16.2 C
Sunday, June 16, 2024


Jesse Wilde Ft Jason Kerrison – We Had a Choice?

I wrote this song in response to the acting Prime Minister Chris Hipkins saying to the media on the 4th of September 2023 "There...

Pandemics: A business opportunity

Relax for a few minutes, sit back, and pretend morals and business ethics are redundant. Then imagine an infallible, risk-free business scheme in which you...

Band-Aids can cause cancer – Daily Mail; Youth cancer rates explode – Expert

Cancer-causing PFAS chemicals are also found in guitar strings, dental floss, toilet paper and dust, according the UK legacy media outlet. A recent investigation by...

OIA reveals over 8,000 health workers got COVID jab exemptions

More than 8,000 health workers, many of whom were unvaccinated or only partially vaccinated, were allowed to continue working throughout the Covid-19 pandemic. Data released...

Guy Hatchard: Action to face the medical crisis can no longer be postponed

Government inquiries seldom change reality. Public submissions to the Royal Commission of Inquiry into COVID-19 Lessons Learned are now closed and the Commissioners blandly note on...

The WHO Pandemic Agreement: A guide

The World Health Organization (WHO) and its 194 Member States have been engaged for over two years in the development of two ‘instruments’ or...

Woman denied heart transplant over COVID jab status

The affected woman named Irene, has a history of blood clots and heart issues, which are known side effects of the mRNA gene therapy. Despite...

Neil Young returns to Spotify after Joe Rogan boycott

The aging rock star complained that other platforms now broadcast the same “disinformation” that drove him from the streaming service. Canadian rocker Neil Young has...

Majority of UK frontline health workers declining COVID boosters

Figures obtained for the period 2023-2024 showed influenza 'vaccination' rates have also seen a sharp decline. UK health care workers (HCW) are choosing not to...

Royal Commission of Inquiry links itself to Covid vaccine promotion

The team currently organising the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Covid-19 have misleadingly and mistakenly linked their publicity to a wholehearted endorsement of Covid...

The government, the media, and the health service have buried their heads in the sand and promised our health problems will go away

Today the government announced new health targets promising greatly shortened wait times and faster treatments, but incredibly failed to address why so many people...

New Zealanders call for an immediate end to Crimes Against Humanity

Many people, especially ignorant people, want to punish you for speaking the truth, for being correct, for being you. Never apologize for being correct,...

How did the medicines regulatory system fail us so badly?

An influential cross-party group of UK MPs have raised concerns that the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) knew of serious cardiac side...

Queensland COVID jab mandates for police and health workers ruled illegal, former All Black among plaintiffs

The Queensland Supreme Court has declared mandatory COVID-19 vaccination orders for police and health workers, including paramedics in Queensland, Australia, unlawful. Justice Glenn Martin, in...

Australians abandoned failed mRNA COVID shots

After climbing the world leaderboard during the initial Covid vaccine rollout to achieve over 95% vaccination coverage, Australians have turned their back on boosters,...

Guy Hatchard: The need for a comprehensive health service audit

Two papers published this week present starkly contrasting views of the scientific process. Dr. John Gibson economist at the University of Waikato published “Cumulative excess...

Open Letter To: The Hon. Dr. Shane Reti, NZ Minister of Health

How Dialogue and Data can Solve the NZ Health Crisis Open Letter To: The Hon. Dr. Shane Reti, NZ Minister of Health, shane.reti@parliament.govt.nz Cc: The Rt. Hon. Winston Peters,...

Another variant, another desperate cry for masks

For those of us on the side of sanity, reason, and data-driven evidence, the refusal of Covid extremist “experts” to admit mistakes has been...

The Network of Denial and the Trail of Deceit in New Zealand

As you know we live in extraordinary times, of note not just because of our technological achievements, but also because of the pervading mood...

Trucker who refused COVID jab gets big payout for unjustified dismissal

Wayne Basher, a truck driver who was terminated from Big Chill Distribution Ltd for not getting vaccinated against Covid-19, has been awarded nearly $29,000...

Watch: Japanese medical expert says use of COVID jabs is ‘murder’

A short clip of Professor Emeritus Masanori Fukushima of Kyoto University speaking about COVID 'vaccines' has been shared widely on social media. Fukushima was speaking...

NZ study claims COVID jabs ‘saved thousands of lives’; US study says it killed more than it saved

A recent study published in the medical journal Vaccine, co-authored by New Zealand statistician Professor Michael Plank claims COVID 'vaccines' significantly mitigated the impact...

Guy Hatchard: Have we lost our minds?

It used to be the case that kindergarten children played at ‘connecting the dots’ to make drawings, these days this activity is considered to...

Guy Hatchard: Ten thousand cities

An opinion piece caught my eye in the New York Times this week entitled ‘My Patients Used to Be Enthusiastic About the Covid Vaccine....

COVID Royal Commission: Expanded terms of reference must include vaccine safety – NZ Outdoors & Freedoms Party

While it's good news that the new government has belatedly announced a wider inquiry into the Covid NZ response, it still falls short says...

When will it be called treason?

Fear not the path of truth for the lack of people walking on it. — Robert Kennedy On a warm day in the spring of...

Employer to compensate mandated worker for post-jab pericarditis in landmark Australian legal decision

The South Australian Employment Tribunal ruled that the Department of Child Protection (DCP) must compensate and cover medical expenses for a youth worker, Daniel...

Slovakian govt launches investigation into COVID jabs, rejects WHO power grab

The measures were announced by Prime Minister Robert Fico recently as excess 'unexplained deaths' in the country rise amid growing mistrust in the 'safety...

Top Thai medical experts release statement of concern over COVID vax injuries and ‘Long COVID’

The three experts are high-ranking academics at Thailand's leading medical institutions. They are Professor Dr. Thiravat Hemachudha from the Thai Red Cross Emerging Infectious Diseases...

Asian medical experts call for immediate halt to COVID jabs

Japanese and Malaysian experts hold press conferences, while Philippines to launch inquiry into unprecedented excess deaths. A panel of experts in Japan called the 'Vaccine...

Peer-reviewed paper calls for an immediate stop to mRNA ‘vaccine’ use

The comprehensive study was also highly critical of the lack of scientific trials of the novel gene therapy prior to mass 'vaccination'. The new study...

Guy Hatchard: A Time of uncertainty, but hope

Dear Friends I hope you have enjoyed a Christmas and New Years break. I am writing to distil the lessons of the past three years...

The WHO’s Managerial Gambit

On Friday, Bret Weinstein warned of impending tyranny from the World Health Organization. “We are in the middle of a coup,” the evolutionary biologist and...

CDC ordered to release 7.8 million COVID jab adverse event reports collected by mobile app

The landmark lawsuit was brought by the Freedom Coalition of Doctors for Choice against the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The case focused...

New case report calls for ‘careful’ research into mRNA COVID jab and ‘turbo cancer’ link

The report examined the case of a man who developed an 'aggressive, infiltrating, metastatic, and ultimately lethal basaloid type of carcinoma arising shortly after...

The Indomitable Human Spirit

The Indomitable Human Spirit that, against all odds, either finds a way or makes one. — MH Many years ago, as a first-year student nurse...

Ardern – Gayford wedding picketed by protesters – Daily Mail

The event, held at the elite Craggy Range vineyard in Havelock North has been marked by a few incidents of protest, according to the...

Pro-jab journalist who called for ‘antivax concentration camps’ dies, aged 33

Canadian corporate media journalist Ian Vandaelle, known for his controversial views on COVID-19 vaccines and mandates, has passed away at the age of 33. Vandaelle,...

2024 is going to be ‘even more crazy’ – Elon Musk

The billionaire’s New Year prediction has arrived amid the conflict in Ukraine and ahead of a contentious election in the US. SpaceX CEO Elon Musk...

DTNZ top 100 articles for 2023

2023 was full of major news events from around the globe. We've compiled a list of the top 100 articles by readership on DTNZ for...

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