t agree. You wanted to send as strong a message as possible now you’re scrambling to pull it down off platforms under copyright laws because of the back lash 🤣🤣
    Way to stand by you’re principles you idiots.
    Go woke go broke

    • The ” organizers” are a.o. devious couple macron leading the pack.
      The macron are set to destroy france. France is at the moment ” governed” by a set of WEF puppets, most of them incompetent and with a devious sexuallity. The key positions are held by french J***. Untouchable and un-answerable because of the ” anti semitic” laws. Saying the word J** seems to be nowday ” anti-semitic”.
      It is time that also ” anti christians” laws are adopted in traditionally christian countries to protect christianity. Although i am no church goer.. The J** are set to destroy christianity by setting christians and muslims against each others

  3. Aside from religion, the spectacle was simply nasty.
    How about next time bringing bound women on stage and men lining up to take a turn!
    If you’re gonna be gross, where’s the limit?

  4. Why does diversity and inclusivity have to mean togetherness? It seems to me that this view encourages the single mindedness society is struggling with.

    Wouldn’t diversity and inclusivity be better represented as respect and tolerance of others’ beliefs and opinions?

    It appears the majority of the World’s Christian population has shown a far greater measure of respect and tolerance of others in their response to the Olympic Opening Ceremony than many other religions likely would. Surely they deserve the same in return?

    • It’s fundamentally because our language has been so utterly corrupted that “diversity” now means all future generations on the planet should be one colour. “Equity” means certain people dumber and lazier than you are entitled to more than you based on the colour of their skin (but don’t worry, it isn’t racist) or whichever sexual perversion they ascribe to. “Inclusion” means “shut up and accept what we’re doing or we’ll take away your voice, your social media, your job and your bank account. You will be an ostracised unperson”.

      It’s all because they don’t really care about your beliefs and opinions; your opinions are inconvenient to the world’s owners. They don’t actually want “togetherness”, they just want you to shut up and die off. They literally HATE you, that’s why they constantly pass new laws to tax you into poverty, inflate your currency and throw open your countries’ borders while insisting you lower your expectations, live smaller, aspire to less etc.

      The majority of the world’s Christians did not erupt into violence because we’ve had it slowly conditioned out of us over 2 millennia (arguably to our detriment). Everyone knows the powers that be would have never in a million years done a drag queen tribute mocking the Masjid al-Haram. Because we all know EXACTLY what would happen if they did. This is the level of respect Christianity needs to reacquire in my opinion. Unfortunately the route to that point requires far less tolerance and far more bloodshed (which honestly none of us want).

      It is what it is.


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