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Sunday, February 23, 2025

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Guy Hatchard
Guy Hatchardhttps://hatchardreport.com/
Guy Hatchard PhD is a statistician and former senior manager at Genetic ID, a global food safety testing and certification laboratory. Guy's book 'Your DNA Diet' is available on Amazon.com.

Finding our way through a puzzling maze—Why do those in authority continue to ignore Covid vaccine safety signals?

Sometimes it appears necessary to be very blunt in one’s assessments. Some facts are hard to face, but must be faced.

This release follows on from the data, information and conclusions we have been reporting at GLOBE. The pandemic appears to have shed some light upon the operation of psychophysiological connections which are essential to understand the impact of the gene engineered pandemic and our response to it.

Principally in today’s article we are concerned to ask: why are officials overwhelmingly resistant to questions about vaccine safety? This bears some careful discussion and this article is among the most important we have written. To illustrate what is going on look at this graph of neonatal mortality in Scotland:

Covid vaccine safety opinion

Baby deaths rose precipitously following the introduction of Covid vaccination during pregnancy. The rise in neonatal deaths, which exceeded the previously established safety signal, has resulted in an official review, but incredibly, and it is a very big INCREDIBLY, when the appointment of the chairperson of the review, retired consultant neonatologist Dr. Helen Mactier, was announced it was stated that:

“there is no plan to investigate any possible link to Covid-19 vaccination”.

The door to common sense was thus firmly closed by those in authority, the very same people whose job it is to protect the health of babies. Why? This question is made all the more difficult to answer because it appears it can be asked of many of those taking health decisions for us around the world.

If you have been following our reports you will be aware that a major focus has been the interface between consciousness and matter, mind and body, genetic structure and the fundamental laws of nature. As we have discussed in our paper “Evolution, Genetics, Physics, and Consciousness”, genetic structure emerges from the underlying structure of natural law which is explored by physics. In turn, the genetic structure of the whole cell supports the expression of individual consciousness as a unique identity.

The total exploration of consciousness necessarily involves an approach which is both objective and subjective. Of these two, the most productive entry point to unravel the psychology of those obstructing investigation or concern has to be primarily subjective.

We have considered previously that decision-making is affected by experience, habit and reward. Thus for example when we enjoy an ice cream, it creates a fulfilling impression which is stored away. Next time we see an ice cream shop this resonates with our previous experience and we are drawn to buy another one. This can be described as a cycle of action, impression and desire, which binds us to repeat particular behaviours.

No doubt vaccination has become a well established habit of medical practice mostly surrounded by positive publicity.

Based on this, for most people there are the requisite feelings of satisfaction and a job well done when you administer or receive a vaccine, but why is this enough to completely override the feelings of concern when babies or indeed young adults begin to die post vaccination at rates never experienced before during the last fifty years? Especially among those charged with ensuring medical safety. It shouldn’t be, but apparently it is. Or is it? Let’s scratch beneath the surface of our identity.

Our psychological identity is constructed out of a lifetime of experiences, but critically our sense of personal identity relies upon and develops in conjunction with our unique genetic structure which is protected behind the cell membrane and includes genetic and epigenetic components. Humans have around 37 trillion cells each containing identical DNA. Transplant recipients for example can experience radical shifts in their identity and behaviours corresponding to the characteristics of their organ donor.

Physiology is constructed to defend the integrity of our genetic structure, carrying out thousands of repairs inside every cell every day. Similarly our psychology is designed to defend itself. Ralph Waldo Emerson said “What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us”, while Lucille Ball quipped “Love yourself first and everything else falls in line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world.”

 Consider what happens when we are injected with foreign genetic material which is encapsulated within lipid nanoparticles designed to facilitate passage across the cell membrane, as mRNA vaccines are. We now know that billions of separate mRNA molecules flood the physiology and distribute easily throughout our body and its organs. We also know that the resultant genetic instructions persistently operate for months, as evidenced by the continued detection of vaccine-induced spike protein. There is also evidence of a possibility that genetic instructions contained in the vaccine can reverse transcribe into our genome as well as affecting other vital genetic functions (see here and here).

As you can no doubt appreciate, this is an extraordinary, unprecedented, instantaneous assault on our physiological identity with no historical parallels. Thus during the pandemic whole populations collectively entered new psychophysiological landscapes.

Mind and body are intimately connected. Therefore mRNA vaccination must affect our psychology.

It is important to appreciate the element of surprise involved. mRNA Covid vaccination is a sudden event and we now know it is associated with a great deal of physiological disruption as evidenced by the unprecedented huge extent and number of reported adverse events. mRNA vaccination affected or rather edited our RNA genetic messaging system which initiated a revolutionary transformation in physiological function right down to the cellular level.

This was necessarily accompanied by a shift in our psychology. The fundamental automatic character of our psychology is to protect our self, our identity. Covid vaccination rapidly creates a modified cellular identity and we can speculate that the automatic mechanism of self protection would move to protect the new cellular identity. This possibly explains why the administration of mRNA, adenovirus and other genetic vaccines can be accompanied by rapid changes in psychology.

We cannot underestimate the power of psychology. As we have argued elsewhere, consciousness is primary and matter secondary, but the individual expression of consciousness is mediated by our genetic makeup protected deep behind the cell membrane or wall. In particular, with our body’s defences overwhelmed by billions of genetic instructions which have breached the cell wall, our innate psychological impulse encouraged by our autonomic functions is still to protect our identity or protest our innocence, but now an edited identity.

Possibly this initiates the phenomenon which has been witnessed so universally and inexplicably around the globe—overnight individuals become diehard uncritical Covid vaccine supporters. Thus we saw our Prime Minister, previously admired for a caring attitude, initially affirming that vaccination should be an individual choice, yet within days of receiving the vaccine herself, taking on the character of a fanatical vaccine supporter. Insisting on universal vaccination to the extent of saying there were now two classes of people—vaccinated and unvaccinated. Something that seemed to overrule her longstanding and apparently deeply held progressive social philosophy of equality.

But it went deeper still, Ardern and most others in authority seemed to find Covid vaccine adverse effects actually UNTHINKABLE. Ardern callously dismissed the tsunami of vaccine harm being reported at CARM and deleted 30,000 posts on her FB page complaining of side effects. Overnight, side effects of medicines, previously widely recognised in the scientific literature as the third leading cause of death, became a form of treason. It became clear that this blanket denial of vaccine harm had developed without any rational or evidential basis. Why?

This was in no way an isolated phenomenon, it was repeated across the globe in families, businesses, and officialdom. Many long-standing familiar ties were sundered overnight. Yes, no doubt it was being driven by publicity, propaganda and long standing trust in vaccination, but why were the resulting arguments so resistant to scientific fact and caution (see here for detailed discussion)? Because self-preservation or self-justification is paramount. It takes precedence over all else. It knows no logic or reason, it must be. It is hard wired into our mind-body system.

It won’t have escaped your notice that the post-vaccination ‘self’ is no longer supported by a unified genetic landscape. Our cells end up containing conflicting epigenetic instructions and as we have previously discussed it can become subject to overt physiological and psychological dysfunction and illness. Certainly at rates which dwarf historical incidence recorded in public health data.

From the psychological point of view, some of our human characteristics, which hitherto we took for granted, appear to rely on the integrity of our genetic uniformity.

Ayurveda, the ancient science of health in India, identifies the fundamental source of disease as pragyaparad—mistake of the intellect, characterised by a loss of connection with the universal source of natural law (see here and here for more discussion). With this in mind it is apparent that genetic vaccines, which breach the cell membrane, create a fundamental vulnerability in the physiology as a whole, a syndrome sowing the seed of future illness.

This subjective assessment has also been explained in terms of objective science including the disruption of specific bio-molecular mechanisms which support our consciousness. This is not a novel debate. Published studies of the psychophysiology of addiction for example approach the same problem from a complementary perspective. The Hatchard Report has covered the objective scientific debates and evidence in detail over the last few years, but here we are trying to develop a more fundamental genetic perspective.

We can explore some important implications of this syndrome.

Some of these are quite startling and novel. For example, if there is tendency towards a rapid psychological realignment following mRNA vaccination which essentially justifies vaccination, then it could have the appearance of a huge coordinated plan or a conspiracy, involving hundreds of thousands of people, to implement a dangerous technology; when in fact for most participants this only involves an automatic self-preservation or justification response built into our genetic make up. Clearly some people were aware of the dangers, they recklessly and even presumably in some cases deliberately proceeded to experiment on human populations. Their purpose remains shrouded in disinformation, but this was certainly not everyone or anything remotely near. it.

This might sound paradoxical. How can there be an automatic response of approval to a vaccine which damages general health? The answer lies in the penetration of the cell membrane and a realignment of fundamental epigenetic processes in an overwhelming number of cells. The smaller time and distance scales involved correspond to greater influence in the physiology and psychology, as if a foreign agent has captured a segment of the command and control post of the whole army and is now issuing orders which contradict the interests of the army, but are obeyed because they appear to come directly from HQ. In effect, there has been a successful undercover stealth operation that involved ambush, misinformation and coercion of whole populations.

This possibly appears to be an incredibly powerful explanation for previously inexplicable behaviour. It points to the interdependence of genetic structure and identity. An interface that can be readily manipulated if you have technology capable of penetrating the cell membrane and inserting man-made epigenetic instructions simultaneously in a significant proportion of our cells. This is far more alarming than AI technology for example because our protective immune and psychological filters are both simultaneously bypassed. Biotechnology experimentation needs to stop now, it rivals nuclear technology in danger, the more so because of the stealth involved in its deceptive disguise as beneficial medicine which belies its capacity to edit the human genome and epigenome.

So how can the effect of mRNA vaccines be countered?

 You might ask whether the dramatic changes wrought by mRNA vaccines are reversible. There are in fact some reasons to suppose the effects might be reversed. This might require novel approaches to medicine some of which are known and practiced within diverse cultural traditions.

We have argued that genetic and epigenetic structures emerge from and are intimately connected with the underlying structure of natural law studied by physics. Physics in turn touches upon a fundamental unified level of natural law which has many of the characteristics of consciousness. Central to our suggestion is the idea that consciousness is primary and matter secondary.

Hence our previous emphasis on meditation as an adjunct to health strategies, a viewpoint that is fully supported by research. The application of this subjective approach to knowledge goes further than that. There are many cultural traditions which involve the use of sound to preserve individual and collective well being in alignment with natural law.

Among these: the JOIK songs of the Sami people of northern Scandinavia, Native American Indian healing chants, Gregorian chanting, and Sama Veda. There are others. From a scientific perspective, these could be described as attempts to stimulate natural resonant modes of the physiology. A number of people have communicated to us success with the use of sound technologies to improve health and we have had significant positive personal experiences with these also.

There are contemplative and philosophical traditions in both the West and East led by leading thinkers. For example those expounded by Thomas Aquinas, Augustine, Plato, Lao Tzu, and Shankara which aim to enlighten people through intellectual understanding of the highest order. It is certainly possible to out-think the moral maze and correct the psychological imbalances that the pandemic has thrown in our way. We note that the Vedanta tradition for example has already had a widely acknowledged and highly significant influence on some of the leading physicists of quantum mechanics including Einstein and Schrödinger.

Ayurveda also prescribes combinations of herbs to treat imbalance at the most fundamental level of the physiology. Chinese traditional medicine contains similar prescriptions. Ayurveda is a living tradition of health with highly trained practitioners. Its ancient literature and received wisdom, includes a materia medica of over 5,000 herbs along with prescriptions of effects and doses, singly and in combinations. The preparation of medicines is also detailed. In my book Your DNA Diet you can find out more by way of general introduction. It presents the evidence that unadulterated DNA-based fresh foods are essential for nutrition, health and wellbeing.

Despite any potential promise of these areas of knowledge, the actual impact of man made biotech diseases and vaccines is without historical precedent. There is much unknown and remedies need to be researched.

In 2021 we entered uncharted waters of biotechnology. It now seems clear that we will be unable to exit the pandemic without a sea change in our approach to health.

Prior to the pandemic, there was a great deal of published research documenting extreme risks associated with gene therapy. The authorities should have been alert to that. They weren’t and even deliberately ignored red flags. There were no previous mass vaccination programmes involving genetic technology. In simple terms, we are suggesting an entirely unanticipated effect of gene therapy—an effect on personal identity and opinion. We have previously argued that this extends to collective social effects.

We have reached an endpoint of the modern lifestyle. Poor diet, including highly processed foods, contamination of food with powerful agrichemicals, synthetics and biochemicals, lack of spiritual meaning, stress and sedentary living have given rise to an epidemic of chronic illnesses forming comorbidities which enhanced vulnerability to the probably man-made Covid pathogen. The introduction of risky genetic vaccines decisively crossed a previously inviolate barrier—the cell membrane, and pushed many over the edge into episodes of serious ill health which were sometimes fatal (see here health data from Norway).

It is evident that some people were affected more than others by mRNA vaccines. Some claimed because they felt OK then the vaccines were obviously safe. In fact genetic interventions have varying effects due to individual circumstances and health. The variable extent of adverse effects is related both to variable genetic contamination of different manufactured vaccine batches and the physiological and psychological immune health of individual recipients. This is not surprising. Genetic mutations do not invariably result in disease.

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy for example is known to be associated with mutations in genes, but the presence of a range of genetic mutations affecting heart contraction (found in around 1 in 350 people) is insufficient to define the occurrence or clinical progression of any heart disease even if people are within the same family carrying the same mutation. Epigenetic, lifestyle and environmental factors are involved. Despite this variability, very significant population percentages have suffered Covid vaccine induced adverse effects of varying intensity and duration.

The command and control post of the human body is inside the cell membrane, this should be protected from interference at all cost. No genetic instructions should be inserted into human cells.

In summary, the problem is clear: record excess deaths and hospitalisation rates remain not just uninvestigated but also denied even in the face of incontrovertible evidence. This cannot continue.

One thing is now obvious: the use of novel Covid vaccines should be immediately discontinued. mRNA vaccination is associated with high excess death rates and illness including heart disease, reproductive issues and cancers. Even if people are demanding more boosters, this may be the result of misleading publicity or it might result from a completely novel syndrome which shares some similarities with addiction as we have suggested above. mRNA vaccination was introduced through ambush, misinformation and coercion. Biotechnology experimentation needs to be outlawed now, its effects clearly include generalised ill health. Specific adverse effects are very serious indeed and can be fatal. The adverse effects of gene based vaccines on the health of the world’s population can no longer be denied or tolerated.

Guy Hatchard PhD was formerly a senior manager at Genetic ID a global food testing and safety company (now known as FoodChain ID). You can subscribe to his websites HatchardReport.com and GLOBE.GLOBAL for regular updates by email.

He is the author of ‘Your DNA Diet: Leveraging the Power of Consciousness To Heal Ourselves and Our World. An Ayurvedic Blueprint For Health and Wellness’.

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  1. They don’t want to deep dive into questions about vaccine safety or excess deaths because they know they’re ALL complicit, Guy.

    Simple as.

    They’d have to admit they’re either Godless lunatics who willingly led people to mass death and/or casualty in exchange for money and power, OR that they are all gullible simpletons who fell for one of the biggest hoaxes in human history. Neither option is a good look, neither option is one our spineless, weasely civil servants want to touch with a ten foot pole.

    That’s why Mr Luxon LITERALLY ran off a stage with his tail between his legs a couple months back when someone in the audience raised the subject.

    Trust nothing these absolute parasites say, especially in the future as we head into the “NEXT PANDEMIC”™️

    • Yup I agree. The old evil or stupid question. As I am an optimist I think that the vast majority are plain scared stupid. Just a few (Fauci, Gates) evil.

    • Yep, Occam’s Razor. The most simple explanation is guilt and the avoidance of accountability. Just like our prisons are full of people who swear they’re innocent of murder.

      If the new Government was smart, they’d initiate the deep inquiries and distance themselves from Labour Pandemic Policy. Because it’s only a matter of time and NZ can’t isolate itself from the data, research and inquiries happening overseas. Nor the legal cases being mounted as a result.

      The 3 years of Covid nuttiness was the biggest episode of untethered Government Group Think in human history! In the end it will cost far more lives than the virus with the on-going damage inflicted on economies, educational achievement of a whole generation, mental health of young people deteriorating at a phenomenal rate, explosion of turbo cancers….etc, etc, etc.

      And trust. I can never trust a Government again. The callousness, over-reach, capricious punitiveness, willingness to trample all over human rights that SHOULD have been protected in our Bill of Rights and the ease with which our Government went full authoritarian. Then there were the blatant lies to amp up the fear to get docile compliance, followed by grubby power grabbing. There was seemingly nothing that could stop that freight train and it will happen again if those who let loose their inner dictator are not held accountable!

  2. Simples: If they don’t look at the data so they can keep claiming ignorance and thus avoid accountability. The fact that so many want to ‘just move on’ speaks more about a collective shame and the abysmal behaviour of so many who, quite frankly, lost it in those 3 years.

    There must be a detailed inquiry with questions such as ‘what did the previous Government know and when did they know it?’

    For example, we know the Ardern Government were told in a Medsafe report that those jabs neither stopped people getting nor transmitting the virus. They knew that as of February 2021. Yet 9 months later, by November 2021, they were bringing in mandates (forced medication against people’s will and coercion with the threat of “no jab no job”) and passports (to isolate and pressure people into compliance against their will) as if those facts didn’t exist! So, they abused New Zealanders fundamental Human Rights, formerly protected under our Bill of Rights, for what, exactly?

    It’s all very well to say that the people of New Zealand have delivered a verdict on the last woeful Labour Government and that is adequate punishment. But this would be incorrect. Restitution for the deliberate harms done must be delivered. The questions must be asked and answered and transparency re-established for the good of our Democracy. Too much was done secretly by the last Government.

    No more tame, paid for by left Government media to shut down discussion, either! Future Governments must understand there will be real consequences for policy that breaches the rights of citizens and that declaring an ’emergency’ isn’t justification for doing whatever the hell you want, in the knowledge there will be no repercussions!

    That IS tyranny!


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