15.4 C
Sunday, September 29, 2024


COVID theatrics on full display at Biden Bill Signing

The Inflation Reduction Bill was signed into law yesterday by US President Joe Biden at a ceremony in the White House. The event was noteworthy...

‘Shortland Street couldn’t dream this up!’ – Andrew Little has ‘failed to deliver anything’ says Reti

The measles catch-up campaign is just the latest expensive botched health programme under Labour, National’s Health spokesperson Dr Shane Reti says. “The $20 million two...

Is there such a thing as ‘mRNA Covid Vaccine Syndrome’? If so, what are its symptoms and how serious is it?

Excess all cause deaths are on the rise around the world. Why? Here is a comparison of NZ weekly all cause deaths 2020-2022. The official...

Pentagon boss gets Covid again

Quadruple-jabbed Lloyd Austin tests positive again but won’t reconsider vaccine mandate. US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has tested positive for Covid-19 and is continuing to...

Guy Hatchard: How the globalists keep little New Zealand in line

A Conspiracy of Silence and a Litany of Lies Part 2 Yesterday I wrote about the High Court decision rejecting a petition questioning child mRNA vaccinations. Last...

Guy Hatchard: The High Court of New Zealand Ducks Responsibility

A Conspiracy of Silence and a Litany of Lies The Director General of the Danish Health Authority, who last week halted Covid-19 vaccination for under...

NZDSOS clarify misinformation regarding police investigation of vax deaths

New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science respond to Newshub and Media Watch. DTNZ has published the NZDSOS response in full below: We note that Newshub...

1 in 25 COVID jab cases needed treatment for side-effects says Germany’s largest health insurer

Techniker Krankenkasse (TK) finally admitted, after months of stalling, to shocking statistic. According to The Rair Foundation: 'In 2021, the massive number of 437,593 insured, or...

Burnett Foundation Monkeypox letter to government ‘hysterical’ says NZDSOS

In a press release today New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science (NZDSOS) respond to a recent letter from the The Burnett Foundation to...

Guy Hatchard: The New Zealand government is ready to do it all again

The Danish government has from 1st July stopped giving Covid vaccines to anyone under age 18 due to absence of benefit. The EU has flagged similar concerns....

Watch: Costa Rica abolishes vax mandates – they were ‘illegal’ says new president

Newly elected President of Costa Rica Rodrigo Chaves made the announcement at a recent press conference. 'As of today, the vaccines are not mandatory, and...

‘New Zealand’s Zero Covid strategy was immoral, incoherent and a grand failure’ – Stanford world medical expert

Professor Jay Bhattacharya of Stanford University in the United States analysed Jacinda Ardern's 'Zero COVID' policy. The opinion published in Spiked concluded that the Ardern...

NZDSOS – An open letter to MPs

In yet another valiant attempt to interest the guardians of our 'democracy' in the unfolding catastrophe that is the cruel and indifferent mass vaccination...

Guy Hatchard: The dead do not have a voice, but they are entitled to justice

Last week a school child died of a sudden medical event in New Zealand while running and 12 thousand miles away the 24 year...

Guy Hatchard: The New Zealand Herald stokes the fear factor

Our Covid-19 infection rate is declining but the New Zealand Herald continues to stoke the fear factor. They lead today with “Analysis: Covid-19 now one...

Detailed investigation of spike protein action suggests mechanisms for adverse effect generation

Some of the research work concerning Covid and Covid vaccination is centred around understanding why the spike protein is toxic and exactly how it...

Listen: ‘Are you out of your mind?’ Livid dad unloads on pharmacist for giving son COVID jab who ends up with myocarditis

A Canadian father who did not consent to the COVID vaccination of his son, resulting in hospitalisation with myocarditis, vents his anger on the...

‘Found dead with blood coming from all orifices’: Case 36 Aussie Frontline Workers Speak Out

Case 36: 'Found dead with blood coming from all orifices' In this series DTNZ brings you testimony from frontline health workers, doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, psychiatrists,...

German Hospital Federation demands end to vax mandates following huge number of adverse reactions

1 in 5,000 COVID mRNA vaccine doses resulted in a serious adverse reaction, though many believe the actual number is 1 in 500. The German...

Guy Hatchard: A global biotechnology system designed to mislead you and me

Professor Jeffrey Sachs has been chair of the COVID-19 commission for leading medical journal the Lancet. Through his investigations, Prof. Sachs has come to the...

mRNA parental disputes: Is the Family Court fit for purpose?

If there was one state institution where New Zealanders would expect government dictates to be closely scrutinised and tested, it would be the courts. Many...

Why are people falling ill and dying in record numbers?

Excess all-cause mortality in New Zealand is running at record levels. About 100 people are dying each day in New Zealand (pop. 5 million). A...

Shock allegation: ‘They’re killing the elderly in hospital’ – Person claims their father with COVID was euthanised in New Zealand hospital

A person known only as 'J' contacted world medical expert Dr. John Campbell with the shocking allegation. Campbell read J's message in a video posted...

Guy Hatchard: When is compelling evidence just propaganda?

The BBC has announced “compelling evidence” that Covid originated in the Wuhan seafood and wildlife market. Among scientists this announcement is causing some laughter....

How Valuable is Your Right to Decline Medical Treatment? – NZDSOS

New Zealand Teachers Speaking Out with Science (NZTSOS) Appealing Justice Cooke’s Decision. In March 2022, the High Court in Wellington heard the case that New...

Nurses for Freedom NZ: Government mandate adds pressure to the health system further risking the lives of the NZ public

Nurses For Freedom NZ (NFFNZ) is a grassroots organisation started by nurses for nurses, who have been affected by the Covid-19 Vaccination order. The main...

Putting medical professionals in charge of pandemic policy has been a prescription for both a health disaster and an economic catastrophe

This week the public narrative changed dramatically. What are the lessons for our future? The cat is out of the bag. MSM, governments, and health...

Watch: Tucker Carlson reveals shocking mRNA studies the government and mainstream media don’t want you to know

Fox News host Tucker Carlson presented evidence from studies in The Lancet and the Journal of Food and Chemical Toxicology (JFCT). 'Is there a connection...

Guy Hatchard: Pandemic policy is not based on science, so what is it based on?

For the last year the Hatchard Report has been publishing discussions carefully referenced to published scientific papers. These reveal an evolving picture. Unfortunately government policy...

NBA star Andrew Wiggins regrets getting the COVID jab

The Golden State Warriors forward told media, 'I didn't like that it either get this or don't play'. Wiggins starred in the Warriors' NBA title...

Guy Hatchard: Face off on face masks

Professors Michael Baker and Siouxsie Wiles are currently going all in on mask wearing. Baker has likened the unmasked to “murderers” and “drunk drivers” (???)....

Guy Hatchard: How the NZ government misleads us through payments to MSM and others

Spot the difference between a government funded mainstream newspaper summarising a Covid journal paper and an independent physician/medical educator. On July 14th Stuff newspaper Keith...

Watch: ‘Urgent Help Needed For The People Of Tokelau!’ – Liz Gunn

Liz Gunn talks to Tokelau resident Mahelino, who has been under house arrest for nearly a year in the small island territory. In an earlier...

Guy Hatchard: Self-spreading vaccines are coming for you

Are we entering an age of super medicine or a zombie apocalypse? Pfizer spends more money on public relations (read ‘paid articles’ and ‘political lobbying’)...

Guy Hatchard: Is the small kingdom of Qatar about to change global pandemic policy?

Remarkably some scientists in Qatar working with counterparts in New York have undertaken a study asking vital questions. They decided to study only the unvaccinated....

Guy Hatchard: Jacinda Ardern and her government launch a master class in PR spin

Two days ago Jacinda Ardern said her government was about to make a significant Covid policy announcement. Yesterday we were subjected to an hour long...

NZDSOS: Mixed messaging around Monkeypox

New Zealand has reported its first two cases of Monkey Pox in the past few days, with neither case linked. Alarmist media have reported this...

Guy Hatchard: Open Letter to Hon Andrew Little, NZ Health Minister

  Dear Minister, You have just assumed centralised control of our health service, at a time when a survey of more than 900 doctors has just...

Voices For Freedom: The data they don’t want you to see

By Alia Bland of Voices For Freedom "Dangerous, misinformation-spreading loons." Our organisation is regularly on the receiving end of these kinds of labels. But what happens when...

ACT to commission full and independent ‘GLASNOST-style’ investigation into Labour’s COVID-19 response if elected to government

Glasnost - ACT will kick-off full investigation into Labour’s COVID response in first 100 days of new Government. “Kiwis deserve better than another $80 billion...

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