15.4 C
Sunday, September 29, 2024


Watch: Pro-jab TV doctor calls for immediate suspension of mRNA vaccines – risk of adverse event higher than risk of dying from COVID

Dr. Aseem Malhotra was one of the first in the UK to take 2 shots of the mRNA jab, now says mRNA vaccination must...

Guy Hatchard: The Strange Case of the Gates Foundation, the US CDC, and our NZ Health Data

How NZ cooperated with a global biotech vaccine experiment The record rates of excess all-cause mortality in highly vaccinated countries including New Zealand show that a disaster...

Watch: Coronavirus is probably ‘the biggest cover-up in scientific history’ – US Senator

Republican Senator Rand Paul has been at the forefront of Senate investigations into the COVID pandemic and mRNA vaccines. Paul was speaking to Jackie De...

Guy Hatchard: A timely message for the vaccinated

Pandemic policy is slowly changing in response to health data. Is it changing fast enough or is it changing in the right direction? From the...

Frame My Freedom – Why the News Media Plays New Zealand’s Freedom Movement

In this heretical dispatch from New Zealand, former Māori Television news, current affairs and program editor, Steve ‘Snoopman’ Edwards exposes why the media’s news...

Watch: McCullough – ‘All vaccines should be pulled from the market’ for ‘intensive review’

World renowned medical expert Dr. Peter McCullough was testifying before the Pennsylvania State Expert Panel Discussion on COVID-19 and Medical Freedom. 'As we sit here...

‘Large golf ball sized clots just falling out’: Case 39 Aussie Frontline Workers Speak Out

Case 39: ‘Large golf ball sized clots just falling out.’ In this series DTNZ brings you testimony from frontline health workers, doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, psychiatrists,...

‘They were so traumatised by it all’: Case 38 Aussie Frontline Workers Speak Out

Case 38: ‘The were so traumatised by it all.’ In this series DTNZ brings you testimony from frontline health workers, doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, psychiatrists, speaking...

Mary Hobbs: What Becomes of the Broken-hearted?

Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves. Earlier this week I was reading a series of heart-felt stories from many Kiwis who suffered...

Denmark stops COVID mRNA jab for under 50s

The move extends a similar step for those aged 18 years and under, taken earlier this month by Danish health authorities. Danes under 50 will...

Guy Hatchard: The pandemic has opened pandora’s box

Most vaccinated or unvaccinated people are probably taking a deep breath (without a mask) and wondering where to from here? The pharmaceutical/biotechnology lobby will not...

Kids heartbreak: continuous bad news on myocarditis – NZDSOS

Whilst the nation awaits the inevitable findings of the vaccine-induced death in the case of young Dunedin man Rory Nairn, New Zealand Doctors Speaking...

Voices For Freedom: Out with the traffic lights, in with the pointsman

The ‘Traffic Light System’ (TLS) ended at midnight last night. Mask recommendations and mandates are ditched, except in healthcare settings and aged care facilities. Government injection...

Guy Hatchard: Message to a relieved but grieving nation

Just published research raises alarming red flags which require action. Leading scientists sound the alarm on COVID vaccine safety. Covid restrictions are largely coming to an...

COVID ‘Traffic Light’ system to end tonight, masks to go in most cases

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced significant changes to New Zealand's COVID-19 Protection Framework today. The 'traffic light system' ends at 11.59pm this evening. The requirement to...

NZDSOS comment on unexplained rise in sudden deaths

As the Pfizer Comirnaty trial continues, New Zealand is experiencing what appears to be more cases of sudden death, and anything/everything but the vaccine...

Austrians take to the streets over living costs

Activists gather to protest against inflation and the effects of anti-Russia sanctions Austrians take to the streets over living costs. Thousands of people poured onto the...

Guy Hatchard: Where to from here?

Is anyone in authority going to change gear? On current evidence, possibly not. Our future appears to include reduced longevity and reduced birth rates, along with generous doses...

Guy Hatchard: What should matter in journalism?

This week I was briefly distracted by former politician and now shock jock Michael Laws who announced to the world that I was a...

Guy Hatchard: Cause of Death—Can it be Genetic Dysregulation?

Over the last few weeks the Hatchard Report has been discussing high rates of excess all-cause death around the world. The connection with Covid vaccination...

NZDSOS: Informed Consent or Uninformed Coercion? Who is accountable?

With the current inquest into the death of a young man from vaccine-induced myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) due to finish this week,...

Pandemic reporting needs to meet the burden of proof

At this point in the Covid pandemic saga, the public is still faced with an information blackout. The data is very concerning indeed, but no...

Watch: David Icke predicting our dystopian COVID reality back in 1996

Labelled a 'conspiracy theorist' by legacy mainstream pundits, Icke's predictions have had a habit of coming true. 'Problem - reaction - solution' - Icke's famous...

Guy Hatchard: God’s Own Country

One of my favourite books read whilst at Christchurch Teachers College was “Cry The Beloved Country” by Alan Paton. A 1948 novel about the trials...

Legal Challenge against Vaccine Mandate for Home-Based Care and Support Workers

On 1 September 2022, a group of home-based care and support workers commenced a High Court challenge against the vaccine mandate that prevents them...

Guy Hatchard: Is the spike protein causative in haemoglobin disorders and clotting?

What are the wider implications for personal health, pandemic policy and mitigation strategies? For some time there have been anecdotal reports circulating concerning the appearance...

Stuff.co.nz disinformation hitpiece on Sovereign.nz undermines our democracy

State-funded legacy mainstream news outfit Stuff.co.nz criticised for its reporting on a group of candidates standing for the local body elections in Northland. The group...

Guy Hatchard: New Zealand—Safety not guaranteed

The UK government recommends against offering the Pfizer Covid mRNA vaccine for pregnant women, those who might suspect that they could be pregnant, and...

The carefully promoted fantasy of biotech safety dissolves in a global tsunami of death, but it is not over.

The use of CRISPR-Cas9 to edit genes was thrust into the spotlight ten years ago in 2012 when George Church, Jennifer Doudna, Emmanuelle Charpentier,...

Watch: False flag event will be blamed on ‘anti-vaxxers’ – CoronavirusPlushie

Popular truth and freedom video producer CoronavirusPlushie questions whether we are being primed for another terror attack. Legacy media messaging is also conditioning the population...

To aspirate, or not to aspirate

The curious history of the abandonment of the technique of aspiration and the case for its reinstatement to reduce vaccine injury: is it deservedly...

NZDSOS: ‘Dr Sharma – A GP and MP With Integrity’

'We can empathise with our medical colleague Dr Gaurav Sharma,' said NZDSOS in a press release today. The full text of the press release reads: He...

Guy Hatchard: How A Small Scientific Elite Dictates Government Policy

The University of Otago publishes a blog called Public Health Expert. The 24th August edition was entitled “The Covid-19 experience in Aotearoa New Zealand...

Guy Hatchard: The tide may be beginning to turn, but most are pressing on regardless

The publication and analysis of damning official data from the UK, Israel, and all points of the compass (see here and here) has established that Covid vaccination...

Guy Hatchard: The Biotech Tipping Point

We have been wondering where all this is going. As time goes by some longer term outcomes are becoming apparent. Excess all-cause mortality is rising...

How biotech and pharmaceutical companies with the help of the Ministry of Health modelled their Covid sales strategy on investment scams

Last week a college student (with a rich uncle) made $110 million by investing in struggling US retailer Bed Bath and Beyond. BBB’s shares were at a...

‘They had no idea what informed consent was’: Case 37 Aussie Frontline Workers Speak Out

Case 37: ‘They had no idea what informed consent was.’ In this series DTNZ brings you testimony from frontline health workers, doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, psychiatrists,...

Guy Hatchard: Open letter to The Hon. Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern

Dear The Hon. Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern cc Andrew Little Minister of Health, Leaders of all political parties represented in parliament. Current pandemic policy and protocols...

Watch: Extreme authoritarian CNN ‘COVID expert’ Dr. Leana Wen now supports ‘personal choice’

Wen appeared frequently on CNN and wrote for the NYT during the COVID pandemic, where she advocated the harshest measures against the unvaccinated. Those measures...

NZDSOS: Stuff’s latest COVID-19 ‘witch hunt’ includes medical errors

New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science (NZDSOS) respond to a recent article about Dr. Caroline Wheeler published on legacy MSM outlet Stuff.co.nz. DTNZ republishes...

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