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ICJ orders Israel to end Rafah offensive

International Court of Justice, The Hague. Image - icj-cig.org.

The humanitarian situation in the city has “deteriorated further” since the Hague-based court’s last ruling.

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) has ordered Israel to halt its ongoing military operation in the Palestinian city of Rafah, as it is “not convinced” that the Israeli military’s evacuation orders are doing enough to protect civilians.

Reading out the court’s order on Friday, ICJ head Nawaf Salam said that its justices were “not convinced that the evacuation efforts and the related measures that Israel affirms to have undertaken” are sufficient to “alleviate the immense risk” to civilians in Rafah.

“Israel must immediately hold its military offensive of [sic] any other action in the Rafah governorate,” Salam continued, warning that failure to do so could bring about the wholesale destruction of life in the city.

Situated in southern Gaza near the border with Egypt, Rafah hosted around 1.4 million Palestinian refugees displaced from other areas of the enclave until earlier this month, when Israel ordered around half that number to evacuate the city as it sent tanks and troops into its eastern neighborhoods.

The ICJ has already ordered Israel to do everything in its power to prevent genocide in Gaza, and to take action to improve conditions for its two million residents. However, Salam said that the humanitarian situation has “deteriorated further” since the court’s last order in March, and is now classified as “disastrous.”

South Africa, which brought genocide charges against Israel at the ICJ in December, requested this month that its judges order an end to the Rafah operation. “Those who have survived so far are facing imminent death now, and an order from the court is needed to ensure their survival,” Pretoria’s filing read.

While the ICJ’s rulings are legally binding, it lacks any means of enforcing them. Israel is unlikely to comply with Friday’s order, with a government spokesman telling reporters on Thursday that “no power on earth will stop Israel from protecting its citizens and going after Hamas in Gaza.”

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu maintains that an invasion of Rafah is necessary to root out Hamas’ remaining battalions and achieve “total victory” over the militants.

Israel declared war on Hamas on October 7, after the militant group killed around 1,100 Israelis and took another 250 to Gaza as hostages. After almost eight months of fighting, more than 35,000 Palestinians have been killed, most of them women and children, according to Gaza’s health ministry.

A UN-backed report warned in March that more than 70% of Gaza’s population is facing catastrophic hunger, while the World Food Program stated last week that a “full-blown famine” had developed in the north of the enclave.

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Source:RT News

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  1. The terrorists leading the ‘chosen’ people won’t give a damn about ICC.
    They don’t need to (or so they think), because they have infiltrated many institutions in the West.
    And this infiltration has happened on so many levels and is so convoluted, that even multi-level investigations struggle to link them all together. And if one comes across such muli-level analyses, the emerging picture is so vast and so incredible (because psychopathy IS insane), that many people find it overwhelming.

    So excuse me veering off subject, delving a bit deeper by just naming some of the levels:
    Europe is firmly embedded in the holocaust scam where it is a crime to research it and ask questions.
    USA is fully corrupted by zionists.
    The world is subjugated by the jewish international bankster cabal, incl NZ. No government can survive without the debt of free-money spigot. I repeat: NO government can survive without that free-money spigot, invented some 250 years ago by the house of Rothschild. If one would try, that country is toppled by deep state operation. Meanwhile YOUR kids have been already placed into eternal serfdom.
    Education in many countries has been systematically undermined by woke disfranchise.
    Critical thinking has been erased in the very tutors that ‘educate’ children.
    Universities, once a bastion for free thinking, have been endowed with bribes by ‘foundations’.
    Officials are bribed in ways that are hidden from investigative scrutiny or are in the open with cosy exile jobs.
    Media has long become THE instrument for the zionist cabal.
    The core family, the most important building block for any society, has been eroded and destroyed by entities like the Family Court and ‘family’ services.
    Hey, people have even been served struggles about gender! You just can’t make up that shit.
    People’s livelihood has been destroyed by criminal scum like the pandemic response group (i.e. ‘expert’ creatures like profs Michael Backer and Michael Plank), who are financed as described above.
    Politicians, many are psychopaths in their own right, are failing most dismally the populous they swore to serve.
    The churches do as they always done, namely being a tool by the powers to pacify populations.
    Total surveillance is advertised as a benevolent measure for ‘Health and Safety’.
    All freedom will be gone with introduction of CBDC (Central Banking Digital Currency), a poison carrot for people without income, and facial recognition at POS.
    Police is abused as tool to keep populations under the yoke of fascism.
    Military, presumably the last bastion for law and order, is stifled by woke ideologies.

    So, that all makes one feel powerless, defeated, scared and desolate.
    Not so fast: YOU, ANYONE, can and will make a difference by doing what we do here (THANK YOU DTNZ!), namely engaging with others who have the same feelings and ORGANIZE into/JOIN with others, with groups who still maintain critical thinking.
    Talk to anyone who wants to hear it or not.
    Many groups are already established but will gain velocity by more numbers.
    Start here:
    Voices for freedom: hello@voicesforfreedom.co.nz
    Hamilton Common Law: hnclc@startmail.com
    NZ Loyal: https://nzloyal.org.nz/

    Pass this web page on to others.
    They eventually WILL come around.
    Have a great day.

  2. Israel has to end Hamas or forever be terrorized. There is no choice for Israel other than to finish this.
    After it’s done and dusted, UNRWA should be thrown out of Gaza and the Palestinian children should be taught love and compassion, rather than hatred. Correct education breaks the cycle and ensures that when the children reach adulthood they do not become like Hamas.

    • Mark, can you please research how Hamas was created, who funded it (incl. btw ISIS), for what purpose, who has interest to keep that battle ongoing, and why Hamas will not be ‘ended’ by killing hundreds of thousands of civilians (which you probably descibe as Hamas. And please don’t tell us that they hide behind civilian population when the whole Gaza is nothing but an open air prison and when resistance against occupation cannot be fought like a regular army).
      Yes, Hamas has various ‘sponsors’, but the zionist cabal does not care. Mossad never cared about allegiances. For the final goal, that arm of the zionists even bites the hand that feeds them: the people of the USA.

    • Undercover Mossad agents infiltrated into Gaza to create hamas and stir up anti Israel hatred. They are masters of deceit.


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