13.6 C
Sunday, September 29, 2024


China scraps vax mandate after 2 days

Beijing has reversed course on what would have been the country’s first vaccine mandate following popular outrage. Beijing has ditched a proposed vaccination mandate that...

Revised NZ Ministry of Health Covid figures reveal the extent of immune deficiencies

Yesterday, the Ministry of Health completely revised its presentation of Covid-19 statistics in order to “better inform the New Zealand public”. This initially caused a...

NZDSOS: Open Letter to Chris James, Medsafe Regulator

With a database of over 160 names and cases, New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science (NZDSOS) has submitted to the New Zealand Police...

Guy Hatchard: The first pandemic war – Highly vaccinated New Zealand admits it is losing the battle (Updated)

Leading New Zealand epidemiologist Professor Michael Baker in an interview with the NZ Herald says that we are “losing the arms race with the...

Dr. Ashley Bloomfield, the medical establishment, and unicorns

Or how on earth did we arrive where we are today? A couple of days ago I received a conciliatory reply from Dr. Ashley Bloomfield,...

Guy Hatchard: Jacinda Ardern leads the way with disinformation

Jacinda Ardern, who has escaped the continuing restrictions in New Zealand to visit Europe and speak at NATO, has met with her counterparts in...

The new Covid democracy—don’t ask, whatever you think, it isn’t true unless I told you so

It was not a triumph of democracy, as some people seemed to think last week, when a majority succeeded in imposing their views on...

The ‘Hood legal case – live stream details and statement from parents

The two day review hearing of the government's COVID jab roll-out for children begins today. The public can watch the hearing via livestream, instructions to...

WHO issues monkeypox threat report

The UN health body says monkeypox is not yet a ‘public health emergency of international concern’, like Covid-19 and polio. The World Health Organization has...

‘Hiding and covering these adverse events is horrendous’: Case 34 Aussie Frontline Workers Speak Out

Case 34: ‘Hiding and covering these adverse events is horrendous’ In this series DTNZ brings you testimony from frontline health workers, doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, psychiatrists,...

‘Time to admit we have been completely deceived’: Australian nurse on the COVID mRNA ‘vaccine’

Australian pro-freedom media personality Max Igan shares some wisdom he received from a nurse. Transcript of video shared by author and media personality Gilda Kirkpatrick...

New study of mRNA vaccine phase III trial data finds rate of serious adverse events was 12.5 per 10,000 above the background rate

A greater number than the Covid-19 hospitalization risk reduction. This study raises truly serious doubts about the advisability of mRNA Covid vaccines. The co-authors include...

NZDSOS: Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) – Why We Are Not Happy

New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science (NZDSOS) has posted a well-referenced new article, this time on the latest appalling attempt to hide the...

Guy Hatchard: The Grim Covid Industry

Lincoln National, America’s third largest insurance company has announced a 163% increase in death benefits in 2021 paid out under its group life insurance...

Guy Hatchard: Journalists are not the right people to dispense health advice

More revelations this week about behind the scenes manipulation of public opinion. Melissa Fleming is a journalist who was appointed United Nations Under Secretary General...

Jack Freestone reviews movies and TV series which seem to have predicted the ‘COVID plandemic’

New Zealand author Jack Freestone looks at one TV series, one TV episode, and two movies which seem to have in some way predicted...

Guy Hatchard: Shining a light in dark places

Ten ways the government and its allies control the pandemic narrative to ensure most of us are none the wiser. This week Dr. Ian Town,...

NSW COVID data – ZERO Unjabbed patients in hospital or ICU

The latest New South Wales COVID hospitalisation statistics for the week ending 4 June 2022 show there were ZERO unjabbed COVID patients in hospital...

Extraordinary eye-opening study highlights the fatal difficulty with gene-altered vaccines

Discussions of the essential drawbacks to mRNA and other gene-edited vaccines were probably never held in the cabinet offices. They should have been. A study...

Guy Hatchard: Pandemic or a bad case of medical myopia?

If you are wondering in your spare moments why the government hasn’t twigged that mRNA vaccination is dangerous and ineffective, be assured that you...

What is the most alarming prospect of the pandemic?

Out of the many articles I have written during the pandemic, the ones that elicit the most enthusiastic and emotionally charged responses are those...

‘This brings me to tears’: Case 33 Aussie Frontline Workers Speak Out

Case 33: ‘This brings me to tears’ In this series DTNZ brings you testimony from frontline health workers, doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, psychiatrists, speaking out as...

PM congratulates Queen’s Birthday and Platinum Jubilee Honours recipients

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has extended her congratulations to the New Zealanders recognised for their service to the country in the Queen’s Birthday and...

Guy Hatchard: The Road to Ruin

A May 31st report in the Guardian entitled “Three jabs best for preventing Covid infections, global analysis finds” reports on a study published by...

Kids COVID Vaccine case – update from The ‘Hood

The ‘Hood's Directors and Legal Team speak out about the Kids Case before the High Court. Stating that this court case for our kids is...

UFC star arrested for assaulting nurse in vaccine row – report

Reports from Brazil suggest Paulo Costa was arrested after attempting to obtain a vaccination certificate. UFC middleweight contender Paulo Costa has reportedly fallen foul of...

Guy Hatchard: Exiting the pandemic or Evolving out of it?

An article in the UK Daily Telegraph last week illustrated a dilemma we all face. Scientists have admitted that the AstraZeneca vaccine increases the risk...

NZ Mainstream Media campaign to rebrand vaccine injury as Long Covid (Part 2)

Part 2 of this special video report by CoronavirusPlushie highlights the legacy media campaign to rebrand vaccine injury as 'Long Covid'. Well-documented vaccine injuries like...

Guy Hatchard: The necessity of kindness

This morning Jacinda Ardern received an honorary doctorate from Harvard university, hitting out in her acceptance speech against keyboard warriors spreading disinformation: "When facts are...

The effect of pandemic psychosis on economic conditions

Government policies in many countries including New Zealand have unnecessarily stoked negative feelings. This in turn has had a negative effect on economic conditions. In...

NZDSOS: Deaths Following C-19 Jabs – Why the Pitiful Silence?

NZDSOS and The Health Forum NZ have been working together to document post-COVID vaccination death and adverse reaction cases. They have repeatedly alterted authorities...

NZ Mainstream Media campaign to rebrand vaccine injury as Long COVID (Part 1)

In this special two-part video report, CoronavirusPlushie uncovers the legacy media campaign to repackage vaccine injury and side-effects as 'Long Covid.' 'No wonder people have...

New Zealand to stay at Orange for now – Hipkins

With New Zealand expecting to see Omicron cases rise during the winter, the Orange setting remains appropriate for managing this stage of the outbreak,...

Guy Hatchard: The New Zealand government races towards a constitutional crisis

All constitutional arrangements have both written and unwritten provisions that underpin their operation. These reflect the duty of care owed to the population, to promote...

Te Punaha Matatini’s ‘The Disinformation Project’ and the Ivory Metaverse

We are all familiar with the concept of the 'Ivory Tower' where academics posit theories 'from a state of privileged seclusion, divorced from the...

Is genetic manipulation endangering the stability of society?

To answer this, we will have to consider the potential effects of novel genetic technology more deeply. The Hatchard Report has written extensively about...

Why the rest of the world should be very concerned about New Zealand

The New Zealand government relies upon a science body known as Te Punaha Matatini (Centre for Science in Society) whose work is funded directly...

‘How many more are unreported!!!?’: Case 32 Aussie Frontline Workers Speak Out

Case 32: ‘How many more are unreported!!!?’ In this series DTNZ brings you testimony from frontline health workers, doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, psychiatrists, speaking out as...

NZ government mandates boosters by stealth—how to avoid them

From May 24 updated vaccine passes are available for download, the current ones expire on June 1st and will be valid for 6 months. The...

Guy Hatchard: The New Normal

So Jacinda is vaccinated, boosted, wears masks, dutifully isolates, and she has Covid. She is urging us to do the same. Her self-belief astounds....

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