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Monday, March 10, 2025

Popular Now

PM out of touch on crime and guns – Seymour

Gun crime news

“While the Prime Minister is cosying up to left-wing talk show hosts and delivering speeches at elite universities about gun laws, Aucklanders are living in fear over gang shootings”, says ACT Leader David Seymour.

“Jacinda Ardern is trotting the world stage lecturing people about how good our gun laws are, but violent gun crime is at record levels.

“Ardern told Stephen Colbert: ‘And so we got rid of them…So we had a buy back scheme. People who had legitimately and legally gone out and purchased these weapons and we changed the laws, so in fairness we said we will buy them back and we will destroy them. That is what we did.’

“How out of touch can you get? Aucklanders will be gobsmacked.

“Only ACT opposed the Government’s rushed gun laws. Sadly, we’ve been proven right. The legislation went after law-abiding New Zealanders and the gangs didn’t bother handing their guns back.

“The Government is also proposing to repeal the Three Strikes legislation in the middle of a crimewave. What message does that send to violent criminals? Crime is out of control and Labour is going soft on the worst offenders. This Government is so disconnected from reality.

“The gang-fuelled wave of gun crime in Auckland shows the Government’s gun legislation and buyback has failed. It hasn’t made a difference to the number of illegal firearms in circulation. Law-abiding members of the firearms community have handed back their guns, but violent gang members were never going to.

“We’ve seen a clear escalation in behaviour from the gangs, with regular shootings using illegal firearms. The current approach hasn’t worked.

“Neither the Government’s gun legislation, nor the buyback, has made a difference to the number of illegal firearms in circulation.

“Locking people up gets them off the street, but the gangs don’t care if young prospects are sent to jail and just carry on operating in our communities.

“We need to get smarter. ACT would hit the gangs where they hurt.

“Under our proposal, if an illegal firearm is found in the possession of a known gang member at a property where an illegal operation is taking place, authorities will not be required to meet the current tests. The discovery of an illegal firearm can be used to fast-track the seizure of assets.

“Gangs will either need to shut up shop, disarm, or have their assets seized.”

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Source:ACT Party

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  1. Christchurch too has areas with pockets of criminal violence. The neighbourhoods know about it and who and where. It’s frequently a topic of converation like ge PM’s cheeky grin or her boyfriend possibly havin an ankle bracelet.
    This present govt should all be arrested for fraud of pretending to be competent.

  2. A woke puppet does not require to be in touch with reality. Reality is irrelevant because ideology will be made reality by force, cohesion, manufacturing consent, cancellation, gas lighting etc with the support of legacy media and big corps. Illegality is not a big deal in the big scheme of 2030 WEF agenda implementation. Useful idiots can be used too as you know. Even neo-nazis are mates as long as they go with the agenda.

  3. Dont forget David Seymores bit of political theatre when he found himself missing a vote that would have stalled the gun laws Jacinda rammed thru parliament (with Nationals help of course) by the bit of pantomime of him
    being held up talking to media.ACT is a good name for them,Socialist,globalists ACTing like they champion freedom and small government

    • I wonder if Seymour (“Suddenly Seymour’ from the Little Shop of Horrors) is representing the hidden Zionists in his el-ectorate.
      & yes, he did miss the critical vote by the ruse of being ‘interviewed’ by a reporter when the vote was on-going in the Parliament.
      He knew there was a vote, and he orchestrated his absence.
      Then, he embarrassed himself and the nation on ‘Dancing With the Morons’ via ‘twerking, twinkle-toeing, etc.
      I personally think that he takes his marching orders not so much from the globalist directly just as the previous PM’s and President’s have; he takes them from Israel who-in turn, controls the world’s money system via Rothschidism, and thru that methodology they control the politicians.
      Good people who are responsible firearms owners have had their semi-autos removed.
      The gangs still have them! (If guns were outlawed, only outlaws would have guns!). We now see this every day.
      Gangs in a combined population far exceed the membership in numbers over the MoD and the Police. The gangs now outnumber them!
      So-who has need for semi-automatics and handguns to prevent violence thru an armed deterrent?
      WE DON’T…!
      When I was in the U.S. 30 or so years ago, (age 25 at the time). I had a drug crazed ‘ethnic’ break into my flat. When I got downstairs with my loaded double-barrel 12 gauge, he shot at me in the kitchen with a .32 handgun.
      Needless to say, he didn’t get another shot off…
      Cops came, took me ‘downtown’ for a statement, got a witness statement from a neighbour who saw the entire scene unfold. The Duty Judge ruled it self defence under the Castle Law. The cops then took me to Maccas for a burger & fries…
      & he who shot at me in my own home? A previously convicted rapist, murderer, drug dealer, etc. w/ a rap sheet that was 3 feet long by the time it came out of the fax machine. Even his relatives didn’t want him back, dead or alive!
      Now, Jabsinda is talking about a ‘gun registry’. In most nations, when a registry appears, confiscation then come on the heels of that, followed by genocidal mass murder / executions.
      NEVER GIVE UP YOUR GUNS, AND VOTE THIS MASONICALLY-EDUCATED SOCIALIST MORMON OUT OF OFFICE (provided Operation Katipo exercises doesn’t enforce martial law at el-ection time…!


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