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Friday, February 28, 2025


COVID-19 Vaccines

‘A huge thank you for printing the truth’

Want to voice an opinion? Send us a 'Letter to the Editor' by email to editor@dailytelegraph.co.nz, including your name, or initials, or 'Anonymous', and...

Casualties litter the roadside on New Zealand’s route to Covid-19

Slowly but surely the truth is seeping out, and it is not pretty. On May 6 2021 a preprint paper was published on medRxiv, The...

Petition Launched for support for the vaccine damaged

Anna Hodgkinson mother of 23 year old vaccine damaged Casey Hodgkinson has launched a petition to Parliament. Casey went from a happy healthy young woman...

New Zealand Takes The Fifth

As you probably know, ‘taking the fifth’ is an American expression which refers to the fifth amendment of the US constitution. When asked a question...

CDC slashes Covid-19 death tally

Biden administration quietly revises data, including 24% cut to number of US children killed by the virus. The supposed surge in American children being killed...

Global medical tyranny: Proposed treaty will give WHO complete control over all future pandemics

Unelected and unaccountable globalist medical bureaucrats want complete control over future pandemics through the World Health Organisation. That's the view of a former WHO employee...

Guy Hatchard: New data is confirming mRNA Covid vaccine deaths

Yesterday a new paper at an open access platform (OSF) was published about German excess all-cause deaths. This offered confirmatory evidence concerning the excess all-cause...

Stuff.co.nz’s Guy Hatchard hitpiece: Playing the man and not the ball

OPINION: The Keith Lynch 'hitpiece' on Dr. Guy Hatchard, published on Stuff.co.nz this week is a prime example of why trust and faith in...

Guy Hatchard answers questions from Keith Lynch of Stuff.co.nz

Guy Hatchard answers questions from Keith Lynch of Stuff.co.nz. This morning I received an email from Keith Lynch, ‘Science Explainer’ at Stuff.co.nz. Apparently Keith intends to...

March 17 ‘NZ Freedom Day’ message to govt: Kiwis no longer tolerate COVID restrictions

With news some or all COVID retrictions, including mandates, could end in June, a 'NZ Freedom Day' is being proposed to coincide with St....

Are we heading to an unprecedented era of health gains or a modern medical dystopia?

When a serious crime has been committed, the police generally lose no time in their efforts to locate the culprit and bring them to...

Is the NZ government confused or deliberately misleading us?

Yesterday there was a short article in the NZ Herald which discussed the release by the Ministry of Health of some data. The day before,...

Guy Hatchard: A time for plain speaking at WHO

Today the World Health Organisation issued an Interim Statement on COVID-19 vaccines in the context of the circulation of the Omicron SARS-CoV-2 Variant from...

The Realistic Future of Vaccines in the Workplace

I've always provided an impartial view of the law, even where it's not popular. I don't have an agenda, other than promoting the rights of...

Waitemata DHB to allow vaxed COVID positive staff to work under certain conditions

In an email obtained by Voices for Freedom (VFF), Waitemata DHB CEO Dale Bramley outlines the requirements for vaxed COVID positive staff to work...

All this reading is making me stupid!

A few years ago, over a pint in the local I was feeling a little melancholy. I confessed to my mate that I worried...

Ex-cop medal auction: Trademe responds

Last week a Trademe seller put up his police Long Service Medal for auction, in protest at the actions of his/her former colleagues in...

‘Safe and effective’? Newly released documents show Pfizer jab has 1,291 potential side-effects

In early December a seminal article by regular DTNZ columnist Dr. Guy Hatchard revealed a stunning increase in the number of adverse events to...

What we don’t know and who wants it to stay that way

A few days ago the liberal New York Times with a two year history of supporting the official US government Covid narratives published an...

‘They were coerced into getting it by management’: Case 27 Aussie Frontline Workers Speak Out

Case 27: ‘They were coerced into getting it by management.’ In this series DTNZ brings you testimony from frontline health workers, doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, psychiatrists,...

UK husband and wife’s PPE business made £1.8 billion windfall during COVID

UK couple Sarah and Richard Stoute's company 'Full Support Healthcare' has earned a staggering £1.8 billion in revenue since the COVID crisis began, from...

France to lift most COVID restrictions on 14 March

Most COVID vax passport restrictions in France will be lifted on 14 March, a month before the 2022 Presidential Election. According to a report on...

Do the mRNA Covid-19 vaccines degrade higher human functions?

I find myself perplexed that commercial pharmaceutical enterprises, despite huge areas of uncertainty around safety and outcomes, felt that they could launch their experimental...

Passionate Dad’s vax message to the NZRU: ‘Rugby is no longer the game for us’

Dear New Zealand Rugby Union, I am writing to you in regards to the current situation relating to the banning of non-vaccinated players from rugby. My...

Does Covid vaccination followed by Covid infection pack a one-two punch?

Sometimes I have an opportunity to respond to influential members of the medical profession. I do so in the hope that a dialogue can...

Why I am for the Protesters: An ordinary person’s perspective

These are weird times. Kiwis who are normally slow to anger are fighting with each other even within families, condemning others in a heartless...

Scotland to lift all COVID restrictions next month

Scotland will remove all remaining COVID restrictions on 21 March 2022. The announcement was made this week by Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon (pictured). Scotland is...

High Court rules police and army mandates illegal

A landmark decision in the High Court at Wellington has ruled the vaccine mandates for police and army staff were illegal. The decision of Justice...

Trudeau discontinues Emergencies Act

Canadian Prime Minister has revoked the controversial order that had given the government sweeping powers to crack down on mandate protesters. Canadian Prime Minister Justin...

Voices for Freedom and the mis/disinformation war

Anyone paying attention to the controversy surrounding New Zealand’s COVID-19 response measures will be aware of Voices for Freedom (VFF), with its distinctive branding,...

Public Statement by Guy Hatchard PhD Following a meeting with the Chief Commissioner Paul Hunt of the NZ Human Rights Commission

Guy Hatchard writes: Following a productive meeting and exchange of information with the HRC Chief Commissioner yesterday, please see attached my written response to him. As...

Guy Hatchard: The Long Read – ‘Pandemic or Panic’?

The Long Read, Pandemic or Panic? What went wrong and how can it be corrected? Now that many governments including NZ have at last laid out...

Luxon: Mandates should unwind after Omicron peak

The Government should begin removing vaccine mandates progressively once we are through the peak of Omicron, National Leader Christopher Luxon says. “National is strongly pro-vaccination,...

To Exit the Pandemic, the Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Need To Take Common Cause

Unless rampant genetic experimentation is regulated, the whole population of the world will continue on a risky journey towards an unknown destination somewhere in...

COVID-19 jab: Time for Pfizer to refund the NZ taxpayer

Official Ministry of Health statistics show that the COVID-19 pandemic is rapidly becoming one of the vaccinated. Should the people of New Zealand be demanding...

Was the MOH careless about myocarditis risk?

Ministry of Health (MOH) documents obtained through the Official Information Act and shared with Daily Telegraph New Zealand show officials were aware of the...

Watch: IfNotUsThenWho? – Heads We Win, Tails You Lose

Every cent generated by this song will be offered towards assisting those injured by illegal medical experimentation on the people of New Zealand. Arohanui...

Pfizer amends earnings forecasts due to ‘Unfavorable Pre-Clinical, Clinical Or Safety Data’

Pfizer predicts it will generate a colossal US$54 billion in COVID related earnings in 2022. However, a number of 'redline' changes made to its Q4...

Old Cindy’s Wisdom

Old Cindy's Wisdom. Fish and protestors stink after three days She that falls in love with herself, shall have no rivals If at first...

PFIZERLEAK #2: Has the New Zealand Government Signed Over Our State Sovereignty?

Global Regulatory Capture and the Demise of Constitutional Democracy. #PfizerLeak. On the 18th of January 2022, whistleblower Cybersecurity IT Researcher Ehden Biber, released further findings...

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