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Tuesday, February 11, 2025

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K Rd rainbow crossing painted overnight

Karangahape Road news
Image – Reddit.

A rainbow crossing on Karangahape Road in Auckland was painted over with white paint last night.

So far no individual or group has stepped forward to claim responsibility for the act.

The incident echoes a previous act of protest by Destiny Church members in Gisborne against a ‘drag queen storytime event’, which was eventually cancelled.

The crossing was installed outside St Kevin’s Arcade in 2021 to coincide with Auckland’s Pride Festival.

Auckland Transport’s infrastructure project manager Mark Banfield told legacy media he was dismayed over the damage to the symbol of the ‘rainbow’ community’s visibility and pride.

The proest was said to have taken place around 3:20am. The white paint has since faded after subsequent rain and passing traffic.

Auckland Central MP Chloe Swarbrick condemned the act on social media and vowed to restored the crossing.

The act follows a similar episode in Gisborne, where the local rainbow crossing was painted over by Destiny Church members.

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  1. It has become increasingly obvious over the past few years that the lgbtqxyz community has been “penetrated” by schwabian agendists and are now supposedly aligned to the transhumanist rollout presently underway.
    In my experience, a collection of drag queens can scarcely organise a dance party. How could they ever create a global movement with such high profile?
    It is understandable why many people might object to this globalist push for pedophilia where lgbtqwxtz movement are used as pawns, and the whole upsurge is wholly unnaturally occurring and driven as a funded psyop.
    The trillions of dollars of profit from providing sex reassignment surgery and life long treatment is certainly a major drive behind this whole trans psyop and we can all see the normalisation process underway to condition the homogenous mass to accept this,oozing into our perception from groomerica, through media and pysop pop culture.
    I believe the lgbgtqwxyz community would be wise to vocally state their non alliance to this globalist pedophilia promotion before the work of the movement to date is trashed by the association.
    Painting the road is not a protest against gays. It is an expression of non acceptance of this globalist trans/pedophilia psyop being foistered onto us all, simultaneously, globally.
    Not organically occurring. A psyop.

    • Thank you for your comment.That is the exact truth, Rupert. Every word. We, my spouse, friends and myself have been banging on about this for well… ever since a weird thing happened in NZ politics and we got the PM we just didn’t want.Very Schwabian indeed to borrow your succinct word, reminds me of my visit to Germany but back then it all seemed such a nice place.

      My employer didn’t quite know what to say but only for a short minute when I mentioned the Levi’s rainbow collection within my proximity. I said it does not equate to equality but is merely assigning a one single label to all. He told me he understood my point of view. It wasn’t there the next day, moved to a safer zone.

    • Part of the Zionist Agenda to destroy the Gentile Goy population.
      The Talmud and UN Agendas 21, 30 & 40 outlines these psy-ops.
      & BTW, the cops should be investigating the ILLEGAL multi-coloured road markings!

  2. I would have thought that the vandalism was the painting of the rainbow crossing in the first place. And the real act of treason was the high jacking of the rainbow in the first place.

    It is a symbol of Gods’ covenant, to never flood the earth again.

    And whether you are religious or not, if we all lived by Gods’ law, natural law, law of the land and its simplicity we would all be living happier and more fulfilling lives.
    Cause no harm to others and contract with honesty

      • There’s a reason for that.

        The alphabet enthusiasts know they’re a genetic dead-end. They’ll have no kids of their own, so the only way to grow their doomed cult is to corrupt and recruit YOURS.

        That’s why they’ve wedged their poisonous ideology into everything from My little pony to Buzz Lightyear.

        Evil incarnate.

  3. Five arrested for second attempt at painting over Gisborne’s rainbow crossing, seems like the Kiwis are getting serious about the crossings, first Gisborne then Auckland and then another attempt at Gisborne again resulting in five arrests, that makes me think that the police were watching, it’s good that there is so little crime there that the police have time for that sort of thing, another area where Gisborne council leads the world is in getting public works done, imagine a council that can repaint a crossing in two days, painted over on Monday and repainted by Wednesday, can your council match that ?

    • Precisely what my partner said. A town reeling in shock over what one can only say extreme violence and a whole team of cops provided to protect a piece of road ffs.

  4. If govt in this country gave two s**** about what the majority of people want I doubt we would see this so called rainbow crossing BS to start with. Just pandering to the likes of the DAVOS weirdos and the morally bankrupt USA.

  5. Perhaps another approach would be to show the people what all the lines represent. Apparently, the triangle of black, brown, blue and pink lines has particular meaning: The blue line means you want little boys. The pink line means you want little girls.

    The “flag” is hiding support for pedophilia in plain sight along with support for gay/lesbian rights. Most people support gay/lesbian rights and are not aware of the other lines or their meaning.

    When I was young, a rainbow was a beautiful thing in the sky.
    Before WW2, the Swastika represented the gentle footsteps of Lord Buddha.

    All these beautiful symbols being abused by having an agenda pinned to them, probably by George Soros or Klaus Schwab of the WEF.

    From the practical point of view, if it is a pedestrian crossing then it should be white so that it is clearly visible for pedestrians (particularly if they cannot see easily or clearly) and for drivers (in particular when it is raining and there is a lot of reflected light). White against a dark road is the only safe colour. Agendas should never get in the way of safety. If it is not a pedestrian crossing, then there should be no road markings to distract drivers.


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