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Tuesday, February 18, 2025

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Three District Court judges die in one week

The legal community is reeling following the deaths of three respected District Court judges within a single week.

Acting warranted Judge Jocelyn Munro of Rotorua, aged 73, passed away on Monday, followed by Invercargill Judge Bernadette Farnan, 67, on Wednesday, and former Auckland Judge Philip Recordon, 75, on Thursday.

The judges have been remembered for their wide-ranging contributions to the law, including general court and jury trials to family court.

Chief District Court Judge Heemi Taumaunu described the week as ‘immensely sad’.

Judge Recordon served in the Manukau District Court and was sworn in as a judge in 2003.

Judge Munro had sat in the Rotorua District Court since 2015.

Farnan was remembered by fellow judge Russell Walker as a ‘powerhouse’ known for her legendary workload as well as her humility and kindness. She left a profound impact on the Invercargill community, Walker told State media outlet RNZ.

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  1. I’m sure they’ll promptly replace them all with more woke leftists who’ll pretend not to understand the bill of rights.

    • What’s in the Bill of Rights Act 1990?

      Ah yes, let’s take a look.

      9. Right not to be subjected to torture or cruel treatment
      Everyone has the right not to be subjected to torture or to cruel, degrading, or disproportionately severe treatment or punishment.

      10. Right not to be subjected to medical or scientific experimentation
      Every person has the right not to be subjected to medical or scientific experimentation without that person’s consent.

      11. Right to refuse to undergo medical treatment
      Everyone has the right to refuse to undergo any medical treatment.

      Any ‘judges’ available to discuss.

      No thought not.

  2. “Bafflement” is a real pandemic. The legal virtue signalers reap the Darwin Award (until proved otherwise).

  3. Gosh, they weren’t very old really.

    Judge Jocelyn Munro was the judge in my family court case and honestly I have nothing but praise for her intellect, her professionalism and her ability to draw out the truth and relevance of the aspects of my case. I represented myself and I felt she respected me for that. I am very sorry that she has passed away so relatively young. May she rest in peace.

      • Yes I am a woman. She recognised that my ex was trying to control me through our children. I had bent over backwards and driven over 250,000km at my own cost for 12 years so my kids could see their dad even though that wasn’t part of the custody agreement.

        Thankfully she could see things for how they were and I never had to see my ex again. Don’t worry I still sent the kids to his place, just on the bus. You have to take away the power of the narcissists.

        I am not saying some women aren’t manipulative cows, but some guys are seriously controlling as well. Anyway she was a great judge. I obviously struck it lucky.

      • Interesting website.

        Had a look around. Seems like a place for bitter men. Here’s a thing, men need to front up and pay full child support, stop using drugs and alcohol and stop having affairs. Granted some women are useless too but honestly take responsibility for yourself and you won’t be denied access to your kids. It’s really not that hard.

        My kids can never say I didn’t allow them to see their dad. I made sure of it. However there were times when I had to put it in writing about safety. Eg not leaving fishing hooks lying around toddlers, not putting them in appropriate life jackets and strapping them into a seatbelt together when they both should have been in car seats. I put everything in writing and kept record of things because I just knew he would eventually cause me trouble, which he did.

        • I read it too. It is not a bitter place for men. It seems to be an education place for men and children who lost contact with each other. Parental alienation is not a tool to acquire someone’s belongings and home. Those who practice it should be in prison. Today’s men are aware of the stages of matrimonial partnership and its risks. They are no longer buying into it. Looks like the gold diggers will have a lifetime of short term relationships, all less than the required 2 – 3 years.

          • lol – gold diggers eh…….yeah my ex husband would have had nothing without me. I was the one who had the deposit for our house. I sacrificed any potential career I might have had to have his kids and gave up my subsidised health care and generous superannuation scheme so I could be their mother. I gave my body for 9 months each pregnancy and another year breastfeeding each child. I was the one who got up in the night when they cried so he could sleep so as not to be tired for work. I was the one who cared for them when they were sick. After we separated due to his affair, I became self employed so I could work from home to be there for my kids outside of school hours, holidays, and when they were sick. This ‘job’ was paid a lot less than my previous corporate job. And with a lot less perks. Mr Fun Guy (my ex) got to keep his life, his job, all the perks including car, his superannuation scheme which I was probably entitled to. He got the kids for all the fun times (weekends and some school holidays )when he wasn’t trying to juggle kids school pick ups parent interviews medical appointments , sports, music etc like I was. IHe didn’t pay for their braces to straighten their teeth or any other expense. If it wasn’t for the IRD collecting child support likely I would have got nothing from him. I could go on.
            I have no doubt there are some great dads out there, but there are also a lot of men who have NO F****G idea how much women sacrifice to bring a child into the world which by the way any man can prevent by putting something on the end of it. We made a mutual decision to have the kids, I would have loved to see my ex dedicate as much time and energy as I did bringing up those kids as I did. He wouldn’t have the foggiest clue.

            Even when I met my second husband I still had more equity in my house than he did. So I again bought more to the relationship in terms of $$. After 22 years we view everything as mutual, because we work as a team. As it should be.

            Good luck to you. My advice is use condoms and don’t ever let anyone move in with you. Likely you will end up propping up the bar complaining about being single and wondering why no one wants you. Have a look in the mirror and ask yourself what the common denominator is.

            Just my 2 cents worth lol.

    • Exactly, dopey foolish numbskull jab recipients.

      Uninformed indoctrinated choices lead to very bad outcomes unfortunately.

  4. I have no ill will towards these people but so called justice in NZ needs a serious overhaul…the BOR for example needs to be entrenched or we will no doubt see more abuses of our rights, as per the convid and the like….

  5. Huh. Doctors and scientists still ‘baffled’ I assume.

    Anyways it cant possibly be the jab because that’s safe and effective.

    Therefore it must be “Climate Change”.



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