Part 2 of my investigation into NZ health apps – in support of #ScrapTheApp campaign.
In the ‘urgent push’ towards the ‘Global Digital Health Agenda’, there are two nationally-promoted patient health apps in NZ. These are widely used by many Kiwis as a ‘convenient’ way to book appointments (in the healthcare illness system that is overloaded with problems and short of qualified staff).
Back in November last year, I wrote this popular article about the one called ManageMyHealth where I explained the ways international financial entities including impact investors are harvesting New Zealanders’ personal data:
I’m still waiting for ManageMyHealth to send me the full T&Cs of that app as these weren’t easily available. In today’s article, I’m focussing on the other health app that thousands of New Zealanders are encouraged to use, MyIndici.
Why MyIndici?
(from the MyIndici website): “Some of the key features include:
- Booking/cancelling appointments with your usual provider
- Make routine repeat prescription requests
- View the medications you are on
- See your immunisation history
- Send and receive secure non-urgent messages to and from your GP
- Conveniently access video consultations through the app
- Access to online health and wellbeing resources
Like ManageMyHealth, hundreds of NZ GP surgeries heavily promote the use of MyIndici to their patients to address their needs (without the cost or bother of visiting their surgery). Other institutions also promote its use including care homes, employers and universities. For instance look at this bizarre instruction to a young person:
By signing the below, I acknowledge that I have read and understand the above information. I will not switch off automatic notifications. I will use MyIndici to check lab results and action as per the Doctor’s recommendations. (My emphasis)
[from the Application From via Student Health Victoria University, Wellington].
It’s so convenient, MyIndici claims: “Now users can easily monitor their vitals without any need for medical equipment.” (Or Drs or nurses?) stated here. Remote patient ‘monitoring’ has evolved beyond apparently ‘inconvenient’ Bluetooth pairing or account registration. Spritely for instance, sells systems for GPs of elderly people for ‘effortless’ and ‘scalable’ online monitoring. I’ve highlighted before how these assisted living dying retirement homes exploit their residents. Do these individuals even realise what is surveilled and recorded about their bodies and when? How is this data being used? Where is the Informed Consent?
Who owns and runs ‘MyIndici’?
MyIndici is actually Indici, part of Valentia Technologies Ltd. This is a global AI and cloud-based data harvesting system, delivering telehealth ‘solutions’, as well as scans, monitoring, cancer treatment plans, virtual wards, and lots more:

Valentia claims to own 85% of the NZ TeleHealth sector, with over two million active users across four continents. This interference into New Zealand’s healthcare system is being driven by numerous ‘partners’, including the Digital Health Association:
It won’t be any surprise to my regular readers to know that this entity is another Public Private Philanthropathic Partnership (PPPP), heavily captured by all the usual GloboCap names, including the WEF and WHO:

Partners and Members include AWS (Amazon), Microsoft, Deloitte, New Zealand Health Group (that I wrote about here), and many others. Importantly, ManageMyHealth also features in the ‘Members’ list, so maybe these two app companies aren’t ‘competitors’ after all? Looking at the Board of the DHA, there’s good reason why the CEO, Ryl Jensen (interesting recent interview here); Chair, Kate Reid; and the Deputy Chair, Tony Wai are all senior IT and finance and investment experts (not healthcare professionals). Other Board members are lawyers, IT and AI experts from Microsoft….There’s profit in data, as I’ve explained previously about Impact Investors.
More on the rabbit hole that is the DHA another day. Let’s return to MyIndici:
From primary care to emergency treatment, MyIndici parent company, Valentia Tech, seems to have comprehensive cover of all healthcare sectors. Here is a summary from Indici’s website of the areas covered (note the genetics-based testing, centre right):
Who are Valentia Technologies Ltd?
Looking more closely at the different companies under the wider Valentia Tech group, there’s 6 main areas of business:
One of Valentia Tech companies, Maha, addresses “Oncology Solution(s) for Cancer and Haematology treatment”
Maha is a sophisticated cloud-based oncology solution that fuses an immense feature suite with seamless digital intelligence for high-impact clinical decision support. The solution has been explicitly designed to support both adult and paediatric populations.
No need for clinical experts then, simply plug-in your personal data (including your genetic assessment) to the AI, and BigChem and BigPharma will prescribe the necessary ‘solutions’. The irony is, GPs and nurses themselves are promoting this service, you see it’s So Convenient to have the hassle of all that complex paperwork taken away…
This ePrescribing for cancer patients is already being rolled-out in NZ, under the name Raurau Ngaehe. “We had some very nervous stakeholders in the beginning because it is a relatively high risk treatment, so we started with a limited number of patients and transitioned quite slowly,” said Crabb from HealthNZ in August last year. You’re not kidding. Apparently, about 600 NZ clinicians are using the system for more than 5,400 cancer patients. The estimate is approx 40,000 treatments every year will be via the Raurau Ngaehe system. I wonder what errors have been made, or how ‘effective’ these AI-prescribed treatments have been? What is AI ‘learning’ from this system?
“…the aim is to get granular data that can be used to do really in depth equity analysis and start to highlight regions or patients or diseases where we need to take a closer look.” (says Crabb)
But that’s not all, using these technologies means that the patient can ‘do without the need for medical equipment’ (see below image) as well as healthcare professionals. For instance, monitor your ‘vaccine management’ alongside heart-rate and biometrics:

On its website, Valentia Technologies Ltd claims it was founded in 2004. However the NZ Company was founded ten years later, 2014. The current three Directors of Valentia Tech NZ Ltd include Ahmad Javad from Pakistan. Paul Rudolf Ronis based in Australia (and also Director of the Australian Valentia arm). And Brain William Scollard, based in Dublin, Ireland. The same Directors are listed in Valentia Technologies Pacific Ltd. When investigating ManageMyHealth, I wrote: “Instantly, we realise that this is NOT a small-scale NZ-based company. There are tentacles to MMH in India, US, Australia, Ireland and elsewhere.” Strange how these locations are mirrored in the (only) ‘alternative’ App in NZ?
Finally, every year, ‘Digital Health Week NZ’ brings many of these entities together. The 2024 programme is listed here but not publicly available. In 2023 it also included talks from DHA’s CEO Ryl Jensen (mentioned above), Ahmad Javad, Co-Director of Valentia along with all the usual Bigtech ‘partners’ promoting Agenda 2030 …Gates, Microsoft, Accenture (insightful summary of this event, featuring all the main presenters, is here – time-stamped):
In conclusion, as I said in my previous article about ManageMyHealth: we can see that the MyIndici App is anything but innocuous and is closely connected to the UN, WHO, WEF Agenda 2030 – creating our digital prison. These Apps represent the polar opposite of authentic health and wellbeing. I’ve shown here some specific corporate companies with wealthy individuals profiting from exploiting our personal data. They don’t have our best interests at heart. The best thing we can do? If you have downloaded these apps – delete them asap. Plus any other App monitoring your data. Do not feed the machine. As UK Column’s Substack says simply: #ScrapTheApp
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“Do not feed the machine”, perfectly sums up the danger of technocracy adoption, which little by little is taking away what little freedom and rights we have left, in the name of convenience.
Exactly why I have refused to use one of these ‘convenient’ apps. I read the terms and conditions and thought no, not giving third parties access to my health data.
Why is this not explained to people properly when GPs push them to sign up?
I don’t find it that inconvenient to ring and ask for a repeat script. But, the receptionist and nurse/doctor might.
F***ing hate these things. Lazy, greedy doctors and medical clinics, that are little more than sick people mills, use them as a substitute for proper interpersonal medical care. The one they have lumbered me with is next to useless.