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Sunday, June 16, 2024


Open questions of vaccine safety currently under investigation by science are being ignored in the relentless push for vaccine mandates and child vaccination programmes

Underlying the current paradigm of biologics and genetic engineering is a lego brick understanding of genetic function. Hence the term ‘the building blocks of life’....

‘It happened after vaccination but the surgeon didn’t report it’: Case 9 Aussie Frontline Workers Speak Out

Case 9: ‘It happened after vaccination but the surgeon didn't report it’ In this series dailytelegraph.co.nz brings you testimony from frontline health workers, doctors, nurses,...

Watch: 10,000 scientists and physicians sign Rome Declaration calling to end mass COVID ‘vaccination’

A global summit of medical scientists and physicians met in Rome in September to discuss the COVID 'vaccine' crisis. 10,000 subsequently signed the Rome Declaration,...

Mass outbreak of COVID-19 on Royal Navy ships with 100% vaccination rate confirmed – BBC

The BBC have confirmed an outbreak of COVID-19 has occurred on HMS Queen Elizabeth, the Royal Navy's flagship aircraft carrier, which is currently on...

Super Saturday smashes vaccination records

Super Saturday has smashed vaccination records with people rolling up their sleeves for their COVID-19 vaccinations today, with 129,995 doses administered - 39,024 first...

COVID jab travesty: Teen cancer patient denied lung transplant passes away

Dazelle Peters, a 17-year-old leukemia patient has passed away after being denied a vital lung transplant. Her father, Josh Peters, confirmed her death on social...

The WHO takes another step towards the pit

Last week, amid fanfare from both advocates and opponents of centralization of future pandemic management, the world continued its unfortunate stumble back to old-fashioned...

Man accused of threatening to kill Ardern to stand trial

41-year-old Richard Sivell of Te Ranga is accused of threatening to kill former Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern. Sivell, who was rearrested in Taupō nearly two...

The Long Essential Read: The Dam is Breaking—The Biotech Bubble is Bursting

For the last couple of years the Hatchard Report has been asking the government and the medical establishment to compare the health outcomes of...

‘COVID jabs may be to blame for increase in excess deaths’ – UK Telegraph

An article in the UK's Telegraph overnight says further research is warranted into the relationship between the COVID jab rollout and the contemporaneous unprecedented...

Game Changing Initiative: The International Genetic Charter

The World Health Assembly of WHO has announced that agreement has been reached on an amended version of the proposed International Health regulations to take effect...

Fauci accused of ‘crimes against humanity’ in Wuhan gain-of-function coverup

Fauci was the chief medical adviser to the president in 2021-2022, during a pivotal period in the COVID 'pandemic'. In a dramatic congressional 3 June...

Philosophy of law for the modern world

The French philosopher, Jean-Francois Lyotard, who contributed important philosophical insights in a variety of philosophical sub-disciplines, regarded his book, The Differend (originally published in...

Tedros must face reality

It would be easier to ignore the World Health Assembly’s (WHA) deliberations in Geneva this week, but the opening address of the Director-General, Tedros...

Covid Vaccines: Saviour or killer shot?

It’s interesting that the esteemed editor of this site has concluded, after more than four years of cogitation, that mRNA technology-based vaccines were a...

Baker insists on preparedness as first human case of ‘Bird Flu’ confirmed in Australia

As Australia announces its first human case of bird flu, New Zealand's public health authorities are emphasising the importance of readiness for the 'H5N1...

The media slowly backpedals

Early in my legal career, I handled many one-day trials. Late one afternoon, I returned to my office. Still wearing my suit and carrying my...

Guy Hatchard: One last throw of the dice for humanity

Professor Michael Plank of Covid-19 Aotearoa Modelling and Te Punaha Matatini is a mathematical biologist and epidemiologist commissioned by the New Zealand government to...

Computer modeller says get jabbed as ‘new wave’ of COVID-19 ‘predicted’

New Zealand is potentially facing a significant new wave of COVID-19, as indicated by sharp increases in hospital admissions and reported cases, according to...

One speaks out among the silent majority

So there is at least one NZ official who is prepared to put their little finger up above the parapet. Coroner Sue Johnson has ruled that...

MOH refuses OIA request for MP vaccine exemption numbers, citing ‘privacy’ and ‘workload’ excuses

Seven months after requesting the number of Members of Parliament (MPs) who received COVID-19 'vaccination' exemptions, Tauranga lawyer and NZ First candidate Kirsten Murfitt...

SkyGate: After Gunn’s Trial, Ex-Cop says “the Police literally jumped the gun”

Day 2 of Gunn & Clark Trial, Manukau District Court, New Zealand The strange trial of a seasoned independent media duo continued to get stranger...

COVID files: Remembering WHO’s endorsement of the AstraZeneca jab

At the height of the COVID crisis, the World Health Organization assured people there was no reason to stop using the AstraZeneca COVID clot...

Public health by way of the Surveillance State

WED. May 01, 2024, four long years after the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak collapsed the economy and global population numbers alike, EcoHealth Alliance President Peter Daszak...

Blatant disregard for the tragic facts

An update from the Covid Royal Commission of Inquiry. This week my closest friend and colleague from university days passed away from cancer. It came...

Why putting a neuro-toxin in water supplies is not a good idea

If people let the government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a...

Programmed failure: are our GP clinics set up to fail?

It’s a week where junior doctors are on strike, and strike they should. But it’s bigger that. Should you care if your local doctors’...

Moderna reports $1.2 billion loss as COVID jab sales plummet

Gene therapy maker Moderna has announced a $1.2 billion loss for the first quarter of 2024, citing a drastic drop in COVID-19 vaccine sales. Its...

The Labour Government deliberately gaslighted the NZ public and hid vital information they received from Five Eyes about the pandemic

The UK Daily Telegraph has revealed that in January 2021 the United States government shared “gobsmacking” intelligence information with its Five Eyes partners (UK,...

Pfizergate: Ursula von der Leyen’s shady Covid vaccine deals prove she can get away with anything

Questionable contracts and overspending have left the unelected ‘queen’ of the EU unfazed and eager for a new term. Forget this whole “election” charade and...

AstraZeneca admits it’s jab could cause potentially fatal side effect

The UK-Swedish pharmaceutical company has said its jab could cause blood clots 'in rare cases'. Pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca has for the first time admitted that...

NZ ‘on the brink’ of measles epidemic, get your kids vaxxed say experts

Experts from the Public Health Communication Centre (PHCC) have sounded the alarm, cautioning that New Zealand is teetering on the edge of a measles...

ANZAC Day 2024, We Will Remember Them

Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will. — Mahatma Gandhi In mid-summer, on my way into the central city...

Popular Malaysian doctor publicly apologises for use of COVID jab

Dr. Syafiq Nordin told his 10,000 followers on Facebook that he did not have the financial means to pay compensation to vaccine-injured victims, and...

mRNA expert slams CDC’s handling of pandemic policies

Renowned COVID-19 expert and mRNA pioneer Dr. Robert Malone has criticised the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), accusing the agency of...

Protests across Japan rally against WHO Pandemic Treaty

April 13, 2024, will be remembered as a pivotal day in modern Japanese history, as tens of thousands of citizens took to the streets...

Watch: Whistleblower Barry Young shares anonymised data on young kiwis who died after receiving COVID jab

Barry Young was speaking to Liz Gunn on FreeNZ Media. The video was recorded in November 2023 and published to social media yesterday. Young went through...

The WHO’s road to totalitarianism

Several articles on the proposed amendments to the WHO’s international health regulations have appeared here on Brownstone. Such as this excellent introduction. Consequently, there is no...

Australian scientific paper urges investigation into long-term effects of COVID jabs

The paper was published in this month's edition of the Australian Journal of General Practice. The paper entitled 'Long Covid: Sufferers can take heart' confirmed...

Top virologist predicts ‘tsunami’ of deaths from the COVID ‘vaccine’

Renowned Belgian virologist Geert Vanden Bossche has issued a dire warning of an impending "massive tsunami" of COVID-19 illnesses and fatalities among vaccinated individuals,...

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