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Questions raised over COVID jab changes to police ‘sudden death’ form

Dan Picknell news

Changes were made to the form in May and August 2021 requiring police to record detailed information about the deceased’s COVID ‘vaccination’ status.

Information about the changes was brought to light by former police officer Dan Picknell in a video interview with New Zealand Loyal Party leader Liz Gunn published on her FreeNZ platform.

A frontline officer with 19 years experience, Picknell noticed significant changes were made to the POL47 form, which officers are required to complete as part of their routine involving cases of ‘sudden death’.

The changes exclusively related to the recording of COVID mRNA status information – details on the number of boosters the deceased had received, dates of injections and date of last injection.

A subsequent OIA request made by Picknell revealed there had been no official written direction made to police to implement changes to the POL47. Instead, two ‘verbal’ inquiries were made – one through the Ministry of Justice, and a second through ‘pathologists acting on behalf of the Chief Coroner’.

Picknell said the changes were unusual, and raised a number of red flags – particularly as to whether officials were aware that problems with the mRNA injections were emerging early in the roll out, but recklessly continued with the ‘safe and effective’ narrative. It was the first time in his career, ‘that a specific medical treatment or medication was singled out for particular interest.’

The timing of the changes was also of interest, said Picknell, as they were implemented in May and August 2021 – quite early into the mRNA roll out.

As there was very little available in the way of an official paper trail, Picknell hoped the POL47 changes would be subject to analysis via the Independent COVID inquiry, but he feared that might not be the case as its Terms of Reference were not broad enough.

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